Thursday, December 26, 2019
Improving The Quality Of Academic Writing - 997 Words
This semester of English 150 has redefined the quality of academic writing and has taught me that writing is more than just a task with a checklist, it’s a constant work in process that allows expression of belief and ideas. The purpose of this course is to better prepare students to compose essays for an array of academic purposes throughout college and into their career. Throughout the semester, students taking this course have learned to conduct research, identify acceptable sources, analyze sources, synthesize a variety of sources, properly document sources, as well as improve upon previous knowledge of the proper use of Edited American English linguistics. With these goals accomplished, students acquire the skills to meet the writing proficiency that is expected at the university level, as well as improve upon personal expression. In English 150, I have discovered how to strongly support claims through the synthesis of multiple sources, however I am still in the process o f improving my methods for careful editing and proofreading, and also working to improve on citing sources properly. Through previous years of schooling I have gained experience in analyzing different types of documents to create academic essays, however in this past semester I have improved upon these skills and have also learned how to synthesize multiple sources. In my first essay this semester, â€Å"My Discovery of Knowledge and Power†, Dr. Florczyk comments that my essay contains â€Å"strong analyticalShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Accurate And Professional Academic Writing Skills1014 Words  | 5 PagesEssay Title: Discuss why it is important for nurses to develop academic writing skills Word Count: 1080 The following document details the importance of accurate and professional academic writing skills for the nursing profession. This is highlighted through potential consequences that form from errors associated with poor written skills. Suggestions promoting these ideas originate from how academic writing can improve the quality of workplace productivity. It also suggests an advance in efficiencyRead MoreIs An Information Assurance Major? A Challenging Environment For Me As An International Student935 Words  | 4 Pagessuch as motivation, socializing and writing skills. I always have plenty of books, scholarly articles and journals need to read for the understanding the topics and research writing. However, it was not easy for me to coordinate with other students in the class to discussion or debate over topics. When I analysed myself for the reason, I was drawn to a conclusion that I was lacking in â€Å"GET INVOLVED†. This goal can be considered as personal, behaviour and academic goal. This goal is important becauseRead MoreMy Experience With A New Running Start Student At Tcc1315 Words  | 6 Pagesworld of ours. In this English 101 class, I became aware of this fact. At first, it was painful. However, after I embraced discovery, it became a joyful experience which I will use as a tool to motivate myself in future ventures. By completing the writing for this course, I learned a lot about my limits as a writer and how to extend them. One of the biggest challenges I faced as a brand new Running Start student here at TCC was overcoming the inefficiency of my work habits. I had never been in anRead MoreThe Impact Of Finley School District : A Research Project On Student Achievement1314 Words  | 6 Pagesstudents and their families in the quest for student academic achievement. Title 1 services ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments (U.S Department of Education, 2005). Thirty three percent of Washington State public schools utilize Title I programs, providing academic services to over 375,000 students per year. FinleyRead MoreHow The Writing Composed Within Academic Settings Can Best Be Described?1016 Words  | 5 PagesThe writing composed in academic settings can best be described as demonstrate what we have learned. Writing to review topics about learning new ideas, to present a case and illustrate to our professors what we have learned, we can think critically and apply it. The writing submitted to professors gives them an impression of the way our practical mind works when confronted with a significant topic in a distinct field of study. Instructors want to see us learn to think like someone trained withinRead MoreImportance Of Writing On Writing1351 Words  | 6 Pagesrelationship with writing. A significant part of my fears and apprehensions about writing relate to creating that perfect paper. I consume too much time judging if what I have written is good enough for the reader, as well as for myself based on my standards. It is important that I recognize how the value in expressing my ideas in writing could potentially influence others viewpoints. Thus, awarding me the ability to create something I can admire as well. While I have no difficulty in the writing requiredRead MoreFirst Year Students Need Their Fundamental Study Skills to Make the Necessary Adjustments to Achieve Their Successful Journey at University1351 Words  | 6 Pagestheir fu ndamental study skills to make the necessary adjustments to achieve their successful journey at university. The main points that will be outlined in this essay are the importance of becoming a critical thinker, verbal skill linked with academic writing and note taking skill is related to referencing skill. First year students need their fundamental study skills to build the necessary adjustments to be successful at university. Before I expand my composition, I will outline the basicRead MoreApplication Letter Application Essay933 Words  | 4 Pages I am writing to apply for the faculty position in the ESL program at Cuyahoga Community College (CCC). I hold a doctoral of philosophy degree in Foreign, Second, and Multilingual Language Education (within the TESOL program) with an interdisciplinary specialization in Educational Technology. Moreover, I have experience in teaching diverse learners English in EFL and ESL settings. I am confident that my academic and experiential exposure enable me to contribute to the ESL program at CCC in termsRead MoreMy Reflection On The Writing Our Own Pact 1361 Words  | 6 Pagesthis semester, I have done various work such as reading and writing. This work includes reading articles from the book and writing essays. Some of the work I did wa s a challenge at the beginning, but I was able to persist and overcome those barriers. During the time I been in this class, I have learned many important strategies that have helped me improve in various ways. One major method that has improved my academic skills and quality in education have been the use of the Habits of Mind. DuringRead MoreThe Role Of Nurses As An Effective Leader1093 Words  | 5 Pagescontinuous academic development (IOM, 2011). Additionally, with gained knowledge in education, leadership and health risk prevention the degree of change that a baccalaureate prepared nurse can achieve increases dramatically. The productivity boost from a nursing baccalaureate degree depends on the quality of the educational institution. Increasing the amount of nurses that have pursued a baccalaureate or higher education ensures the population will have an increased access to higher quality of care
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson Essay example - 459 Words
Thomas Paine was one of the great supporters of the American Revolution. He was a journalist and used his pen and paper to urge the public to break free from Great Brittan. He wrote anonymously, yet addressed the public as he spoke out about his beliefs. The first pamphlet he published, influencing independence from Brittan, was called Common Sense Paine believed that America needed to break free of the British clutches. He spoke out against slavery and joined the army to help fight the war. He did not agree with hereditary monarchy and wrote another paper to argue this point (Franklin 321). Paine was very aware of his criticizers, and worked very hard to persuade them toward his way of thinking. In his pamphlet Common Sense he†¦show more content†¦Moving to the new world was like escaping to an asylum for those who sought religious freedom (Paine 324). Paine also believed that we would be allies with the rest of Europe if we broke out ties with England. American trade suffered every time Europe had a war that involved England (Paine 325). Although Thomas Paine had great thoughts and ideas, it wasnt until Thomas Jefferson helped write the Declaration of Independence, that America came to his side of thinking. Even with the powerful names involved in the Declaration of Independence, there were still several items stricken from the final document that were in the original. For example: South Carolina and Georgia were not ready to abolish slavery; and this was an item that Paine felt very strongly about and Jefferson had in the original report (Jefferson 337). While several thoughts were stricken from the Declaration of Independence, it was still a great start to the separation from Brittan. Jefferson also thought that the monarchy in England had gone bad. He describes the king in vivid detail: He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people (Jefferson 339). These comments come just after some people call England the Mother (Paine 324). The contrasting illustration is amazing. Jefferson discusses wanting to be an individual countryShow MoreRelatedThomas Paine And Thomas Jefferson Essay2079 Words  | 9 PagesStates. Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson would play large roles in these changes. Thomas Paine was about to publish one of the best pamphlets, and Thomas Jefferson would soon write the Declaration of Independence, both having religious ties. Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson came to an agreement on the formation of the unknown despite their beliefs and differences, fostering independence that still exists 240 years later. According to The American Pageant, Thomas Paine was from Britain. Paine was aRead MoreHow America Should Be Governed By Thomas Paine, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, And Thomas Jefferson Essay1140 Words  | 5 PagesAmerica would be governed. Many people had different ideas for America and yet some were similar. Thomas Paine, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and Thomas Jefferson all wrote their ideas on how America should set up their government. Some of these ideas were not used while some are still used today. Thomas Paine states his ideas for the government in his Common Sense written in 1776. Paine states that America should not have a king. The first king might be great but then ruling byRead MoreThomas Paine And The Bill Of Rights880 Words  | 4 PagesThomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson and the Bill of Rights are three things that have some sort of connection. Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson both have documents. Their documents were both a result for the rule that Great Britain had over us. The Bill of Rights is also a piece where its writing had to do with a freedom type document written to let others feel free. Thomas Paine was one of the great supporters of the American Revolution. He was a journalist and used his utensils to get the public toRead MoreCommon Sense By Thomas Paine992 Words  | 4 Pageswhat it is today. Common Sense by Thomas Paine was inspiring to many American colonists as it was persuasive in showing how the colonists should have their own independence. Paine appealed the average citizen’s rationale, hence the title Common Sense. Paine’s pamphlet illustrates the importance of independence, and argues that colonial life under British rule was detrimental to America’s potential to become prosperous. In a fairly lengthy, but readable style, Paine discusses the differences betweenRead MoreThomas Paine s Political Pamphlet925 Words  | 4 PagesThomas Paine’s Political Pamphlet Thomas Paine’s political pamphlet entitled Common Sense was a very inspirational piece of writing. Common Sense stirred the American colonists who were pursuing independence. It was also a persuasive piece of writing for the American colonists who were unsure if they wanted to split their ways with Great Britain, or not. Throughout the political pamphlet Paine argues that the colonist were not dependent on Great Britain. He makes powerful points regarding how theRead MoreCommon Sense By Thomas Paine957 Words  | 4 Pagespamphlet known as Common Sense was written by Thomas Paine in 1776. This pamphlet contributed in promoting the independence of America. In the pamphlet Thomas Paine challenged the American colonists to separate from England and create a democratic and independent society. Along with challenging the American colonists, he hinted at his own opinions about a democratic government that America should plan towards if they seek to separate from England. Thomas P aine also bluntly proposed that the monarchy wasRead MoreClassical Liberalism And The Enlightenment1244 Words  | 5 Pagesdid this was by going back and rereading Roman and Greek texts and retranslating these texts. This new way of thinking also caused the Protestant Reformation to occur. Some of the most influential Enlightenment writers were John Locke, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, and the people of France’s National Constituent Assembly. John Locke was one of the most influential writers during the Enlightenment period, and was the first â€Å"Enlightenment Thinker†. Locke is the author of the â€Å"Two Treatises†andRead MoreCommon Sense Vs. Declaration Of Independence957 Words  | 4 Pages Common Sense written by Thomas Paine in January of 1776, enlightened its readers and ignited the colonists towards the American Revolution. Common Sense was the first document that established a suggestion towards a constitutional form of government. The foundation of the main points in Common Sense were the upbringing of the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson in July of 1776 approximately 7 months after Thomas Paine’s work of Common SenseRead More The Life and Accomplishments of Thomas Paine Essay891 Words  | 4 Pagesand Accomplishments of Thomas Paine Thomas Paine came as a English man who didnt have much of anything, not many friends, not much money, but with the help of others wishing to keep him alive and give him a chance at a new life. Thomas Paine grew from a sick, unshaven, almost penniless, dirty man to a clean shaven man who helped band thousands of Englishmen together to fight for Independence. Thomas Paine was born in England on January 29, 1737. Paine travelled to AmericanRead MorePatrick Henrys Speech Rhetorical Analysis952 Words  | 4 Pagesjust apply to physically fighting soldiers, but, for the people fighting mentally. The authors of the important documents, that helped lay a foundation for America, had a ton of courage to speak their mind. The authors: Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine, and Thomas Jefferson, used rhetorical devices not only to prove to Britain that their colony was worth fighting for, but also to influence colonists to join the fight. First, Patrick Henry, author of â€Å"Speech in the Virginia Convention†, uses allusions and
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Air force history Essay Example For Students
Air force history Essay 1- The position of Chief Master Sergeants of the Air Force occupies the top enlisted grade, and has great responsibility and prestige in the Air Force. The objective of this background paper is to inform on the career progression, awards, and decorations of the former Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Thomas N. Barnes. In the first main point, I will trace the former CMSAFmilitary career from Non-Commissioned Officer to Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Tier. Secondly, I will discuss the major awards and decorations of former CMSAF Thomas N. Barnes. CMSAF Thomas N. Barnes has been a significant figure in the development of Air Force History.2- In April 1949 Chief Barnes entered the U.S. Air Force, and received his basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. After completing basic training, he attended Aircraft and Engine School and Hydraulic Specialist School at Chanute Technical Training Center, Illinois. During this time period the Soviet had controlled East Germany came i nto existence as the German Democratic Republic. In October 1950, he was assigned to the fourth Troop Carrier Squadron of the 62nd Troop Carrier Group at McChord Air Force Base, Washington. This was in the period when the Air Force had spent much of the 1950s training and equipping itself for a nuclear conflict. In September 1951, he transferred to Tachikawa, Japan, and continued flight engineer duties. Chief Barnes transferred in June 1952 to the 30th Air Transport Squadron, Westover Air Force Base, Mass., where he attended C-118 school and continued his flight engineer duties in that aircraft. In September 1965, he went to Fairchild Air Force Base, Wash., and continued duties as senior controller. In October 1966 he entered the F-4 Field Training Detachment at George Air Force Base, Calif., and in December 1966 went to Southeast Asia. In addition, during this time there was an extended debate resulted in the defeat of a major civil rights bill forbidding discrimination in housing and of a bill permitting states to enact right-to-work laws. The Senate also voted, in effect, to annul a provision of the 1964 Civil Rights Act that required desegregation of hospitals. In December 1967, he returned from Southeast Asia to Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas, where his duties were T-38 section line chief. During the same year, the United States had over 475,000 troops in South Vietnam. Chief Barnes was promoted to the grade of chief master sergeant on December 1, 1969, and was transferred to Headquarters Air Training Command in October 1971 to assume duties as command senior enlisted adviser. On Oct. 1, 1973, he was appointed chief master sergeant of the Air Force. At the expiration of the initial two-year tenure, he was extended for an additional year by the chief of staff. In addition, during this period, the United States withdrew its combat troops in 1973; the air force began to experiment with its first â€Å"precision†bombs. In February 1976, he was selecte d by the chief of staff to serve an unprecedented second year extension, shortly after he retired Jul. 31, 1977. Chief Barnes has made tremendous strides throughout his Air Force Career, which is highlighted and associated with his awards and honors received. Next, I will discuss some of Chief Barnes’ major awards and decorations. 3- Chief Barnes’ awards and decorations were awarded for his exhibition of extraordinary standard and conduct while in the Air Force. I will begin discussing some of his major awards and decorations in order of precedence. First, I will discuss the Legion of Merit; it was originally ranked directly below the Distinguished Service Medal in the Navys pyramid of honor. The Legion of Merit is worth seven points on Weighted Airman Promoted System. Next, I will discuss the Meritorious Service Medal. This decoration was established by Executive Order 11448 on Jan. 16, 1969 and may be awarded to any member of the Armed Forces of the United States who distinguishes himself or herself by either outstanding achievement or meritorious service to the United States. This decoration is worth five points on the Weighted Airman Promoted System. Next, I will discuss the Air Medal award. This decoration was established by Executive Order 9158; and is awarded to U.S. personnel for single acts of heroism or meritorious achievements while participating in aerial flight and foreign military personnel in actual combat in support of operations. This decoration is worth three points on the Weighted Airman Promoted System. Next, I will discuss the Outstanding Airmen of the Year award. This ribbon is awarded to airman nominated by the MAJCOMs to Head Quarters for competition in the 12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year program. Finally, I will discuss the Air Force Commendation Medal. The Secretary of the Air Force authorized this medal on March 28, 1958, for award to members of the Armed Forces of the United States who has distinguished themselves by meritorious achievement and service. 4- In closing, the mere mention of the title chief brings to mind visions of wisdom, strength, bravery, commitment and honor. Moreover, the mere mention of Chief Barnes’ Air Force career is both exemplary and outstanding by anyone’s measure and is thought of very highly. Chief Barnes has played an integral part in Enlisted History and has made significant contributions to Air Force History. 1-Black Americans in defense of our nation / United States. Department of Defense. Wahsington, DC: U.S* Government Printing Office, 1985 revised 19902-A History of Black America / Howard O. Linsey. Secaucus, NJ: Chartwell Books, Inc., 19943-US Air Force Museum Internet4-The United States Air Force Museum InternetBibliography: .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8 , .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8 .postImageUrl , .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8 , .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8:hover , .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8:visited , .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8:active { border:0!important; } .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8:active , .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8 .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: SKARA Leading the blockchain revolution in gaming! Essay
Monday, December 2, 2019
Swamp Gravy Essays - Miller County, Georgia, Swamp Gravy
Swamp Gravy Georgians from different backgrounds, sharing various experiences in life, all have a story to tell. Swamp Gravy portrays these real life stories with a unique staging technique, allowing the audience to be involved and participate during the performance. The play illustrates folk life in the past and celebrates the way things use to be when life was simple. The stories told in Swamp Gravy are derived from local tales and histories of the community that reveal themes about death, family, and relationships. The theme of death was evident in the first act of the play. The main character, Harvey, was only a young child when his mother died a month after giving birth to a baby girl. After his mother's death, Harvey and his five other siblings were separated and labeled as orphans. Harvey had no mother and his father was not a positive figure in Harvey's life. He felt a sense of abandonment, loneliness, and a voidance of love. As the play progressed, a young girl who lost her big brother in a car accident told another story about death. The younger sister admired and looked up to her older brother. She was saddened by the death of her brother, but she held on to the memory of him, as did Harvey remember his mother. Swamp Gravy exemplified the importance of family throughout the play. A large family was common and displayed a sense of unity and love. Harvey's youngest sister was adopted when she was a baby. She always felt emptiness in her heart and often dreamed of someday meeting her biological family. Harvey, also determined to find his baby sister, never gave up hope. During one scene of the play, a family convened in the swamp for a family reunion. Even though the family's cousins were escaped convicts, the family still wanted to include them in the reunion because the were family. The scene featuring the triplets, Bessie, Ressie, and Essie also emphasized the theme of family. The three women shared close relationships with one another throughout their youthful lives and were continuing to grow older together. Relationships of brothers and sisters, fathers and sons, and man with God were developed in the play. Most of these relationships were considered to be special in their own way. However, Harvey and his father were not close and frequently argued, causing both of them to become dependent on alcohol. As Harvey grew older, he became more depressed. It was not until he attained a close relationship with God and sought a relationship with his younger sister that Harvey became truly happy. The various scenes and stories in the play reflect the folk life of South Georgia in the past. The play's themes of death, family, and relationships support the real life situations that compose this drama. Swamp Gravy allows one to observe folk life and folkways and appreciate, as well as cherish, the past of South Georgia.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Free Essays on The Struggle Of Two Women For Their Freedom
â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and â€Å"The Story of An Hour†by Kate Chopin presents two women, Louise and Charlotte, who tries to overcome their controlling husbands to achieve individual freedom. The stories were both feminist. Webster’s dictionary defines feminism as the belief that women should have economic, political, and social equality with men. In these two stories, the women fight for social equality with men as they struggle to have the freedom to do what they want. In â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†the narrator suffers from a mental disorder, instead of helping her recover, he refuses to acknowledge her problem. â€Å"John is a physician, and perhaps- (I would not say it to a living soul, of course, but this is dead paper and a great relief to my mind) – perhaps that is one reason I do not get well faster. You see he does not believe I am sick! And what can one do? If a physician of high standing, and one’s own husband, assures friends and relatives that there is really nothing the matter with one but temporary nervous depression – a slight hysterical tendency – what is one to do? My brother is also a physician, and also of high standing, and he says the same thing†(Gilman 431). It is frustrating to the narrator to have her husband and brother to dismiss her illness as a mere temporary condition. â€Å"It is a false and foolish fancy†(Gilman 437). He believes that putting her in confinement woul d cure her problem, but he does not even understand her illness. He is a physician, so he only understands physical illnesses. Yet he jumps to the conclusion that she has no sickness, and she has to accept it, because he is a man of high standing. This assumption does not help her sickness, in fact, Jane, the narrator believes that it’s the reason why she cannot get better. But it is pointless for her to argue, since her brother, also a physician of high standings affirms the diagnosis. She i... Free Essays on The Struggle Of Two Women For Their Freedom Free Essays on The Struggle Of Two Women For Their Freedom â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and â€Å"The Story of An Hour†by Kate Chopin presents two women, Louise and Charlotte, who tries to overcome their controlling husbands to achieve individual freedom. The stories were both feminist. Webster’s dictionary defines feminism as the belief that women should have economic, political, and social equality with men. In these two stories, the women fight for social equality with men as they struggle to have the freedom to do what they want. In â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†the narrator suffers from a mental disorder, instead of helping her recover, he refuses to acknowledge her problem. â€Å"John is a physician, and perhaps- (I would not say it to a living soul, of course, but this is dead paper and a great relief to my mind) – perhaps that is one reason I do not get well faster. You see he does not believe I am sick! And what can one do? If a physician of high standing, and one’s own husband, assures friends and relatives that there is really nothing the matter with one but temporary nervous depression – a slight hysterical tendency – what is one to do? My brother is also a physician, and also of high standing, and he says the same thing†(Gilman 431). It is frustrating to the narrator to have her husband and brother to dismiss her illness as a mere temporary condition. â€Å"It is a false and foolish fancy†(Gilman 437). He believes that putting her in confinement woul d cure her problem, but he does not even understand her illness. He is a physician, so he only understands physical illnesses. Yet he jumps to the conclusion that she has no sickness, and she has to accept it, because he is a man of high standing. This assumption does not help her sickness, in fact, Jane, the narrator believes that it’s the reason why she cannot get better. But it is pointless for her to argue, since her brother, also a physician of high standings affirms the diagnosis. She i...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Devil in the White City - Discussion Questions
'The Devil in the White City' - Discussion Questions The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson is a true story that takes place at the 1893 Chicago Worlds Fair. Spoiler Warning: These book club discussion questions reveal important details about the story. Finish the book before reading on. Why do you think Erik Larson chose to tell Burnham and Holmes stories together? How did the juxtaposition affect the narrative? Do you think they worked well together or would you have preferred to read about just Holmes or just Burnham?What did you learn about architecture? What do you think the fair contributed to the architectural landscape in the United States?How did the Chicago Worlds Fair change Chicago? America? The world? Discuss some of the inventions and ideas that were introduced at the fair that still impact life today.How was Holmes able to get away with so many murders without becoming suspect? Were you surprised by how easy it was for him to commit crimes without being caught?What ultimately led to Holmes capture and the discovery of his crime? Was this inevitable?How did Holmes hotel contrast with the buildings of the Worlds Fair? Can architecture reflect goodness or evil, or are buildings neutral until used?How did the White City contract with Chicago, the Black Cit y? What do you think of Holmes claim that he was the devil? Can people be inherently evil? How would you explain his strange allure and cold-hearted behavior?Burnham, Olmsted, Ferris and Holmes were all visionaries in their own ways. Discuss what drove each of these men, whether they were ever truly satisfied, and how their lives ultimately ended.Rate The Devil in the White City on a scale of 1 to 5.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Did the US really change in the first two chapters Essay
Did the US really change in the first two chapters - Essay Example However, after the migrations started, the natives absorbed several things from these newcomers. Later, the US developed an educated culture, with several notable writings penned during the times including motivational and factual accounts of the famous writer John Adams (Remini 35). Their culture was heavily influenced by the immigrants who brought sophistication and mannerisms. Also, they learnt the art of combat and also gained weaponry from the colonial powers. Therefore they were able to build their military when the need arose during the eighteenth century (Remini 42-62). The migrations changed the US heavily. They learned the art of debating and government. They elaborated the expressions of liberty and freedom. Moreover, the biggest change was the occurrence of the American Revolution during the time, which not only upturned the colonial powers, but also gained the Americans their due freedom. Those who had not been able to identify their enemies earlier were then able to eliminate them from their lands. The US economy dependence also changed from agriculture to trade and other industrial developments like ship building etc. Indeed, the US changed a lot during the early migrations till the declaration of US
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Dependency vs. modernization theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Dependency vs. modernization theory - Essay Example western values. The Dependency theory was in response to the former one. In reference to the Dependency theory, the world economy is under the control of modern countries and the economic development of Third World countries is forcibly dependent on them (Farmer 100-7). The developing countries are forced to follow the paths and conditions of western countries because a large advancement gap prevails between them. The modern societies make the law and order for the world and if the underdeveloped countries do not go on this track then their political, social and economical stability are in jeopardy, foreign aids are immediately ceased and sometimes their existence is even subjected to threat (Schelkle, Krauth, Kohli, and Elwert 253-91). The Third world countries are directly or indirectly dependent on the western countries. They cannot prove themselves worthy to the world until and unless they do not take development steps on their own. Today, advanced and develop countries have m ade their intrusion in all the underdeveloped countries. Undeniably, the western policies are dominant and the countries which have desire to stabilize themselves should, in one way or other, keep track of these policies.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Diversity and Cross Cultural Differences in Work places Essay Example for Free
Diversity and Cross Cultural Differences in Work places Essay Diversity and Cross-Cultural Differences in Workplaces Introduction     Different people have different mental structures due to the diverse type of personality and cultural background. The study of psychology has enabled people to know about the mental functioning of others making it easier individuals and groups to understand one another. Since people must interact in the day-to-day activities, there is need to harmonize this differences and create an environment where every member feel a sense of belonging. Psychological counseling plays an important role in preparing individuals to be more appreciative the cultural and personality difference existing between people. Psychology counseling is a field of psychology focusing on the personal and interpersonal working and on the emotional, social and health related issues of individuals and groups of people. This paper addresses issues arising from interaction of people with differences culture and behaviors. It also focuses on criminal investigation process in the psychological perspective.     Key words: psychopathology, personality, behavioral therapy, individualistic, diversity Diversity and Cross-Cultural Differences in Workplaces     Every individual is characterized by a unique pattern of thoughts, behaviors and feeling that contribute to individual’s psychological structure. Despite the fact that each individual is unique in personality resulting in diversity in peoples’ way of lives, people have always found themselves in crowds- be it in schools, places of worship, or any other social, political or economic gathering. Leininger and McFarland (2006) writes that the need to coexist in harmony compels persons to sometimes subordinate individual goals so that they can accomplish the goals of a group. Those individuals who are not mentally ready to accept the cultural and personality diversity between different people often find it hard to coexist with others.     Psychopathology has enabled counseling psychologist to understand the various aspects of one’s mental structure including genetic and biological issues. Psychologists are able to identify people who undergo atypical or disordered development from those with normal or typical development. It is paramount for coworkers to be aware of their colleagues’ mental structure so as to engage in the right way with them. This is crucial for the creation and maintenance of a healthy and productive working environment that is composed of persons with diverse personalities. In such a set up where workplace colleagues have to cope with different personality traits, one may find it hard to maintain a stable mental behavior and physical emotions and may suffer from maladjustment in case one is in a new environment. Counseling psychologists help such persons to alleviate distress and improve their wellbeing (Woolfe Dryden, 1996). They also provide patients with assessm ent and treatment of psychological issues.     Through behavioral analysis, one is able to systematically analyze another person’s or one’s own behavior so as to know cause of certain behaviors and consequently improve social interaction. Bad behaviors can be corrected or good behaviors adopted or through behavioral therapy. This is a method that is used bypsychotherapists and psychiatrists to treat mood disorders an anxiety usually caused by variables such as; social phobia, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and bipolar disorder. According to Lesilie (2008), behavioral treatment techniques include;Role playing, discussing about coping mechanisms, breathing and relaxation method, activities to promote focus, modifications to anger, pain or fear, social skills training, positive reinforcement.     These methods focus on individuals shaping their behavior to cope with the environment. When individuals with behavioral disorders try to change their behaviors to suit that required in the workplaces, they often find themselves struggling to relate with the others and this leads to seclusion and isolation. On the other hand behavioral therapy should focus aiding individuals acquire control over their own behavior and blending it with the requirements of the workplace. This is important because one manipulates the environmentand learns to control their own behavior without compromising their personality which is vital for maximum productivity. With one’s own personality, the reception of stimuli and the response is not affected and therefore there are no negative consequences influencing the next occasion in the brain (Lesilie, 2008).     Persons who find it hard to conform to workplace ethics due to cultural mismatches should set standards for assessing their own performance and progress in behavioral therapy. Techniques such as self-management, self-control and self-regulation are used to monitor one’s progress (Woolfe Dryden, 1996). Behavioral modification procedures are not procedures to punish those people with different behaviors but they are techniques to eliminate non-conforming working behaviors and also facilitate cross-cultural understanding. The make the workplace to feel better and builds a sense of satisfactory. For psychologists to offer the relevant advice to a person suffering from mental disorder, they must first find out the patients’ personality and understand how they think, feel, relate, influence and get influenced by others.     For applied social psychologists to attend to a patient they must try to adopt the personality of the patient so that they can employ the best techniques to treat a patient without affecting the patients personality. In this perspective the psychologist is able to develop development strategies that are aimed at improving the important aspects, programs and policies for the patient to have a positive recovery. Psychologists should aim at eliminating the negative attitude that a patient may have towards colleagues or the workplace. This is aimed at improving intercultural understanding and to offer a neutral platform where no culture is viewed as less or more important than the other. With cross-cultural understanding people will tend to be more committed to working together improving productivity.     Nevertheless, cultural competence is healthy for the growth of an organization that comprises of people from diverse cultures (Leininger McFarland, 2006). This should not be overshadowed by the tendency to express cultural superiority over others but should demonstrate the ability to effectively engage in cross-cultural dialogues without intimidating or negating another person’s culture. This requires one to appreciate social psychology and be in a position to balance between positive and negative criticism on another person’s culture. Since not all people are equipped with the understanding of social psychology, training on cultural competence should be conducted to avoid such problem from arising. Some cultures are individualistic while others are communists and this play a big role in defining how coworkers exist. This necessitates the need for effective cross-cultural team-building and training.     As colleagues engage in affairs of the workplaces, each and every one of them is entitled to a certain opinion which one would like to support. If such a situation gets tense, certain body changes occur such as breathing rates and emotional changes if certain people are intimidating others for decisions to go their way. Such a phenomenon may result in one becoming uncontrollable or violent. Biological psychology is concerned with balancingwhat the mind is processing and the effects it has on the body. It analyses how ones behaviors and thoughts are affected by the brain and neurotransmitters. Various neurotransmitters have different effects on the body. For instance, neurotransmitter dopamine is responsible for movement and learning. Varying quantities of excess or too little of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the body results in disorders such as schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disease respectively. (Woolfe Dryden, 1996).The comprehensive nature of bio-psyc hology encompasses diversity and cross-cultural aspects of an organization. A bio-psychologist will reconcile individuals or groups of people that are not in agreement resulting in abnormal behaviors. When addressing such a conflict a bio-psychologist figures out in which area of bio-psychology the problem is. The following are the main areas of bio-psychology; sensation and perception, emotion, learning and memory, motivated behavior and control of movement (Woolfe Dryden, 1996). Through these areas, bio-psychological problems and concerns are addressed.     Another area of psychology is the forensic psychology – an area that deals with the relationship between psychology and law. When a crime occurs, a criminal investigative process takes place in order to determine the offender, motive and to allow the right punishment if any to be given to the offender. The investigation involves investigative psychologist who explores the relationships between the offender and the nature of the crime that has been committed. The investigation process has the following major areas; investigating the crime, gathering evidence, use of technology, search and seizure, arresting and charging the offender who may also undergo detention and interrogation (Simon, 2012). Throughout this process forensic psychologists are involved as they help to establish a connection between an offender and the crimes committed. Essentially the forensic psychologist offers the following services during investigation process: evaluating the risks of r eoffending by the offender, child custody evaluation, recommending the length of the sentence to be handed to the offender, competence evaluation and testimony as an expert witness.     Simon (2012) says that throughout this period from crime commission to when the sentence is passed, a forensic psychologist will engage with the suspected offended in an attempt to get insight on the motive behind the offence. In some cases, the offender may be suffering from a mental disorder and it is the duty of the psychologist to psychological expertise to provide analysis and recommendations in the criminal case. In addition a psychiatrics’ examination is required to determine whether the offender/suspect suffers from a mental illness an opinion that is taken to be of very high value by the court since it might require the court to charge the offender as a mentally challenged person and this also influences the type of prison the offender is to serve the sentence. In conclusion psychological is an aspects great and delicate influence on the diversity and cross cultural differences existing in workplaces. Coworkers should work towards enhancing intercul tural understanding and acceptance. References Leininger, M.M. McFarland, R.M. (2006). Culture Care Diversity and Universality: A Worldwide Nursing Theory. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Lesilie, C.J. (2008). Principles of Behavioral Analysis. Hove, UA: Psychology pr.Simon ,D. (2012). In Doubt. The Psychology of the Criminal Justice Process. Cambridge, CB: Havard University Press.Woolfe, A, Dryden, W. (1996). Handbook of Counseling Psychology. Oxfordshire, OS: Carfax International Publishers. Source document
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Value of Diversity Essay -- immigrants, immigration
Diversity, as it relates to thoughts, ideas, ethnicity, race, and a host of other areas, is the quintessential ingredient needed to establish a free nation. Amendment I of the United States Constitution states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Through this simple statement made so many years ago, the founding fathers laid down not only the framework for the basic freedoms that Americans cherish, but also the foundation for establishing a diverse nation. You see, without diversity, there cannot be freedom, and without freedom, there cannot be America. Since diversity is so vital for all free nations, it can also be said that diversity education is essential for the citizens of these nations. Without diversity education, people forgo the opportunity to broaden their horizons through the myriad of ideas and thoughts that exist in ...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Increasing Driving Age Limits in Alberta
Increasing Safety by Increasing Age Limits of Drivers Many Albertans and fellow Canadians may agree that driving is an act of responsibility and maturity. Giving out licenses to teenagers, who tend to make risky and thoughtless decisions, is something the country should considered prohibiting. Due to such careless actions, crash rates are much higher for younger drivers than older, more experienced ones. The increase in fatality for teen drivers may be highly influenced by the lack of wearing seat belts, and their tendency to speed more. Not only are they creating a huge risk for themselves, but also for others around them. The driving age limit in Alberta, as well as in Canada, should be raised to eighteen to ensure the safety of other citizens and teens themselves. By decreasing the rate of accidents, preventing recklessness and carelessness on the roads, and lastly ensuring that all laws are obeyed when driving, may be a step towards the right direction of creating a safer community, and more manageable society. To decrease fatality and accident rates in Alberta, the age of obtaining a license should be raised. Service Alberta states, that to begin learning to drive an automobile you must be at least fourteen, while to obtain a license you must be a minimum of sixteen years-old (Driver’s License; Class 5). To save lives, not only in Alberta, but also nation-wide, the government should greatly consider changing this law. According to Daniel R. Mayhew, crash rates tend to decline as age increases (Changes in collision rates among novice drivers during the first months of driving). â€Å"Teen drivers make up about 7 percent of licensed drivers, but they account for 14 percent of the fatalities in accidents†(Teenager Car Accident Statistics). With this knowledge, Albertans should invest more determination in the upbringing of the age limit to cause less worry for their citizens. Some steps have already been taken, such as bringing in a Graduated Driving License program; which requires driver’s to complete many different steps of learning and training, before a full license is received (Teenager Car Accident Statistics). Within a short ten-year span, the nation is able to see that teen crash rates have dropped 7 percent (Teenager Car Accident Statistics). Possibly raising the age at, which teens must be supervised to drive, may also improve their driving skills, and at the same time lead to fewer accidents. Obtaining a license, should become a more in depth, and challenging process to save more lives. Not only do fatality statistics raise awareness to increase the driving age, but also the recklessness and carelessness teens have on the road. Many non-fatal accidents are caused by not paying attention, visual distraction, speeding, failure to recognize hazards and emergency maneuvers (Young novice drivers: careless or clueless? . Due to a combination of these factors, individuals may believe that teens should not be driving at such an early age, because it may make them poor drivers (Is 16 the right age to obtain driver's license? ). Peer pressure among young drivers from fellow passengers may greatly impact driving capability. Being able to take on distractions such as conversations or texting is a skill acquired through multitasking . According to research, multitasking matures deep in the twenties (Is 16 the right age to obtain driver’s license? . Therefore, teens are more subjected to distraction that may occur on the road, which cause many more dangers for those around them. To improve driving conditions among all citizens, mainly teens, Alberta enforced a new distracted driving law. â€Å"Under the new law, drivers will be prohibited from talking, texting or emailing on a hand-held cellphone, using hand-held radio communication devices, using other electronic devices, reading, writing or personal grooming while behind the wheel†(Government of Alberta). Trying to eliminate carelessness and irresponsibility on Alberta roads can be greatly improved through fewer distractions, and a much lesser need to multitask. Besides new laws being placed, government should still consider enforcing an age increase to obtain a driver’s license, to ensure the safety of all. With this in mind, raising the driving age is definitely a step in the right direction, as it can decrease many common broken laws. Not wearing a seatbelt, or careless drunk driving are only a few that are broken every day. Teens may not realize the consequences and costs that every broken law entitles. For simply not wearing a seat belt, a driver can be fined between $200 to $1000, and lose two demerit points; where for a GDL driver only eight are allowed (One person, one seat belt). â€Å"Teens have the lowest rate of seat belt use. According to surveys about 10% of high school students report they do not wear seat belts†(Teen Car Accidents). Novice driver’s immaturity and naiveness not only puts their own lives in danger, but as well as others. While the seat belt law is commonly broken, driving under the influence is more frequent among teenagers. â€Å"60% of all teen deaths in car accidents are alcohol related†(Statistics Teenage Drunk Driving). Much of underage drinking occurs at house parties, hosted by high school students. Feeling confident and in control a teenager might rush into a car, expecting nothing to happen. When in reality the police may stop them, or worse they may land in a fatal crash. â€Å"Social host laws for minors aim to reduce teenage alcohol consumption by imposing liability on adults who host parties†(Angela K. Dills). This is government’s way to prevent adults from supporting underage drinking, which leads to nothing but harm. MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) is also an anti-drinking and driving group, whose mission is to stop impaired driving and to support victims of this violent crime (MADD Canada). Albertans are able to see that teens break laws more readily than older, more experienced driver, which is why the driving age should be raised to a more respectable one. Therefore, a consensus should be made among the nation, to raise the driving age to eighteen. Not only will there be a dramatic decrease in accidents, but also a greater care and sense of responsibility on the roads. Lack of speeding and being more considerate about wearing seat belts, may greatly increase the chances of survival while driving. Not only should personal safety precautions be considered, but also the effects of multitasking. As discovered earlier, multitasking is an acquired skill that develops at an older age, which increases a driver’s safety and compatibility on the roads. More careful driving skills tend to be associated with maturity, which is also tends to be associated with safe alcohol use. Teens don’t consider the consequences and make quick, thoughtless decisions that land many other citizens in harmful places or positions. Raising the age limit to obtain a license could be a step in the right direction of creating a safer society with fewer injuries and fatalities. Work Cited Admin. â€Å"Teenager Car Accident Statistics-What You, As a Parent, Must Know. †Car Accident Injury Claim. N. p. 10 May 2010. Web. 21 November 2011. ; http://www. caraccidentinjuryclaims. org/teenager-car-accident-statistics-what-you-as-a-parent-must-know/; â€Å"Alberta’s distracted driving law comes into effect Sept. . †Government of Alberta: Building a better Alberta. N. p. August 25, 2011. Web. 21 November 2011. ; http://alberta. ca/home/NewsFrame. cfm? ReleaseID=/acn/201108/ 3116101959656-A64D-B176-309E915FDAED40BA. html; Dills Angela K. â€Å"Social host liability for minors and underage drunk-driving accidents. †Journal of Health Economics 29 (2010): 241-249. Academic Search Complete. Web. 21 November 2011 â€Å"Driver’s License. †Government of Alberta: Service Alberta. N. p. n. d. Web. 21 November 2011 ; http://www. servicealberta. gov. ab. ca/Drivers_Licence. fm#Class_5_Licence; Mayhew Daniel R. , Herbert M. Simpson, Anita Pak. â€Å"Changes in collision rates among novice drivers during the first months of driving. †Accident Analysis and Prevention 35 (Spring 2002): 683-691. Academic Search Complete. Web. 21 November 2011. McKnight A. James, A. Scott McKnight. â€Å"Young novice drivers: careless or clueless? †Accident Analysis and Prevention 35 (2003): 921-925. Academic Search Complete. Web. 21 November 2011. â€Å"One person, one seat belt. †Seat Belts: Stay Safe and Secure. Ministry of Transportation. n. d. Web. 21 November 2011. lt; http://www. mto. gov. on. ca/english/safety/seatbelt. shtml; â€Å"Statistics Teenage Drunk Driving. †Learn-About-Alcoholism. com. N. p. n. d We b. 21 November 2011. ; http://www. learn-about-alcoholism. com/statistics-teenage-drunk-driving. html; â€Å"Teen Car Accidents. Teenage Car Crashes. †Teen Car Accidents: Pictures, Statistics ; Stories. N. p. n. d. Web. 21 November 2011. ; http://www. car-â€Å"accidents. com/teen-car-accidents. html; â€Å"What We Do†MADD Canada N. p. n. d. Web. 21 November 2011. ; http://www. madd. ca/madd2/en/about/about_what_we_do. html;
Sunday, November 10, 2019
14 Points Woodrow Wilson
President Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points On January 8, 1918 President Woodrow Wilson gave a proposal to Congress which outlined the post World War I peace treaty later negotiated at the Paris Peace Conference, and in the Treaty of Versailles. The fourteen points were intended to generate support for Wilson’s vision of the postwar world, both home & also among allies in Europe. The president hoped that the promise of a just peace would be embraced by the populations in enemy nations and generates momentum for ending the war. When comparing Avalon Project ( primary) & History World (secondary) documents for Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points, I found that the primary document is the actually proposal. There is nothing creative about it. It is just what Wilson stated. When reading the primary I had no understanding of what was being presented to both houses of Congress. In Wilson perspective it was for the Congress, to discuss the objects of the war and the possible basis of a general peace. As, I read the secondary source document, I fully understood the proposal. The writer generated this version for the people. He shortened and paraphrased it but, I was able to understand the document. Indeed the Avalon Project (primary) version was more information then what was needed because he was presenting it to Congress so it had to be in a certain form & most important professionally presented. That document is more of the original. So it is supposed to be more into details. With the History World (secondary) version the information w
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Tragedy os San Luis Bridge essays
The Tragedy os San Luis Bridge essays Thesis: Parental love are important theme in the Bridge of San Luis Rey. We see this theme in the stories of Do II. Madre Maria del pilars Love. The Bridge of San Luis Rey begins by telling us how in Friday at noon on July 20th of 1714 The finest bridge in Peru broke and precipitated five travelers into the gulf (Wilder pp 5) Brother Juniper, a monk who saw the accident and began an investigation into the lives of the five travelers. This took six years investigating their secrets lives. Also Brother Juniper wanted to know if this incident was provoked or where for destiny of god. In this book the author mentions about how important is love. In this book I found three parental loves between Maria the Marqueza, Madre Maria del Pilar and Uncle Pio. The firs parental love is between the Marqueza and her daughter Do ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Siege of Veracruz
The Siege of Veracruz The Siege of Veracruz: The siege of Veracruz was an important event during the Mexican-American War (1846-1848). The Americans, determined to take the city, landed their forces and began a bombardment of the city and its forts. The American artillery did great damage, and the city surrendered on March 27, 1847 after a 20-day siege. Capturing Veracruz allowed the Americans to support their army with supplies and reinforcements, and led to the capture of Mexico City and Mexicos surrender. The Mexican-American War: After years of tension, war had broken out between Mexico and the USA in 1846. Mexico was still angry about the loss of Texas, and the USA coveted Mexicos northwestern lands, such as California and New Mexico. At first, General Zachary Taylor invaded Mexico from the north, hoping Mexico would surrender or sue for peace after a few battles. When Mexico kept fighting, the USA decided to open another front and sent an invasion force led by General Winfield Scott to take Mexico City from the east. Veracruz would be an important first step. Landing at Veracruz: Veracruz was guarded by four forts: San Juan de Ulà ºa, which covered the harbor, Concepcià ³n, which guarded the northern approach of the city, and San Fernando and Santa Barbara, which guarded the city from the land. The fort at San Juan was particularly formidable. Scott decided to leave it alone: he instead landed his forces a few miles south of the city at Collada beach. Scott had thousands of men on dozens of warships and transports: the landing was complicated but began on March 9, 1847. The amphibious landing was barely contested by the Mexicans, who preferred to remain in their fortresses and behind the high walls of Veracruz. The Siege of Veracruz: Scotts first aim was to cut off the city. He did so by keeping the fleet near the harbor but out of reach of the guns of San Juan. Then he spread his men out in a rough semi-circle around the city: within a few days of the landing the city was basically cut off. Using his own artillery and some massive borrowed cannons from the warships, Scott began pounding the city walls and fortifications on March 22. He had selected a fine position for his guns, where he could hit the city but the city’s guns were ineffective. The warships in the harbor also opened fire. The Surrender of Veracruz: Late in the day on March 26, the people of Veracruz (including the consuls of Great Britain, Spain, France and Prussia, who had not been allowed to leave the city) convinced the ranking military officer, General Morales, to surrender (Morales escaped and had a subordinate surrender in his stead). After some haggling (and the threat of renewed bombardment) the two sides signed an agreement on March 27. It was fairly generous to the Mexicans: the soldiers were disarmed and set free although made to promise not to take up arms again against the Americans. The property and religion of civilians was to be respected. The Occupation of Veracruz: Scott made a great effort to win the hearts and minds of the citizens of Veracruz: he even dressed up in his best uniform to attend mass at the cathedral. The port was re-opened with American customs officers, attempting to re-coup some of the costs of war. Those soldiers who stepped out of line were punished harshly: one man was hanged for rape. Still, it was an uneasy occupation. Scott was in a hurry to get inland before Yellow Fever season could begin. He left a garrison at each of the forts and began his march: before long, he would meet General Santa Anna at the Battle of Cerro Gordo. Results of the Siege of Veracruz: At the time, the assault on Veracruz was the largest amphibious attack in history. It is a credit to Scotts planning that it went as smoothly as it did. In the end, he took the city with fewer than 70 casualties, killed and injured. Mexican figures are unknown, but estimated to be 400 soldiers and 400 civilians killed, with countless more injured. For the invasion of Mexico, Veracruz was a crucial first step. It was an auspicious beginning to an invasion and had many positive effects on the American war effort. It gave Scott the prestige and confidence he would need to march to Mexico City and made the soldiers believe that winning was possible. For the Mexicans, the loss of Veracruz was a disaster. It was probably a foregone conclusion - the Mexican defenders were outgunned - but to have any hopes of successfully defending their homeland they needed to make the landing and capture of Veracruz costly for the invaders. This they failed to do, giving the invaders control of an important port. Sources: Eisenhower, John S.D. So Far from God: the U.S. War with Mexico, 1846-1848. Norman: the University of Oklahoma Press, 1989 Scheina, Robert L. Latin Americas Wars, Volume 1: The Age of the Caudillo 1791-1899 Washington, D.C.: Brasseys Inc., 2003. Wheelan, Joseph. Invading Mexico: Americas Continental Dream and the Mexican War, 1846-1848. New York: Carroll and Graf, 2007.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Odalisque, Harmony in Red Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Odalisque, Harmony in Red - Research Paper Example These paintings are infused with southern light, bright colors, and a profusion of decorative patterns. They emanate a hothouse atmosphere suggestive of a harem†.2 The painting’s dimension is noted as 15 1/8 x 21 5/8 in. (38.4 x 54.9cm). As exemplified through the title, the predominant colors seen in the painting are red, with other colors ranging from white, yellowish orange, lavender, shades of gray, pink, green, and brown. The focal image is the reclining figure of a woman, researched to be â€Å"Henriette Darricarrià ¨re (born 1901), a young woman skilled in the arts of ballet, piano, violin, and painting who lived near Matisses studio†. 3 Viewers are given a glimpse of the model’s exposed left breast; yet, the rest of her body as skimpily covered with a white thin overcoat. The model’s skin illuminates as she lounges in a peaceful stature with her eyes closed and her left arms raised where her hands are noted to rest just beneath her left cheeks. Both her ankles are adorned with foot anklets, one in green emerald color (right ankle) and the other in intermittent colors of yellow and brown. The background is predominantly red, with the walls seemingly covered in geometric triangular patterns. A gray side table rests beside the bed and another oval yellow table with similar decorative figure in the same shade positioned beside it. Matisse’s style in painting was noted to be diverse. As explicitly noted, â€Å"Matisses painting moves quite freely from one style to another, from an almost naturalist, contoured technique, in which the play of light and shade is translated into classic perspective, to a concept in which large flat areas of colour dispense with volume and offer themselves up for audacious ventures into geometric, even abstract, forms†. 4 The geometric patterns shown in the painting evidently proved the contoured technique and effectively manifested binges of naturalism and realism in
Friday, November 1, 2019
Propose an Early Childhood Education Coursework
Propose an Early Childhood Education - Coursework Example It is important to note that each class will have its theme based on each child’s age and development. The daily schedule depends on the teacher and child activities. Globalization means long working hours for the parents and therefore Bright Kids Academy understands the need to offer before and after school care to such parents. The Academy will provide ample time for homework as well as life-enhancing skills and projects during the after-school program. The Academy stands out from the rest due to its mission and vision. The Academy will remain active in a learning environment while building the partnership with the employees, community, and parents in order to provide the best educational experience and a bright future for our children. It will create life-long learning inspiration through working with families ensuring that each child learns, grows, and plays in a rich and safe environment. Bright Kids Learning Academy mission is to provide every child with quality educatio n ensuring that they learn on their own and at their pace while receiving any help they need in their development. The Academy encourages play through various curriculums because it is their only work. It encourages the children to love learning while seeking their curiosity through play. Through learning, children can communicate, explore, hold discussions, and manipulate through group activities. The learning curriculum includes emotional, social, physical, and cognitive developments, and the children are our first and last priorities.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Habits of mind Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Habits of mind - Assignment Example Translation of such approach into an amicable enhanced strategy entails use of past knowledge related to the given English concept in establishing the most relevant interpretation. Enhancement of the strategy is critical in enabling a more viable restrictive approach within the study. Moreover, an enhancement strategy domineers in realization of the most dominant approach towards the given study. Consequently, enhanced creativity assists in a more visionary thinking and attainment of the most relevant analysis. Consequently, effective application of critical thinking and creativity dominates in proper potential restriction of the most imperative concepts within a specific study. It is domineering to enhance such self-articulated strategies using previously acquired knowledge for more amicable understanding. Essentially, such previously gained knowledge is authoritative in augmenting an existing idea that is crucial in a given poetic analysis. Moreover, a vivid understanding the specified concepts assists in augmenting analysis and improvement of the desired potential approach. Therefore, engagement of the most relevant and amicable potentially restrictive approach assists in essential understanding. My habits of mind reacted to the poem with questioning, thought, listening, empathy and striving to attain accuracy. Foremost, I struggled to reconnect the essay with my past experiences relating to interpretation of a poem and its accurate analysis. Above all, I was forecasted to manage any potential risks that might associate with interpretation and analysis of the poem. Through extensive listening and association of previous experiences involving poem interpretation, I evaluated the poem’s theme and deduced its intended meaning (Walcott 1). The habit of mind relating to intelligence listening and questioning enabled me to link the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Scrooge over the two-day period Essay Example for Free
Scrooge over the two-day period Essay The amount of money to the Charity man; he is a changed man. He has a total change in his personality; he even plays a joke on Bob pretending to be miserly and then lights a large fire and helps Tiny Tim. Scrooge loses respect from his colleagues after using most of his money on charities. What picture do we get of Victorian London? We get a vivid description of Victorian London and the customs practiced in London during the 19th Century. Poverty is widespread, being of the middle class is popular and a small population holds the large potion of wealth. Social class dictates life and there is seldom movement within the classes basically everyone is out for themselves. Dickens gives a classical description of the London streets. There was no tinsel, but lots of greenery. All the shops were open until lunchtime on Christmas Day, because servants had to work to prepare Christmas lunch, Bakers, for example, worked a half-day on Christmas day cooking the Goose. From Dickens descriptions it was a strongly Christian society. No one would marry young, it was thought that you had to live life first and then marry. This usually meant older men marrying younger girls. Women were expected to give birth until they died, this meant most women would die during childbirth. From Dickens description he gives the impression that people no longer remembered country customs after moving to the city. When Dickens describes the behaviour and attitude of the people at the time, he is playing with words but giving an interesting insight of life at the time as well; There were great, round, pot-bellied baskets of chestnuts, shaped like waistcoats of jolly old gentlemen, lolling at the doors, and tumbling out into the street in their apoplectic opulence. The city was a contrast; the new buildings went hand in hand with horribly overcrowded slums where conditions were of the poorest standard. Because of the rise in population the basic needs of citizens were put at risk. In 1848, the great Potato Famine struck Ireland, this led to over 100, 000 impoverished Irish fleeing their native land and settled in London, making at one time up to 20% of the total population of the city. London was not a nice place to be in the Victorian period because of the Great Stink. The combination of coal-fired stoves and poor sanitation made the air heavy and foul smelling. For all the economic expansion of the Industrial Revolution, living conditions among Londons poor were appalling. Children as young as five were set to work begging or sweeping chimneys. Dickens himself did much to make the plight of the poor in London known to the liberate classes with his novels, notably Oliver Twist. In 1870, those efforts bore some fruit with the passage of laws providing compulsory education for children between the ages of five and twelve. What does the story reveal about Dickens? Dickens was outgoing, playful and loved to party, much like Fezziwig, the character Dickens created that taught Scrooge how to party. This is shown in his writing, particularly his love for playing with words. Dickens love of playing with words is showing in the last paragraph, He had no further intercourse with spirits, but lived upon the Total Abstinence Principle. (He meant that Scrooge would no longer drink spirits. ) Dickens writes on a very personal level, he writes the Cratchits family life from his won experience. He is a very physical writer but he also has a childish nature. He makes everything young, for example Scrooges Clerk, which shows his childish outlook. Dickens shows his character through his writing, he likes the absurd and the grotesque. He takes everything to its extreme, piling up sentences and playing with language. Dickens shows his joviality and delight in life through his writing; he also shows that he is very sentimental. He personifies things as much as he can, for example he describes the ice as being Misanthropic Ice and gives Scrooges house a childish nature saying it must have run there when it was a young house, playing hide and seek with other houses. This shows the physicality of his writing and he involves all the senses. Dickens starts the story in a very moral way and continues like this throughout, with the focus being on money, this is getting his message across from the beginning. The reason for this strong message was because of Dickens own background. He lived in poverty (like the Crachits) and he was sent to the blacking factory whilst his family went to the debtors prison. He starts the story with Once upon a time making it feel like a fairy tale but also being very accurate. He has great presence in his writing, he is almost writing a moral fable. He chats with his audience creating a humorous relationship between himself and his audience. Dickens also veers from the main story line and goes into tangents of a philosophical or descriptive nature, which I feel reflects his thoughts while writing the book. He ends the story with a reference to God, God Bless us everyone, this may or may not be a reflection on Dickens believes but it did obviously have some significance otherwise he would not have ended the story in this way. The Moral of the book is Christmas is the symbol of everything that is good. Which is what Dickens wanted to promote, involving his idealisation of Christmas being about children. Dickens changed the meaning of Christmas to what we know it as today. In 1815, Christmas was not an important event for children. Jane Austen writes about a couple going to stay with relatives for Christmas, she obviously saw Christmas as not being an important time for children, which in 1815 it was not. However, Dickens soon changed this and Christmas today is now centred about children, which is what Dickens wanted to achieve.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Culture of Pakistan Essay -- Culture Cultural Essays
The Culture of Pakistan I am always fascinated with other people's cultures. The New York or Californian culture always amazes me although these states are in the United States. These areas of the nation seem very different than Texas. I do not have any friends that have recently moved here from another culture so, I set out to my neighborhood Stop N Go. The clerks at this convenience store are all from other countries. One clerk whom I have talked to many times, named Sohail Shah, always spoke of Pakistan. I often listened to his stories of being in the Karachi police force or of Pakistan's different customs. Sohail Shah, a thirty year old male clerk at the Stop N Go located on North Braeswood near Chimney Rock, has been in the United States for four years. He moved here with his wife and two children to "escape punishment". Sohail claims he was in the secret police protecting the president when many governmental changes were made. Many of his co-workers were put in jail for many years for reasons he would not openly discuss. He has to work two jobs because his wife does not work. According to Mr. Shah, she will never work. In Pakistan, women are to stay home and raise children. Currently, Sohail is observing the holy month of fasting called Ramadan. This is observed during the ninth month of the Islamic year and is ordained by the Koran, the Islam holy book. The fasting begins every morning at dawn and ends immediately at sunset. Muslims cannot eat, drink or smoke at all. In the evening, regular activities resume. The Islam driven culture of Pakistan shapes everyday life. Each day, all Muslims pray five times. The first is before sunrise, the second around noon, the third in the late afternoon, the fourth immediately after sunset, and the fifth before retiring and before midnight. They face the Kaaba, which is a small box in Mecca. No matter where a Muslim is, he will pause, face the East, and pray when it is time. When Sohail lived in Pakistan, he lived in a house with his whole fa mily. As an adult, he lived with his parents and siblings as well as his wife and children. The house was large enough to accommodate over fourteen people. All the women stayed home to keep up the house and prepare meals. If the women were to go to the market, they would completely cover themselves except for their eyes. Women were not to be seen in public without covers. A... the idea that the family is very close. I don't know if my entire family could live under one roof, though. During the holidays, tensions build when my whole family is together(grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins). The situation of the wife staying home to keep up the home, prepare meals and take care of children is a positive characteristic. When my parents were young, their mothers stayed home to do the same tasks. I believe if the economy in the U.S. improved, the mothers would stay home, if they were still married. The way of conducting funerals is sort of peculiar. Wrapping the body in a grass mat that is tied shut at the ends is bizarre by my standards. I would prefer the casket approach to funerals. My feelings towards the Pakistani culture could be defined as xenocentric. I feel that the United Stated was once family focused and crime free. I would like to live in a culture such as Pakistan's but without such extreme religious influence. I do not agree that women should be covered up in public or that they are not allowed into cemeteries. For Pakistan to be my ideal culture, it would have somewhat the same norms but freedom of religion and equality for women.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Play work principles Essay
The drive for children to play is inbuilt in our genetic makeup, almost an instinct or an impulse. Children learn through play their world around them. As the Play work principle No1 states: ‘’ All children and young people need to play. The impulse to play is innate. Play is a biological, psychological and social necessity, and is fundamental to the healthy development and well-being of individuals and communities.’’ A child will choose over anything else to ‘play’ weather they are out shopping, eating a meal, and learning at school. Children have the ability to turn anything or object into a fun and exciting adventure. Play is a necessary if not vital part of a child’s development. Children naturally learn through play their selves about their world or environment around them and skills which they will develop for life. Through play they will develop: Social skills: many games are played with friends, siblings and neighbours and the child will interact and learn to get along with a group. Listening, debating, reasoning, sharing are all developed through games like dressing up, the home corner, dens or making up new games. Also moral values are encountered as there is a need for children to apply fairness, inclusion and kindness to others. Physical development: Being active is very important to a child’s development, as the need to widen their fine and gross motor skills as well as keeping good health. Lots of games need balance, concentration, and coordination like ball games, riding scooters or climbing trees. Intellectual: The ability to think for their selves and learn a greater understanding consepts and ideas. When they are playing construction games or building things, they are designing, problem solving, thinking ahead and been resourceful. Creative: Children have an ability to open their mind and think of things completely different to adults. Through role play or adventure they can be whomever they choose. When they use visual arts they can use things in different ways and that are non-conventional. They come up with new and exciting ideas and creations. Cultural: Our world is diverse and children learn through playing games like dressing up, role play, cooking recipes, and having parties about different cultures and beliefs. Emotional: A child can through play express lots of different kinds of emotion. In role play anger, love and empathy can be displayed. They will push boundaries and explore risk by playing more adventurous games. Self-esteem and confidence will be heightened by them having accomplished new skills whilst playing, such as building a den the biggest or the best they have ever done before. Children play to discover about the world the live in, they need to feel the water and play in the mud so they will grow up to appreciate their place in the world. 1.3 Play is a fundamental part of a child’s development for their health and well-being. Studies have shown that children that are deprived of play experiences maybe under developed in either a physical or mental ability. That is why the Playprinciple No 1 states; ‘’All children and young people need to play. The impulse to play is innate. Play is a biological, psychological and social necessity, and is fundamental to the healthy development and well-being of individuals and communities.’’ As it is a necessity. Biological: The child’s physical development, whether it is their body physically fit or their minds well stimulated. Psychological: This is the child’s overall wellbeing. Sociological: This is a child’s social skills and to be able to get along with other, and mix with a diverse group of children or adults. Frazer Brown states: ‘This is not a simple interaction but a complex process wherein, flexibility in the play environment leads to increased flexibility in the child. That child is then better able to make use of the flexible environment and so on. There is massive child development potential in a play setting.’
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Ethics of Observation
Uses of Observation within a work environment:†¢Identifies stages of development †¢Identifies level of ability †¢Use observations to plan activities †¢Monitors changes in behaviour †¢Use to report suspected abuse/neglect †¢Psychological evidenceWhy is observation important?By observing children within a work environment, we are able to learn their interests and dislikes. As teachers, it’s important for us to know the children we work with as deeply as we can, so we can relate to them and get in touch with their personalities. Once we have had the chance to observe children, we are able to plan activities and lessons according to individual learning styles and the children’s attitudes towards learning. By doing this, we are able to make their first years within a learning environment proceed to their best potential.Read on to learn about Ethical IssuesEthical IssuesBefore carrying out an observation on any child, make sure you have received permission from the parents of the child, your supervisor and depending on the age of the child, the child herself/himself. Here is a list of Ethical Issues concerning observationsAnonymity is important because all of your observations as a teacher should be kept confidential. If anyone who isn’t supposed to read your observations does happen to find them, you need to take careful measures to ensure that only you will be able to make sense of them. You will need to change the names of all children involved in your observation (Child A, B, C etc.) as well as the school name and the members of staff names (Staff A, B, C etc.).Confidentiality is vital when working with children. You wouldn’t want to let a child’s file fall into the wrong hands. Only certain people are allowed to read your observations, such as your supervisor, the parents of the child if they ask, and the child themselves. You should ensure that your records are kept in a safe place, and treat them in a confidential manner.Objectivity is needed within the observations you make within the working place. You cannot let your personal feelings or thoughts intrude with your observations. You must check that all statements are accurate, supported by evidence and are not discriminatory.Storage of Data is used to ensure that data is kept in a secure place. It makes sure that only authorised people are given access to the records. This ties in with the Data Protection Act 1998.Rights of the parents and child. Each have the right to refuse being observed and to see the observation record. The parents have the right to refuse permission of observation. Accuracy is essential within an observation to ensure that children are not assessed on inaccurate evidence. The evidence recorded must be as true a reflection of the child’s actions as possible. If the record is not as accurate as it could be, we may not take the precautions to meet the needs of the child. Purpose of the observati on is needed. The observation you record should not be used in any way to harm the child. Responsibility to record the observation as accurately and as carefully as possible is yours. Conclusions should be fair and supported by reasonable evidence. This ensures that the observation is used to the benefit of the child.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Help Im a Workaholic!
Help Im a Workaholic! Okay, being a workaholic sounds doesn’t sound like a very positive description. You might consider yourself to be more along the lines of â€Å"too efficient†but the truth is, being extremely efficient at work can have its drawbacks, too. Consider these tips, inspired by Laura Vanderkam at Realize You Move at a Faster SpeedFirstly, if you’re driving at 90 mph and your coworkers are cruising along at the speed limit, odds are you’re pretty frustrated whenever you’re waiting on them to turn around an assignment or component for a shared project. The solution here isn’t to slow down, necessarily, but be aware that your natural pace may not match up automatically with those around you.And chances are, if you’re feeling frustration, others may be sensing it. Approach your workflow with all that characteristic efficiency, but build the time delays into it, so you know when to expect and how to respond to them.Don’t R ush Past Important Workplace CheckpointsSecondly, what if you know you’re the most productive person in the office, but promotions keep going to other people? Sure, maybe you’re just too valuable where you are, but take a look at the politics of the workplace for a possible explanation.You may be working speedily and effectively, but are you taking the time to build personal relationships? Make the effort to accept a happy hour invitation at least once a month; support your colleagues by celebrating their milestones and pitching in on projects if they need help. Take 10 minutes to schmooze a little with someone you actually like talking to- you never know when a positive impression will come in handy.Besides, if you churn through your to-do list at a breakneck pace and don’t have a lot of patience for stragglers, you’re actually demonstrating poor management skills. Good managers motivate their teams, and help them balance responsibilities and tasks, r ather than steamrolling by and expecting them to follow automatically. Mentor your coworkers, particularly those further down the hierarchy- demonstrate to the higher ups that you may be a wunderkind, but you’re also a team player.Make Sure Your Contributions are KnownAnd finally, make sure someone knows how productive you are! The disadvantage to keeping your head down and your eyes on the target is that people may come to take for granted what you contribute. Schedule regular check-ins with your boss, disguised as a â€Å"status meeting†if necessary, to ensure that your accomplishments are on their radar.Then, kick back and enjoy leaving promptly at 5- virtue (or high level efficiency) can also be rewarded by the timely end to the work day.The Downside To Being Super Efficient At WorkRead More at Fast Company
Monday, October 21, 2019
japan subdued essays
japan subdued essays It was the year of 1945 when the U.S. and it's Allies were in War with the country of Japan. Japan had previously attacked the United States Naval Force's in Pearl Harbor, which had resulted in a big loss to the U.S. This event had led to the beginning of a War between the two and some of the U.S. Allies. Japan was trying to take control of a lot of the land in the East and was battling for land control. The book written by Herbert Feis talks about the time era in which the U.S. tried to make Japan during 1945 unconditionally surrender its power to the them, which then led to the Atomic Bomb-S1 usage upon Japans pride to surrender. In the book, the author tries to tell us that the use of the Atomic Bomb could've been prevented if other agreements would've taken place between the two Countries. It also talked about how the second bomb that was used was unnecessary and should've have never been dropped but the U.S. Government said that is was dropped to make a clear statement to Japan. The whole reason the President and General MacArthur agreed the bomb would benefit the U.S., is that it would make Japan surrender unconditionally to the U.S. and could save lives of the U.S. Military from fighting a longer War. Japan would not agree on the surrender terms written in Potsdam Declaration because they did not want their Emperor to fall out of a Dynasty that was to be created. Then the U.S. and it's Allies such as the Germans, USSR, and China all gathered for a meeting with the U.S. informing them all that they were building a new weapon that was going to used on Japan to end war early. They told the Allies that the weapon would be ready early August and that one was ready to be tested on open grounds in New Mexico. It was early August and Japan still hadn't agreed on any terms with the U.S. and the new weapon was even closer to being ready to be dropped using B-29 aircrafts. At this time the USSR was waiting to declare wa...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Meet an Online Company That Writes Original Papers for Students
Meet an Online Company That Writes Original Papers for Students is a custom writing service founded in 2005 and focusing on premium quality academic research writing services. We provide custom research papers written for you from scratch. We also provide professional essay writers for hire they will write your paper to meet your academic needs. Looking for someone to write your paper? No Problem! We are a reliable, trustworthy professional essay writing service that will get you a top-quality product at a reasonable price. Our goal is also to provide you with a best custom term paper writing service on the web. The data we’ve collected since 2005 shows that a lot of students outsource their writing tasks to ghost writers or professional researchers to get a well-researched and properly done piece of writing. Here are the top 5 benefits of this solution: You won’t have to spend hours in libraries, doing the background research. The research will not only be conducted in a professional manner, it will fully meet your style, your language – no one will ever find out you didn’t write this paper. You will be able to concentrate on things that are of most importance to you. You will get this extra unnecessary deadline stress off of you. You will learn from example, but the learning will be much more enjoyable easy. Research shows that on average, college graduates are still making 60% more than high school ones – so college is still important. However, modern education is already facing big problems, as it is unable to keep up with the pace the world develops. By the time you graduate, your knowledge will already get outdated. This holds especially true for disciplines like IT, medicine, marketing, management and many others. So don’t waste your time, join our service and enjoy the ease of outsourcing the tedious writing tasks to the writing professionals. Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard to focus on Microsoft; Oprah Winfrey chose to focus on her career in the media – and chose to discontinue her studies at Tennessee State University – they chose to quit; you can be smart enough and outsource your homework! Top 10 Things we are going to give you: We will treat you with respect Our customer support service is centered around you; our world revolves around you since you are the center of our universe.  Our customers are our greatest asset and we show respect for them in every way we can. We are a trustworthy partner We will not ask you for your personal details like your teaching institution, your address unless you want to provide this information to us. You will remain anonymous at all times Your name will never ever be disclosed to anyone, your files and contact information will remain on our secure servers. Your confidentiality is our #1 priority. We will stay in touch with you 24/7 to provide assistance Our support team is online 24/7, ready to assist you via chat, phone or email. You will get a 100% authentic, custom written paper All our papers are written from scratch are based on your assignment instructions. There will be no other paper like yours in the entire world! We will scan your paper for plagiarism, making sure it’s fully original Before we actually deliver your paper, we will scan it with our anti-plagiarism software. The anti-plagiarism module we use is based on the Rabin-Karp’s algorithm and it provides the most accurate results. A dedicated MBA or PhD-level professional will work with you After analyzing your order requirements, we assign a professional writer to work on your paper. Typically we select the writer with a level of expertise higher than you need: e.g. an MBA level writer for BA/BSc level project. However, depending on your needs, we can select a writer with a higher level, all the way up to Ph.D. to work on your paper. We will meet your deadline Our support team is constantly monitoring all the orders and controls delivery. That way you can rest assured your paper is in good hands. Typically, we upload our papers 4-8 hours before the deadline. We will communicate with you to make sure we are on the right track We know it for a fact that communication between all key stakeholders is the key to success. We will ask you questions, writers will ask you questions and do not hesitate to ask us questions too – it’s the only way to ace your project. We will give you accumulate discount Our accumulative discount policy starts with $100 you spend. The basic discount level is 3% and it goes all the way up to 15%. The more you order, the more you save! Besides, we also have discounts to our first-time customers, allowing them to save up to 20% off their first order. We will give you confidence that your paper is in the right hands You will see your paper is in the right hands by the type of questions we ask. You will see our writers are professionals and they are good at what they do! Contact us today to enjoy the benefits of a professional writing service. Our customer support team is available to you 24/7 and is always ready to assist. Our professional writers will do the background research and the writing required to ace your paper. Also, we offer first-time discounts for our new customers. If you place your first order, you will get 15% off your order. Hurry up, the offer expires in 24 hours!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
What microeconomic factors affect the role of U.S. gov't in the health Research Paper
What microeconomic factors affect the role of U.S. gov't in the health care system - Research Paper Example The quality and cost problems in the health care system, in United States, can be solved trough establishing a strong leadership from the federal government, and mobilizing and setting up the national priorities. This enhances development and promulgation of the standards in health care. The federal agency carries out these functions while the government designs the payment policies depending on performance standards, investment in information technology, and investment in research to improve the nationwide care (Greenfield 111–121). Health care in United States consumes a high percentage of gross domestic products, delivers diminishing values and eludes the remedies continuously. The present state of the healthcare represents functional and structural outcome of the historic contradictions that substantially damage the self organizing capacity. The changing political and economic cycles review show risks in the healthcare system. The improvement of quality healthcare in US requires stronger government leadership throughout the healthcare system. This does not preclude continued existence of the care system. Nonetheless, the strong federal leadership will enhance development and implementation of the strategies in enhancing the value from the government (Leatherman and McCarthy 305–312). The increased concern by the federal government for the costs in healthcare dates back to about fifteen years when accelerated the federal budget and costs on the national health after approval of Medicaid and Medicare. First proposals in health care cost strategies happened in 1970s. The Nixon administration advised the health policy experts during the health care crisis and proposed regulatory efforts and market policy. Administration envisioned to expand the health care maintenance organizations, HMOs, within five years time and enroll 40 million people in 1976. The
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