Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Habits of mind Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Habits of mind - Assignment Example Translation of such approach into an amicable enhanced strategy entails use of past knowledge related to the given English concept in establishing the most relevant interpretation. Enhancement of the strategy is critical in enabling a more viable restrictive approach within the study. Moreover, an enhancement strategy domineers in realization of the most dominant approach towards the given study. Consequently, enhanced creativity assists in a more visionary thinking and attainment of the most relevant analysis. Consequently, effective application of critical thinking and creativity dominates in proper potential restriction of the most imperative concepts within a specific study. It is domineering to enhance such self-articulated strategies using previously acquired knowledge for more amicable understanding. Essentially, such previously gained knowledge is authoritative in augmenting an existing idea that is crucial in a given poetic analysis. Moreover, a vivid understanding the specified concepts assists in augmenting analysis and improvement of the desired potential approach. Therefore, engagement of the most relevant and amicable potentially restrictive approach assists in essential understanding. My habits of mind reacted to the poem with questioning, thought, listening, empathy and striving to attain accuracy. Foremost, I struggled to reconnect the essay with my past experiences relating to interpretation of a poem and its accurate analysis. Above all, I was forecasted to manage any potential risks that might associate with interpretation and analysis of the poem. Through extensive listening and association of previous experiences involving poem interpretation, I evaluated the poem’s theme and deduced its intended meaning (Walcott 1). The habit of mind relating to intelligence listening and questioning enabled me to link the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Scrooge over the two-day period Essay Example for Free
Scrooge over the two-day period Essay The amount of money to the Charity man; he is a changed man. He has a total change in his personality; he even plays a joke on Bob pretending to be miserly and then lights a large fire and helps Tiny Tim. Scrooge loses respect from his colleagues after using most of his money on charities. What picture do we get of Victorian London? We get a vivid description of Victorian London and the customs practiced in London during the 19th Century. Poverty is widespread, being of the middle class is popular and a small population holds the large potion of wealth. Social class dictates life and there is seldom movement within the classes basically everyone is out for themselves. Dickens gives a classical description of the London streets. There was no tinsel, but lots of greenery. All the shops were open until lunchtime on Christmas Day, because servants had to work to prepare Christmas lunch, Bakers, for example, worked a half-day on Christmas day cooking the Goose. From Dickens descriptions it was a strongly Christian society. No one would marry young, it was thought that you had to live life first and then marry. This usually meant older men marrying younger girls. Women were expected to give birth until they died, this meant most women would die during childbirth. From Dickens description he gives the impression that people no longer remembered country customs after moving to the city. When Dickens describes the behaviour and attitude of the people at the time, he is playing with words but giving an interesting insight of life at the time as well; There were great, round, pot-bellied baskets of chestnuts, shaped like waistcoats of jolly old gentlemen, lolling at the doors, and tumbling out into the street in their apoplectic opulence. The city was a contrast; the new buildings went hand in hand with horribly overcrowded slums where conditions were of the poorest standard. Because of the rise in population the basic needs of citizens were put at risk. In 1848, the great Potato Famine struck Ireland, this led to over 100, 000 impoverished Irish fleeing their native land and settled in London, making at one time up to 20% of the total population of the city. London was not a nice place to be in the Victorian period because of the Great Stink. The combination of coal-fired stoves and poor sanitation made the air heavy and foul smelling. For all the economic expansion of the Industrial Revolution, living conditions among Londons poor were appalling. Children as young as five were set to work begging or sweeping chimneys. Dickens himself did much to make the plight of the poor in London known to the liberate classes with his novels, notably Oliver Twist. In 1870, those efforts bore some fruit with the passage of laws providing compulsory education for children between the ages of five and twelve. What does the story reveal about Dickens? Dickens was outgoing, playful and loved to party, much like Fezziwig, the character Dickens created that taught Scrooge how to party. This is shown in his writing, particularly his love for playing with words. Dickens love of playing with words is showing in the last paragraph, He had no further intercourse with spirits, but lived upon the Total Abstinence Principle. (He meant that Scrooge would no longer drink spirits. ) Dickens writes on a very personal level, he writes the Cratchits family life from his won experience. He is a very physical writer but he also has a childish nature. He makes everything young, for example Scrooges Clerk, which shows his childish outlook. Dickens shows his character through his writing, he likes the absurd and the grotesque. He takes everything to its extreme, piling up sentences and playing with language. Dickens shows his joviality and delight in life through his writing; he also shows that he is very sentimental. He personifies things as much as he can, for example he describes the ice as being Misanthropic Ice and gives Scrooges house a childish nature saying it must have run there when it was a young house, playing hide and seek with other houses. This shows the physicality of his writing and he involves all the senses. Dickens starts the story in a very moral way and continues like this throughout, with the focus being on money, this is getting his message across from the beginning. The reason for this strong message was because of Dickens own background. He lived in poverty (like the Crachits) and he was sent to the blacking factory whilst his family went to the debtors prison. He starts the story with Once upon a time making it feel like a fairy tale but also being very accurate. He has great presence in his writing, he is almost writing a moral fable. He chats with his audience creating a humorous relationship between himself and his audience. Dickens also veers from the main story line and goes into tangents of a philosophical or descriptive nature, which I feel reflects his thoughts while writing the book. He ends the story with a reference to God, God Bless us everyone, this may or may not be a reflection on Dickens believes but it did obviously have some significance otherwise he would not have ended the story in this way. The Moral of the book is Christmas is the symbol of everything that is good. Which is what Dickens wanted to promote, involving his idealisation of Christmas being about children. Dickens changed the meaning of Christmas to what we know it as today. In 1815, Christmas was not an important event for children. Jane Austen writes about a couple going to stay with relatives for Christmas, she obviously saw Christmas as not being an important time for children, which in 1815 it was not. However, Dickens soon changed this and Christmas today is now centred about children, which is what Dickens wanted to achieve.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Culture of Pakistan Essay -- Culture Cultural Essays
The Culture of Pakistan I am always fascinated with other people's cultures. The New York or Californian culture always amazes me although these states are in the United States. These areas of the nation seem very different than Texas. I do not have any friends that have recently moved here from another culture so, I set out to my neighborhood Stop N Go. The clerks at this convenience store are all from other countries. One clerk whom I have talked to many times, named Sohail Shah, always spoke of Pakistan. I often listened to his stories of being in the Karachi police force or of Pakistan's different customs. Sohail Shah, a thirty year old male clerk at the Stop N Go located on North Braeswood near Chimney Rock, has been in the United States for four years. He moved here with his wife and two children to "escape punishment". Sohail claims he was in the secret police protecting the president when many governmental changes were made. Many of his co-workers were put in jail for many years for reasons he would not openly discuss. He has to work two jobs because his wife does not work. According to Mr. Shah, she will never work. In Pakistan, women are to stay home and raise children. Currently, Sohail is observing the holy month of fasting called Ramadan. This is observed during the ninth month of the Islamic year and is ordained by the Koran, the Islam holy book. The fasting begins every morning at dawn and ends immediately at sunset. Muslims cannot eat, drink or smoke at all. In the evening, regular activities resume. The Islam driven culture of Pakistan shapes everyday life. Each day, all Muslims pray five times. The first is before sunrise, the second around noon, the third in the late afternoon, the fourth immediately after sunset, and the fifth before retiring and before midnight. They face the Kaaba, which is a small box in Mecca. No matter where a Muslim is, he will pause, face the East, and pray when it is time. When Sohail lived in Pakistan, he lived in a house with his whole fa mily. As an adult, he lived with his parents and siblings as well as his wife and children. The house was large enough to accommodate over fourteen people. All the women stayed home to keep up the house and prepare meals. If the women were to go to the market, they would completely cover themselves except for their eyes. Women were not to be seen in public without covers. A... the idea that the family is very close. I don't know if my entire family could live under one roof, though. During the holidays, tensions build when my whole family is together(grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins). The situation of the wife staying home to keep up the home, prepare meals and take care of children is a positive characteristic. When my parents were young, their mothers stayed home to do the same tasks. I believe if the economy in the U.S. improved, the mothers would stay home, if they were still married. The way of conducting funerals is sort of peculiar. Wrapping the body in a grass mat that is tied shut at the ends is bizarre by my standards. I would prefer the casket approach to funerals. My feelings towards the Pakistani culture could be defined as xenocentric. I feel that the United Stated was once family focused and crime free. I would like to live in a culture such as Pakistan's but without such extreme religious influence. I do not agree that women should be covered up in public or that they are not allowed into cemeteries. For Pakistan to be my ideal culture, it would have somewhat the same norms but freedom of religion and equality for women.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Play work principles Essay
The drive for children to play is inbuilt in our genetic makeup, almost an instinct or an impulse. Children learn through play their world around them. As the Play work principle No1 states: ‘’ All children and young people need to play. The impulse to play is innate. Play is a biological, psychological and social necessity, and is fundamental to the healthy development and well-being of individuals and communities.’’ A child will choose over anything else to ‘play’ weather they are out shopping, eating a meal, and learning at school. Children have the ability to turn anything or object into a fun and exciting adventure. Play is a necessary if not vital part of a child’s development. Children naturally learn through play their selves about their world or environment around them and skills which they will develop for life. Through play they will develop: Social skills: many games are played with friends, siblings and neighbours and the child will interact and learn to get along with a group. Listening, debating, reasoning, sharing are all developed through games like dressing up, the home corner, dens or making up new games. Also moral values are encountered as there is a need for children to apply fairness, inclusion and kindness to others. Physical development: Being active is very important to a child’s development, as the need to widen their fine and gross motor skills as well as keeping good health. Lots of games need balance, concentration, and coordination like ball games, riding scooters or climbing trees. Intellectual: The ability to think for their selves and learn a greater understanding consepts and ideas. When they are playing construction games or building things, they are designing, problem solving, thinking ahead and been resourceful. Creative: Children have an ability to open their mind and think of things completely different to adults. Through role play or adventure they can be whomever they choose. When they use visual arts they can use things in different ways and that are non-conventional. They come up with new and exciting ideas and creations. Cultural: Our world is diverse and children learn through playing games like dressing up, role play, cooking recipes, and having parties about different cultures and beliefs. Emotional: A child can through play express lots of different kinds of emotion. In role play anger, love and empathy can be displayed. They will push boundaries and explore risk by playing more adventurous games. Self-esteem and confidence will be heightened by them having accomplished new skills whilst playing, such as building a den the biggest or the best they have ever done before. Children play to discover about the world the live in, they need to feel the water and play in the mud so they will grow up to appreciate their place in the world. 1.3 Play is a fundamental part of a child’s development for their health and well-being. Studies have shown that children that are deprived of play experiences maybe under developed in either a physical or mental ability. That is why the Playprinciple No 1 states; ‘’All children and young people need to play. The impulse to play is innate. Play is a biological, psychological and social necessity, and is fundamental to the healthy development and well-being of individuals and communities.’’ As it is a necessity. Biological: The child’s physical development, whether it is their body physically fit or their minds well stimulated. Psychological: This is the child’s overall wellbeing. Sociological: This is a child’s social skills and to be able to get along with other, and mix with a diverse group of children or adults. Frazer Brown states: ‘This is not a simple interaction but a complex process wherein, flexibility in the play environment leads to increased flexibility in the child. That child is then better able to make use of the flexible environment and so on. There is massive child development potential in a play setting.’
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Ethics of Observation
Uses of Observation within a work environment:†¢Identifies stages of development †¢Identifies level of ability †¢Use observations to plan activities †¢Monitors changes in behaviour †¢Use to report suspected abuse/neglect †¢Psychological evidenceWhy is observation important?By observing children within a work environment, we are able to learn their interests and dislikes. As teachers, it’s important for us to know the children we work with as deeply as we can, so we can relate to them and get in touch with their personalities. Once we have had the chance to observe children, we are able to plan activities and lessons according to individual learning styles and the children’s attitudes towards learning. By doing this, we are able to make their first years within a learning environment proceed to their best potential.Read on to learn about Ethical IssuesEthical IssuesBefore carrying out an observation on any child, make sure you have received permission from the parents of the child, your supervisor and depending on the age of the child, the child herself/himself. Here is a list of Ethical Issues concerning observationsAnonymity is important because all of your observations as a teacher should be kept confidential. If anyone who isn’t supposed to read your observations does happen to find them, you need to take careful measures to ensure that only you will be able to make sense of them. You will need to change the names of all children involved in your observation (Child A, B, C etc.) as well as the school name and the members of staff names (Staff A, B, C etc.).Confidentiality is vital when working with children. You wouldn’t want to let a child’s file fall into the wrong hands. Only certain people are allowed to read your observations, such as your supervisor, the parents of the child if they ask, and the child themselves. You should ensure that your records are kept in a safe place, and treat them in a confidential manner.Objectivity is needed within the observations you make within the working place. You cannot let your personal feelings or thoughts intrude with your observations. You must check that all statements are accurate, supported by evidence and are not discriminatory.Storage of Data is used to ensure that data is kept in a secure place. It makes sure that only authorised people are given access to the records. This ties in with the Data Protection Act 1998.Rights of the parents and child. Each have the right to refuse being observed and to see the observation record. The parents have the right to refuse permission of observation. Accuracy is essential within an observation to ensure that children are not assessed on inaccurate evidence. The evidence recorded must be as true a reflection of the child’s actions as possible. If the record is not as accurate as it could be, we may not take the precautions to meet the needs of the child. Purpose of the observati on is needed. The observation you record should not be used in any way to harm the child. Responsibility to record the observation as accurately and as carefully as possible is yours. Conclusions should be fair and supported by reasonable evidence. This ensures that the observation is used to the benefit of the child.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Help Im a Workaholic!
Help Im a Workaholic! Okay, being a workaholic sounds doesn’t sound like a very positive description. You might consider yourself to be more along the lines of â€Å"too efficient†but the truth is, being extremely efficient at work can have its drawbacks, too. Consider these tips, inspired by Laura Vanderkam at Realize You Move at a Faster SpeedFirstly, if you’re driving at 90 mph and your coworkers are cruising along at the speed limit, odds are you’re pretty frustrated whenever you’re waiting on them to turn around an assignment or component for a shared project. The solution here isn’t to slow down, necessarily, but be aware that your natural pace may not match up automatically with those around you.And chances are, if you’re feeling frustration, others may be sensing it. Approach your workflow with all that characteristic efficiency, but build the time delays into it, so you know when to expect and how to respond to them.Don’t R ush Past Important Workplace CheckpointsSecondly, what if you know you’re the most productive person in the office, but promotions keep going to other people? Sure, maybe you’re just too valuable where you are, but take a look at the politics of the workplace for a possible explanation.You may be working speedily and effectively, but are you taking the time to build personal relationships? Make the effort to accept a happy hour invitation at least once a month; support your colleagues by celebrating their milestones and pitching in on projects if they need help. Take 10 minutes to schmooze a little with someone you actually like talking to- you never know when a positive impression will come in handy.Besides, if you churn through your to-do list at a breakneck pace and don’t have a lot of patience for stragglers, you’re actually demonstrating poor management skills. Good managers motivate their teams, and help them balance responsibilities and tasks, r ather than steamrolling by and expecting them to follow automatically. Mentor your coworkers, particularly those further down the hierarchy- demonstrate to the higher ups that you may be a wunderkind, but you’re also a team player.Make Sure Your Contributions are KnownAnd finally, make sure someone knows how productive you are! The disadvantage to keeping your head down and your eyes on the target is that people may come to take for granted what you contribute. Schedule regular check-ins with your boss, disguised as a â€Å"status meeting†if necessary, to ensure that your accomplishments are on their radar.Then, kick back and enjoy leaving promptly at 5- virtue (or high level efficiency) can also be rewarded by the timely end to the work day.The Downside To Being Super Efficient At WorkRead More at Fast Company
Monday, October 21, 2019
japan subdued essays
japan subdued essays It was the year of 1945 when the U.S. and it's Allies were in War with the country of Japan. Japan had previously attacked the United States Naval Force's in Pearl Harbor, which had resulted in a big loss to the U.S. This event had led to the beginning of a War between the two and some of the U.S. Allies. Japan was trying to take control of a lot of the land in the East and was battling for land control. The book written by Herbert Feis talks about the time era in which the U.S. tried to make Japan during 1945 unconditionally surrender its power to the them, which then led to the Atomic Bomb-S1 usage upon Japans pride to surrender. In the book, the author tries to tell us that the use of the Atomic Bomb could've been prevented if other agreements would've taken place between the two Countries. It also talked about how the second bomb that was used was unnecessary and should've have never been dropped but the U.S. Government said that is was dropped to make a clear statement to Japan. The whole reason the President and General MacArthur agreed the bomb would benefit the U.S., is that it would make Japan surrender unconditionally to the U.S. and could save lives of the U.S. Military from fighting a longer War. Japan would not agree on the surrender terms written in Potsdam Declaration because they did not want their Emperor to fall out of a Dynasty that was to be created. Then the U.S. and it's Allies such as the Germans, USSR, and China all gathered for a meeting with the U.S. informing them all that they were building a new weapon that was going to used on Japan to end war early. They told the Allies that the weapon would be ready early August and that one was ready to be tested on open grounds in New Mexico. It was early August and Japan still hadn't agreed on any terms with the U.S. and the new weapon was even closer to being ready to be dropped using B-29 aircrafts. At this time the USSR was waiting to declare wa...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Meet an Online Company That Writes Original Papers for Students
Meet an Online Company That Writes Original Papers for Students is a custom writing service founded in 2005 and focusing on premium quality academic research writing services. We provide custom research papers written for you from scratch. We also provide professional essay writers for hire they will write your paper to meet your academic needs. Looking for someone to write your paper? No Problem! We are a reliable, trustworthy professional essay writing service that will get you a top-quality product at a reasonable price. Our goal is also to provide you with a best custom term paper writing service on the web. The data we’ve collected since 2005 shows that a lot of students outsource their writing tasks to ghost writers or professional researchers to get a well-researched and properly done piece of writing. Here are the top 5 benefits of this solution: You won’t have to spend hours in libraries, doing the background research. The research will not only be conducted in a professional manner, it will fully meet your style, your language – no one will ever find out you didn’t write this paper. You will be able to concentrate on things that are of most importance to you. You will get this extra unnecessary deadline stress off of you. You will learn from example, but the learning will be much more enjoyable easy. Research shows that on average, college graduates are still making 60% more than high school ones – so college is still important. However, modern education is already facing big problems, as it is unable to keep up with the pace the world develops. By the time you graduate, your knowledge will already get outdated. This holds especially true for disciplines like IT, medicine, marketing, management and many others. So don’t waste your time, join our service and enjoy the ease of outsourcing the tedious writing tasks to the writing professionals. Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard to focus on Microsoft; Oprah Winfrey chose to focus on her career in the media – and chose to discontinue her studies at Tennessee State University – they chose to quit; you can be smart enough and outsource your homework! Top 10 Things we are going to give you: We will treat you with respect Our customer support service is centered around you; our world revolves around you since you are the center of our universe.  Our customers are our greatest asset and we show respect for them in every way we can. We are a trustworthy partner We will not ask you for your personal details like your teaching institution, your address unless you want to provide this information to us. You will remain anonymous at all times Your name will never ever be disclosed to anyone, your files and contact information will remain on our secure servers. Your confidentiality is our #1 priority. 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However, depending on your needs, we can select a writer with a higher level, all the way up to Ph.D. to work on your paper. We will meet your deadline Our support team is constantly monitoring all the orders and controls delivery. That way you can rest assured your paper is in good hands. Typically, we upload our papers 4-8 hours before the deadline. We will communicate with you to make sure we are on the right track We know it for a fact that communication between all key stakeholders is the key to success. We will ask you questions, writers will ask you questions and do not hesitate to ask us questions too – it’s the only way to ace your project. We will give you accumulate discount Our accumulative discount policy starts with $100 you spend. The basic discount level is 3% and it goes all the way up to 15%. The more you order, the more you save! Besides, we also have discounts to our first-time customers, allowing them to save up to 20% off their first order. We will give you confidence that your paper is in the right hands You will see your paper is in the right hands by the type of questions we ask. You will see our writers are professionals and they are good at what they do! Contact us today to enjoy the benefits of a professional writing service. Our customer support team is available to you 24/7 and is always ready to assist. Our professional writers will do the background research and the writing required to ace your paper. Also, we offer first-time discounts for our new customers. If you place your first order, you will get 15% off your order. Hurry up, the offer expires in 24 hours!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
What microeconomic factors affect the role of U.S. gov't in the health Research Paper
What microeconomic factors affect the role of U.S. gov't in the health care system - Research Paper Example The quality and cost problems in the health care system, in United States, can be solved trough establishing a strong leadership from the federal government, and mobilizing and setting up the national priorities. This enhances development and promulgation of the standards in health care. The federal agency carries out these functions while the government designs the payment policies depending on performance standards, investment in information technology, and investment in research to improve the nationwide care (Greenfield 111–121). Health care in United States consumes a high percentage of gross domestic products, delivers diminishing values and eludes the remedies continuously. The present state of the healthcare represents functional and structural outcome of the historic contradictions that substantially damage the self organizing capacity. The changing political and economic cycles review show risks in the healthcare system. The improvement of quality healthcare in US requires stronger government leadership throughout the healthcare system. This does not preclude continued existence of the care system. Nonetheless, the strong federal leadership will enhance development and implementation of the strategies in enhancing the value from the government (Leatherman and McCarthy 305–312). The increased concern by the federal government for the costs in healthcare dates back to about fifteen years when accelerated the federal budget and costs on the national health after approval of Medicaid and Medicare. First proposals in health care cost strategies happened in 1970s. The Nixon administration advised the health policy experts during the health care crisis and proposed regulatory efforts and market policy. Administration envisioned to expand the health care maintenance organizations, HMOs, within five years time and enroll 40 million people in 1976. The
Why Smart Companies Do Dumb Things Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Why Smart Companies Do Dumb Things - Essay Example The desire to stay ahead of Pepsi and to be able to meet the taste of what Pepsi produces made the strategy of New Coke compelling to the executives of Coca Cola. In the early 80’s coke lost its market share to its rival Pepsi by two share points which represented to about $960million sales of Coke production. Coke real marketing problem was its advertisement and not its product. With a change in the soft drink consumer market, coke was not able to match up with the thought process with its commercials ads. Coca Cola had lost generation of young people with its bland advertising style. Coke advertising had a stodgy look and feel in comparison to Pepsi. Coke did not have any relevant statement for the youth in the 80’s. It was being positioned as a beverage preferred by senior citizens in comparison to Pepsi ads which targeted the youths. As a result the company did not pay any attention in improving the advertising rather focused on the product as marketing problem. Coke advertising strategy was no longer matching with the youth culture. Coke had researched every number and projection before the launch of its New Coke and the figures were accurate but it mis-leaded the company as it allowed the company to chase the wrong problem. The problem was in advertisement strategy the executives thought it to be the product. The executive of Coke got carried away with fragile and funky numbers. It ignored the issue that impacted the quality of the numbers such as research design, problem definition, how to ask questions and the analytical skills which helped to interpret the meaning of the numbers. Numbers have always been accepted blithely and so did New Coke before its launch. New Coke marketing research lacked validity as it did not communicate to its consumer that its flagship brand would be replaced with new sweeter product and its research was one dimensional. It was based only in sip testing which took place at central locations and was
Friday, October 18, 2019
Develop a three year professional action plan Essay
Develop a three year professional action plan - Essay Example Health care would in fact be the number one industry in the United States. Operations research-type analysis and application for the complex problems involved would be of benefit to any health care system. The largest problem, there are not enough people considering careers in the health care industry. Currently, the health care industry in the United States faces many of the same issues confronting other industries, but there would be some significant political differences. Simultaneously, health care would be representative of a huge segment of the economy, and it needs our help. The people working as part of the healthcare system are generally dedicated to providing the best possible service. The problem is, the workforce and, more importantly, management, do not possess the necessary training or knowledge to make the best use of the available resources. Under these particular circumstances, it would be doubtful that any private industry would survive with the level of waste and inefficiency commonly seen in health care. Healthcare is a business like no other known business model. There would be multiple decision-makers with conflicting goals and objectives. The first consideration should be the acute care hospital. At this time, most hospitals in the United States, and in the case of Canada virtually all, are not-for-profit, independent corporations. Glouberman and Mintzberg would identify four different management groups for which they utilize the term four worlds within the hospital environment. Clinical operations are managed in a downward focus due to doctors and nurses and their focus on patient care. Managers and trustees focus in an upward consideration toward those who control or fund the institution. Moreover, employees, in this case managers and nurses, would practice some management within the institution, while doctors and trustees would manage outside the hospital as from the outside in, since they are technically not employees and are thus independent of its formal authority. The world of cure, which is characterized by short, intensive and essentially non-personal medical interventions, would be considered a quadrant of this particular ideal. Typically, North American doctors would not work directly for the hospitals. They are in fact private entrepreneurs who possess admission privileges at a hospital. There are a few who would consist as salaried hospital employees, but the majority would in fact consistently work on a fee-for-service basis with the hospital. To maximize their income, doctors would often make brief appearances whenever the patient requires a cure and intervention or treatment of some form. From this point they would move forward. As a potential healthcare manager it is best to understand the political and other interrelationships between doctors, nurses, hospital personnel and administration. Health care managers face another sector, which represents the world of care. This is the world represented by nurses. Nurses are providers who work directly for the hospital on salary and typically account for the largest component of its operating budget. They work in their own internal management hierarchy and have a unique relationship with patients. They are
Discussion Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Discussion Questions - Essay Example In this way, firms of different sizes could be compared on an equal footing. For example, COGS of firm A may be greater than that of firm B. But its sales may be higher too. Q6. The dates on financial statements are important because they indicate the period in which profits or losses accrue and cash flows occur, as well as the financial status of the company as at a date. Q7. The income statement presents the incomes or revenues and expenses or costs of the firm incurred during a period, regardless of paid or not, to arrive at the profit or loss. On the other hand, the cash flow statement of the firm presents the revenues or costs received or paid during a period, regardless of incurred or not, to arrive at the cash outflow or cash inflow. The balance sheet captures the financial snapshot of the firm as at a particular point in time. The profit or loss on the income statement enters the retained earnings account, which is under shareholder's equity in the balance sheet. The cash inflow or cash outflow from the cash flow statement is added to or subtracted from the beginning cash balance to arrive at the ending cash balance, which is under current assets in the balance sheet. Q5.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Research Methods in Criminal Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Research Methods in Criminal Justice - Essay Example ion that making the commander ultimately responsible will serve to ensure that the commander himself/herself is extremely careful as to the fact that all regulations and protocol are followed down to the smallest detail, this also has a weakening effect on the level of change that the commander is able to institute as he/she is perennially concerned with the fact that he/she might be held responsible for one of the employees in their charge (Maxfield, 2011). In the way that the text described, the commander’s efficiency in handling the daily task load he/she is responsible for would likely be decreased by the paranoia that such a policy would necessarily instill. A better manner of responsibility would include a healthy balance of the two. A situation in which the commander has to report for any wrongdoings of his/her officers concurrent with a high level of personal responsibility being instituted for the offending officer would likely be a far superior model. As such, it is the recommendation of this author that the proposed model be balanced in a way that both support ultimate responsibility of management while emphasizing traits of personal responsibility of the offending
Affordable Healthcare Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Affordable Healthcare Act - Essay Example Before elucidating the likely impact, it is of importance to define the words quality, access, and cost in relation to healthcare. A number of aspects are considered when defining quality of healthcare. Quality means that optimum outcomes are achieved, proper identification of illnesses is done, sufficient treatment and rehabilitation achieved, cases documented properly, and laid down standards and values are respected (Miles, 2012). Access to healthcare on the other hand denotes the ease of use and convenience to healthcare facilities or institutions in regard to their propinquity. Access to some extent also is viewed in consideration to the number of healthcare providers or physicians available in a specific area. Areas with fewer health professionals are considered to have less access to care while those with more physicians or health professionals are considered more accessible in terms of care (Miles, 2012). Subsequently, cost of care is viewed in a number of ways. In political realms, cost of healthcare is defined in terms of national as well as State expenditures in health matters. Health care providers define cost in terms of expenditure incurred through offering care services to individuals. In relation to commerce, cost of healthcare is viewed in terms of rates of insurance and premiums (Miles, 2012). Healthcare quality, access, and cost is affected by political issues in a country and the kind of action plans implemented to reform the health sector. In the U.S. in particular, the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), otherwise known as the Obamacare has impacted the health sector immensely. In fact, there was much opposition to the implementation of this act though the Supreme court eventually ruled in the year 2012 that all features of the act were legal. There was a feeling among many individuals that the fact that the act requires all Americans to enroll for healthcare plans lest
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Research Methods in Criminal Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Research Methods in Criminal Justice - Essay Example ion that making the commander ultimately responsible will serve to ensure that the commander himself/herself is extremely careful as to the fact that all regulations and protocol are followed down to the smallest detail, this also has a weakening effect on the level of change that the commander is able to institute as he/she is perennially concerned with the fact that he/she might be held responsible for one of the employees in their charge (Maxfield, 2011). In the way that the text described, the commander’s efficiency in handling the daily task load he/she is responsible for would likely be decreased by the paranoia that such a policy would necessarily instill. A better manner of responsibility would include a healthy balance of the two. A situation in which the commander has to report for any wrongdoings of his/her officers concurrent with a high level of personal responsibility being instituted for the offending officer would likely be a far superior model. As such, it is the recommendation of this author that the proposed model be balanced in a way that both support ultimate responsibility of management while emphasizing traits of personal responsibility of the offending
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Supporting Activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Supporting Activity - Essay Example Mobile computing has resulted in a marked increase in productivity of employees because of their easy access to data which they need. Web 2.0 is another development whose impact in the information technology of companies cannot be undermined. â€Å"Web 2.0 is the popular term for advanced Internet technology and applications including blogs, wikis, RSS and social bookmarking†(Rouse, 2011). With Web 2.0 employees gain an easy access to various business applications which the IT department can benefit from. Web 2.0 allows for people to create, work together, edit and share user generated content online; thus, making it easier for the IT department to disseminate information. Aside from mobile computing and Web 2.0, social media networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn are used by some organizations to reach out to their customers. Inter-office memos are sometimes broadcasted through social media networks because of its accessibility to everyone. As more advances in technology are developed, the information systems of corporations are also enhanced leading to a more efficient and accurate transfer of information. These new trends are reshaping the manner of doing business today and in the
Monday, October 14, 2019
Organization Behavior and Leadership Essay Example for Free
Organization Behavior and Leadership Essay The Expectancy Theory of Motivation One of the most widely accepted theories of motivation is Victor Vrooms Expectancy Theory. â€Å"Expectancy theory argues that the strength of a tendency to act in a certain way depends on the strength of an expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual.†(Robbins Judge, 2007, p.208) [i] In other words, employees will have the motivation to put forth a strong effort, if: They believe the effort will give them positive recognition. (This is called the â€Å"effort-performance†relationship.) That positive recognition must then lead to some kind of desirable reward, such as more money or an increase in status or power. (This is called the â€Å"performance-reward†relationship.) That reward must also be something that fulfills a personal goal for the employee. (This is called the â€Å"rewards-personal goals†relationship.) All three components need to be present for an individual to exert the kind of effort needed to be considered an intense motivation for action and performance of a duty or task. Lets consider the following example: A company that produces a high quality audio products has recently introduced a new production process in an effort to help the employees meet a goal of high production standards. Supervisor As team of employees are not doing well with the production process. Some do not strive to master the process, those that have mastered it are not putting forth effort to reach the goals, and even top-producers dont seem interested in achieving the goals. After speaking to some of Supervisor As team, Supervisor B has discovered that the following concerns are expressed by the team: Some do not feel they can be successful because they believe lack the dexterity needed to implement the process. Some feel that it is not worth the putting forth the extra effort to reach the goals because there is no difference in salary increase for those that meet the goals and those that do not. They believe that performance has to be very slow before it affects the rate of pay. They also say that when a bonus is given, after the withholdings are taken out, the bonus is so small that overtime actually is seen as better way to earn more money than trying to earn a bonus. This scenario lends itself to the perfect situation to implement the expectancy theory of motivation. The employees feel: That there is no recognition for achieving the goal. That there is no reward for achieving the goal. Since there is no recognition or reward, there is no opportunity for employees to evaluated their personal goals to see if reaching the performance goal will help to fulfill a personal goal. The company could implement the expectancy theory by enacting the following steps: Create a specific recognition for those that master process. For those that master the process bonuses can be implemented that exceed those monetary rewards that overtime would bring. Personally interview each employee to discover what their employment goals are and create a personalized plan to reach those goals, make mastering the process one of those steps needed to reach the personal goal. This plan would address all three components of the expectancy theory. However the plan should not be created as one-time policy implementation. Rather it should be tested and evaluated to discover what rewards and recognitions created the most effective levels of motivation. [ i ]. Robbins, S. P., Judge, T. A. (2007). Organization behavior. (12 ed., p. 208). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Britain in the First World War Essay -- Papers
Britain in the First World War Introduction Recruitment and conscription had become a big issue at the beginning and propaganda was used to change the attitudes of the public. After the First World War, life in Britain had changed dramatically. Britain owed nearly six billion pounds to the Americans. Air raids back on the British homeland had killed over one thousand people and left millions homeless. In total nearly one million British people had died during the war. Women had come to do the jobs of men, and governments had taken new measures to ensure we had won this new kind of war. The League of Nations had been intended to bring peace back to Europe and the world but only brought more bitterness. Recruitment Before conscription, men would be encouraged by their families to enlist and fight for the country. Propaganda was used to stir up the ideas and emotions of what kizer whilhelm had in mind for Europe and to bring out countrymen's patriotic duties. When Lord Kitchener as put in charge of Britain's fight against the Germans he realized that more men would be needed. The BEF (British Expeditionary Force) only had one hundred thousand men and so the recruitment drive had begun. Women were encouraged to persuade men to enlist, and at the height of the recruitment drive half a million had enlisted. Men that didn't enlist were seen as cowards and given white feathers to wear in public. Many feared that the war would be over before they got to the front. All countries involved had greeted the war with enthusiasm hoping to fight for 'King and country'. Conscription Conscription was introduced... that this could never happen again. America on the other hand wanted to keep Germany from being punished too much incase any thing like this happen again. Britain was in the middle of all this. They understood were both nations were coming from. They agreed on the punishment and forced Germany to sign the treaty of Versailles. The British blockade had starved the Germans into surrendering. The German public had nicknamed the government the 'November Criminals'. The League of Nations had been created by woodrow Wilson but when he backed out, the league was left with no real power. The permanent members were still recovering after war. The league had more defeats then victories and rarely brought peace to rising conflicts. The American public had felt they should never have gotten involved with European affairs.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
A Comparison of Antigone and A Dolls House Essay -- comparison compar
Similarities in Antigone and A Doll's House  Ibsen's A Doll's House has been called the first modern play. The play was considered "revolutionary" because it broke several "molds" which had endured for centuries. Incredibly, much of what was considered "revolutionary" first appeared in Sophocles' play, Antigone - one of the first plays in existence.  In merely looking at the surface, one notices right away that both plays are significant in that they avoid the social temptation of using a man as a protagonist. Looking deeper into the stories, however, one can see that in even more contradiction with society, the female characters go against men. Both Antigone and Nora step into the spotlight as the female hero who has been put in a compromising situation and is forced to decide whether it is more important to follow what society dictates, or go with what they feel is moral and just.  Antigone is faced with the death of both brothers, one who is to be buried with full military rites, while the other, under dictate of the king, is to be cast aside and allowed ...
Friday, October 11, 2019
Face Recognition Technology for Entrance Control Essay
Facial recognition technology refers to a computer driven application that automatically identifies an individual from his or her digital image by a comparison of particular facial features in a facial database and in a live image (Vacca, 2007, p. 95). The technology creates a template of people’s facial configurations, such as the lengths of their noses and the angles of their jaws. It thereby functions like other biometric technologies (e.g. iris scanning) that use biological features for the purposes of recognition. According to Visionics, a manufacturer of face recognition technology, the technology is capable of finding human faces â€Å"anywhere in the field of view and at any distance, and it can continuously track them and crop them out of the scene, matching the face against a watch list†(Kautzer, 2002). What is more, facial recognition technology is nowadays used for entrance management. Systems are being designed to automatically open doors to only those individuals whose facial features are recognizable because they have been fed into those systems (â€Å"Face Recognition Entrance Control System,†2009). But, is there more to face recognition technology than meets the eye? In other words, is it reasonable to rely on the effectiveness of face recognition technology for entrance control? Description and Uses of Facial Recognition Technology It is natural brain technology that allows humans to recognize fellow human beings. According to Bruce & Young (1986), there are â€Å"face recognition units†in the brains of human beings (p. 361). Face recognition involves matching â€Å"the products of structural encoding,†that is, facial features that are spotted by the eye with â€Å"previously stored structural codes†(Bruce & Young, p. 361). Vacca writes that there are three areas of the face that are â€Å"primary targets†in face recognition because they do not typically change (p. 95). These parts of the face include upper sections of a person’s eye sockets, the part of the face surrounding one’s cheekbones, and the sides of the human mouth. Regardless of whether the human brain also considers these parts of the face most crucial to facial recognition, Vacca explains three different techniques used in man-made face recognition technology, namely, eigenface systems, eigenfeature systems, and thermal imaging. Eigenface image systems capture facial images and change them to â€Å"light and dark areas†(Vacca, p. 95). In eigenfeature systems, certain features of the face, for example, the eyes and the mouth, are picked out and distances are measured between these features. Thermal imaging systems, on the other hand, take thermal images of the human face, focusing on the pattern of blood vessels (Vacca). Even though iris scanning and other kinds of biometric technologies are known to be far more accurate than face recognition technology, it is believed that the latter would be more widely accepted because it is least intrusive. This technology does not require users to push, click, or insert anything into the system, despite the fact that it takes many experts to create eigenface, eigenfeature or thermal imaging systems. Moreover, organizations using the face recognition technology do not require the installation of anything except a new software application. The cameras already in place as well as pictures of individuals on file are enough for organizations that use this technology. Hence, face recognition technology is cheaper than iris scanning, for instance, which requires reading setups (Rutherford, 2001). According to Frances Zelazney, who works as the director of corporate communication at Visionics – a leading developer of biometrics – yet another advantage of facial recognition technology as compared to other biometric technologies is that â€Å"facial recognition provides for inherent human backup because we naturally recognize one another†¦Ã‚ If the system goes down, someone can pull out an ID with a picture as backup, something you can’t do with fingerprint devices†(Rutherford). Unsurprisingly, facial recognition technology is known as the fastest growing biometric technology in our day. Law enforcement agencies and the military have been successfully using the technology for many years without the public being aware of it. In the year 1988, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Lakewood Division, began using composite sketches of suspects, as well as video images, in order to conduct searches on a database of digital facial shots. The department also has a photo database of sex offenders and plans to find suspects on this database. Then there is the Gang Reporting Evaluation Tracking system that can be searched with the use of photos of suspects in order for law enforcement to circumvent false identification cards as well as information that has been presented by gang members (Jarvis). Other applications of face recognition technology in the area of criminal investigation include the Integrated Law Enforcement Face-Identification System which incorporates a unique three dimensional composite technology to identify angled-view face shots more easily. The system is meant to be very helpful in the correct identification of uncooperative suspects in addition to subjects that have been caught from a distance using video surveillance cameras. Britain is known to use at least two hundred thousand video cameras for surveillance. Many of these cameras are being installed with the facial recognition technology today. Typically these systems use computers to monitor cameras that are looking for recognized criminals. As soon as the system is seen to identify a known criminal, the police are called (Jarvis). There are numerous United States embassies around the world that are using the face recognition technology to keep criminals from entering the country. The Israel-Palestine border control is similarly using the technology to reduce crime (Jarvis). IQ Biometrix, established in 2001, was a company providing help to thousands of law enforcement agencies around the world with the FACES â„ ¢, a groundbreaking software tool allowing users to create and recreate billions of face shots, as well as encode, catalogue and transmit them. The technology incorporated a facial composite tool that the FBI and the CIA also used. The United States Department of Defense, the U.S. Navy, and various local as well as state police agencies had similarly opted for this groundbreaking system of facial recognition (â€Å"IQ Biometrix†). Given the importance of putting a name to a face in law enforcement, whether it is to solve crimes, protect the public, or to ensure security in jails, face recognition technology is proving itself to be of tremendous value. Sheriff Everett Rice with the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office in Florida employs the Viisage face recognition technology to â€Å"positively identify and verify individuals†(â€Å"Facial Recognition in Action,†2007). Some of these individuals have been recently arrested while others are about to be released. So far, application of the technology has been successful, and users of the technology believe that it would have a greater impact on crime control in the years to come (â€Å"Facial Recognition in Action†). The following is a detailed account of the case being considered:  Application of face recognition technology by the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office is a model for other agencies involved in criminal investigation. The Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office has applied the new technology in other ways as well. As an example, the Sheriff’s Office has expanded use of the technology to its patrol cars to allow street deputies to identify those individuals that have been stopped and are unable to produce identification. There are workstations in the Pinellas Country where investigators may use face recognition technology to compare images that have been acquired in investigations. This system allows for search of at least two million images within ten seconds. What is more, this browser based system is available in the cars of deputies that patrol the streets of the Pinellas County (â€Å"Facial Recognition in Action†). Report on the use of face recognition technology for law enforcement in the Pinellas County continues thus
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Modernist poetry Essay
Modernist poetry tends to break many of the structured rules of poems published previously. Walt Whitman’s â€Å"When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer,†â€Å"buffalo bill†by e. e. cummings, and â€Å"Mirror†by Sylvia Plath are definitely very different poems in subject. However, what they share is a â€Å"modern†view of poetry. They all â€Å"break the mold†in subject and especially structure. In cummings â€Å"buffalo bill,†cummings â€Å"breaks the mold†both in structure and in syntax. His lack of punctuation and capitalization are unique to his own style. Cummings seems to compare himself to Bill Cody in that Buffalo Bill was really a facade. He rode â€Å"a watersmooth silver stallion,†which means that he didn’t really ride a stallion at all. He uses the word â€Å"defunct†in rather a mocking way, since it is not the way we would talk about someone who died. And yet, at the same time, there is worship in the poem. However, the poet himself has been tricked by the heroic farce of Bill Cody. This sense of mocking fraud is the chief way this poem is similar to the others. Although cumming’s way to get to this similarity is very different from the other poets. He relies on word choice like â€Å"defunct†and mocking statements such as â€Å"fair haired boy. †The tone of both these choices is very irreverent. In Plath’s â€Å"Mirror,†the reader feels as though Plath is writing personally or confessionally. Here is this woman looking in the mirror, seeing the girl slowly be replaced by an older woman and not enjoying this transformation at all. The tone is not irreverent at all, but the image of a â€Å"terrible fish†at the end is very jarring. Plath plays on the fairy tale of looking into a mirror and asking for the â€Å"truth. †But instead of getting the fairy-tale truth, she gets the real truth. If she wants to see how young she looks, she should ask the moonlight or candlelight that hides her flaws and wrinkles. Whereas cummings poem takes a mocking look at legendary Buffalo Bill, Plath’s poem takes a mocking look at a mirror as a truth teller. Plath â€Å"breaks the mold†in being a confessional poet and talking about a woman aging in a completely new way. The last poem entitled â€Å"When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer†in some ways mocks another kind of person/object with legendary status. He mocks the idea that education can tell us all that we need to know. Like the Transcendentalists before him, Whitman believed that we should use our own experiences to tell us what is true in the world. While his tone does not mock, it does certainly refute the idea that by following the â€Å"learned†people, we will know and understand all that we need to. Even though the â€Å"proofs, columns and figures†were before him, he chose to wander out by himself to find the answers. Whitman â€Å"breaks the mold†for his time period by favoring experiential learning over books and academic learning. The true beauty of the night sky is not in listening and understanding everything about it; it is in the beauty and wonder of the night sky. In trying to quantify nature, we kill its wonder. All three poets tell us something unique and refute some â€Å"old way†of looking at things. For cummings, it is a new look at legendary figure Buffalo Bill Cody, who really wasn’t what he was heralded as being. For Plath, it is the old fairy tale like â€Å"Mirror Mirror on the wall†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Plath allows us to look at aging as what it truly isâ€â€gaining wrinkles and getting closer to death. For Whitman, it is allowing us to look at nature in a more mystical and beautiful way rather than trying to qualify and quantify it. All three poets shock us in some way.
Cunegonde and Madame Essay
Our policy at SMARTHINKING is not to correct or edit student writing. Working from higher- to lower-order concerns, we offer teaching points and, on a limited basis, model potential revisions. We know that we cannot deal with every question, problem, or error in a paper, so we prioritize our time accordingly. 2. In this tutoring simulation, you should provide revision advice to the following sample student essay. This student is responding to a literary analysis assignment. Please read the â€Å"Writer Submission Form†(below) and respond to the essay in approximately 30 MINUTES. 3. Please make substantive comments about higher order concerns (e. g. , strengths, thesis, development, organization) in the tutor response form that follows the essay. Provide feedback for â€Å"Strengths of the Paper,†3 of the 9 â€Å"Points†(areas of assistance), and â€Å"Summary of Next Steps. †4. Please embed in the body of the student’s essay approximately five comments about some of the major higher-order and lower-order concerns (e. g. , grammar and mechanics) you noted in the essay. Please embed these comments [in bold and brackets]. 5. At the end of each simulation, please log your time for completing each tutorial. Writer Submission Form Name: Bob King Instructor: Professor Hart Department: English Course: English: 200 BRIEFLY DESCRIBE THE ASSIGNMENT Write an analytical essay (3-4 pages in length). You are to analyze the argument of any work read in Module1 and relate it to the idea of the progress of humanity. Then, restate the work’s thesis and explain how that thesis is argued and with what evidence it is supported. You must analyze the position defended in the work and offer your own judgment on it. WHAT HELP DO YOU WANT FROM YOUR OWL TUTOR? Hi – I need a lot of help with my main idea. And I need to expand my paper a lot. Basically, I want to say that women hampered men in Candide because when men fall in love it causes problems. I don’t really know if I am answering the question or not – the whole thing sort of confuses me. I don’t know if my argument is clear – please help with that. And please help me expand my paper. I need to get to 4 pages – and I don’t know how to make it longer. I think this whole assignment is really pretty stupid. And my teacher is so picky. So, I just need general help. Voltaire’s Men and Women In Candidate, a satire written by Voltaire, women hampered the progress of men. Their love for women cause men their hardships. Cunegonde and Madame de Parolignac impeded Candide and Paquette plagued Pangloss. An example of women impeding mens’ progress is seen when Candid’s yearning for Miss Cunegonde leads to a kiss between the two. The result of this kiss was Candide being kicked out of his home, thus, beginning his hardships. [It would be better if you added a signal phrase before your quotations and broke them down. However, if you want to use an entire block quotation, you should indent the entire quotation like so:] â€Å"Candide, ejected from the earthly paradise, wandered for a long time without knowing where he was going, weeping. raising his eyes to heaven, and gazing back frequently on the most beautiful of castles which contained the most beautiful of Baron’s daughter. †(Voltaire 3) Pangloss, like Candide, experienced several misfortunes because of his being sexually attracted to women, namely one women [woman, singular, don’t forget to proofread your work] Paquette. She used her charm and sex appeal to attract Pangloss. Sex with Paquette contaminated Pangloss with a societal disease which led him to become disfigured, losing an eye and the tip of his nose. â€Å"In her arms I tasted the delights of paradise, which directly caused these torments of hell, from which I am now suffering†(V-8). [I am assuming you are using MLA in-text citation, this is incorrect, either maintain the name-page format or just use the page for subsequent citations. i. e. just (8)] Candide was also attracted to other women besides Cunegonde who caused him to digress [Digress from what? You should rethink your word choices. ] One of these women was Madame de Parolignac. After Candide returned from Eldorado where he had attained wealth, he met Madaem de Parolignac and was sexually attracted to her. Madame de Parolignac on the other hand was attracted to Candide’s diamonds and she used sex to persuade them into her ownership. â€Å"the beauty who had seen two enormous diamonds on the two hands of her young friend, praised them so sincerely that from the fingers of Candide they passed over to the fingers of the marquise. †(V-53) Women have caused men to compromise their homes, money, and health as is the case with Candide and Pangloss for loving them thus causing impeding upon men’s progress, especially that of Candide and Pangloss. [This is rather redundant. You should make a short conclusion regarding the work first, restating your thesis, then expand into the larger context of â€Å"men†in general] TUTOR RESPONSE FORM Hi (writer’s name). I’ve read your paper and here are some points you might want to think about as you revise your paper. STRENGTHS OF THE PAPER: You are headed in the right direction. You have isolated your thesis; you stated that the theme in Voltaire’s work is that women impede the progress of men and make them miserable. This is a good starting point. You also have a good grasp of the content of the reference text from what I can see because you have many good examples to further your point. POINTS TO THINK ABOUT AS YOU REVISE YOUR PAPER [Tutor: Choose 3]: Main idea/Thesis – You have only answered one of the prompts in the assignment. First, you should state the main idea in the reference work and its significance to humanity; in this case, for example, the significance is that the superficial battle of the sexes hinders progress. Then, you state how this main idea was supported; this is when you bring out your excellent examples from the text. Next, you have to give your own judgment on the matter; whether you agree or disagree with what Voltaire was trying to say with his work. Although you have a solid enough thesis, it is rather one-dimensional, so this part is where you get to expand that idea and give your own input. One example is that instead of focusing on how the mere presence of the women ruined these men, you could discuss how the men allowed themselves to be so easily manipulated by the women. Another suggestion is to give a lesson one can take away from the work, something like how if men and women cease trying to manipulate each other all the time, such sexuality-based degradation of society could be avoided. Quotations -As I have noted in your draft, your quotations need a little work. You should review your formatting guidelines when it comes to in-text citation, especially subsequent citations of the same work. Furthermore, while your quotations are well chosen, it is not a very good idea to just place them in your work without much context. Not only is it unattractive, it disrupts the flow of your paper. It is best to add a signal phrase before the quotation, such as: Regarding his affliction, Pangloss said â€Å"†¦.. †The more seamlessly you can integrate your quotes (remember, it has to make sense), the better. A good idea is to paraphrase the quotes and add just the vital part into your sentence. Introduction/Conclusion -Your introduction needs to be extended. You should introduce the work you are discussing, give a little background information on it. Assume that the reader is only vaguely familiar with the work; so, in the introduction, you can give a summary of the satire. To extend this even more, you can save the summary for the second paragraph of the paper and begin the introduction with a tangential discussion of the age-old battle of the sexes such as common opinions, implications, etc. before leading to Voltaire’s work and idea. After you state your understanding of Voltaire’s piece, you should try to integrate your opinion into your thesis statement. Whichever way you decide, the thesis of your paper should be clearly recognizable in your introduction. As for your conclusion, you should briefly and clearly restate your thesis and your most significant points. You can end with a generalization of the implications of the work such as an answer to â€Å"Now that you are aware of the problem stated in the work, what can you do about it? †Summary of next steps (E-structor: let student know what he/she should consider when revising this essay. ) Your main problem is that you are having trouble extending the paper to 4 pages. However, since you have only answered one of the questions in the prompt, answering all the other questions will no doubt help you reach your goal. Remember: Voltaire’s main idea, its significance to humanity, how it was supported in the text (citations), and what you think about it (yay or nay? ) and why. Format your introduction and conclusion better; you start by easing your reader to better accept your ideas and you end by wrapping up your major points and giving your reader something to think about. Lastly, do not forget to proofread your paper, I have found some errors regarding word choice as well as the errors regarding the in-text citations. You are on the right track, you just need to explore your original ideas a little further, and form an opinion on the subject. Completion Time: Simulation B Directions 1. Our policy at SMARTHINKING is not to correct or edit student writing. Working from higher- to lower-order concerns, we offer teaching points and, on a limited basis, model potential revisions. We know that we cannot deal with every question, problem, or error in a paper, so we prioritize our time accordingly. 2. In this tutoring simulation, you should provide revision advice to the following sample student essay. This student is responding to a prompt to write about how computers affect students and teachers, based on classroom discussions and homework readings. Please read the â€Å"Writer Submission Form†(below) and respond to the essay in approximately 30 MINUTES. 3. Please make substantive comments about higher order concerns (e. g. , strengths, thesis, development, organization) in the tutor response form that follows the essay. Provide feedback for â€Å"Strengths of the Paper,†3 of the 9 â€Å"Points†(areas of assistance), and â€Å"Summary of Next Steps. †4. Please embed in the body of the student’s essay approximately five comments about some of the major higher-order and lower-order concerns (e. g. , grammar and mechanics) you noted in the essay. Please embed these comments [in bold and brackets]. 5. At the end of each simulation, please log your time for completing each tutorial. Writer Submission Form Name: Ana Nasif Instructor: Professor Lynn Department: English Course: ESOL 052 Due: 1 week BRIEFLY DESCRIBE THE ASSIGNMENT In the past two weeks, we have read and discussed three articles that presented very favorable views of how computers can be used in education. Now think about the readings, and about your own experiences and observations, and write an essay that suggests some ways in which the use of computers can create problems for teachers and students. Your essay must follow the plan presented in the handout â€Å"Form for an Essay. †To achieve the complexity of thought expected in ESOL 052, your body paragraphs will probably have to contain seven or eight sentences each. All essays must be typed and double-spaced. WHAT HELP DO YOU WANT FROM YOUR OWL TUTOR? Please help me be sure that my papers is written the way my teacher is asking. Do I have complex thoughts? Are my paragraphs full enough. Is my English ok? ESOL 052 PAPER 3 Ana Nasif ESOL 052 16 April, 2001 COMPUTER’S PROBLEMS IN EDUCATION Computers, wonderful invention, are creating problems now. [Please proofread your paper, most of your sentences have grammar problems. Like this first one, the main problem is that they are not complete sentences] Computers are causing problems in education because of their use in different ways: un-even use, use of computer games, use of the internet. Computers are useful and advanced technology of this century, but they are producing three main problems in the field of education. The most important problem is the gap between the educational standard of students. Another problem is that computers have diverted the mind of children and young people. The other problem is the danger of no colleges or schools in the future. In this essay I will discuss these problems, and suggest how they can be solved. [You need a stronger thesis, try to incorporate all three points into one main thesis. Such as â€Å"Despite the many advantages of computers, three main problems in the field of education can be attributed to computer use: creating an educational gap between students, diverting the minds of young people, and causing actual schools to become obsolete in the future. â€Å"] As the education by computers is not available to all students of cities and towns, so it creates a gap of achievement between students of the same country. The problem in not only at the schools, but also at the colleges and universities. Students of small colleges do not have the facility of computers [Do you mean they do not have the funding to have good computer facilities? Again, awkward word choices. ], so they face difficulties in their study. However, the students having the access of computers can get reliable information about their subjects easily. When the students appear in any competitive test or examination, the difference creates a big problem for them. Blind and visually impaired students are unable to use a computer without a special equipment. The equipment is expensive and everyone cannot afford it. It may be creating a sense of inferiority complex. Computerized video games are very popular among the children and young people now. They play these games for several hours in a week, so wasting their valuable time. Because of the intensive interest they do not pay full attention to their study. They cannot concentrate well at schools or colleges, so their ability, test scores and grades are gradually decreasing. As they became less active, so they are not physically fit as other of the same age few decades before. Some colleges are providing few courses to their students at homes on the internet now. There is a prediction of no colleges, universities and no more schools in the next century. It is the fact that the first school of child is his/her home, but the education of a school is mandatory. Computers cannot solve the basic problems of the students at schools. In school, besides the better education students also learn social ways of life: work in groups, manners of communication, participate with other fellows, and various rules and regulations. These things help them in the practical life. The teaching of students accomplished in years. I suggest that these problems can be solved with great efforts. [Word choice problem. In this context, i think you mean â€Å"effort†not efforts. Such as when when you mean schoolwork, you should use â€Å"their studies†instead of â€Å"their study†] The use of computers in education should be equal to all students. The students should be motivated toward their study and advised to play for the short time after completing their homework. I also suggest that parents should supervise their young children, who are watching program on the internet, because it provides a wide range of program on crimes and sex. In my view a school or college education is more helpful for students, as their difficulties of various subjects cannot be solved at homes. [End with a good conclusion that restates your thesis and wraps up your main points. You could add a comment on how people should consider the disadvantages as well as the advantages of excessive computer use. ] TUTOR RESPONSE FORM Hi (writer’s name). I’ve read your paper and here are some points you might want to think about as you revise your paper. STRENGTHS OF THE PAPER: You make some good points in your paper. Your three main disadvantages are valid and they do answer the prompt given by your teacher. Your basic structure is solid; introduction with thesis, the three different disadvantages in separate paragraphs, conclusion. POINTS TO THINK ABOUT AS YOU REVISE YOUR PAPER [Tutor: Choose 3]: Paragraph Unity -You make many good points in each of your paragraphs. However, the flow of ideas within each paragraph need some work. Instead of writing an easy-flowing paragraph with a single idea, your paragraphs seem like you are simply checking off different ideas from a list and putting them together in paragraph form. Each sentence in a paragraph should relate to the one before it and the one after it; they should flow. For each of the body paragraphs, you should start with a topic statement, follow with supporting statements, and conclude. If you have many different ideas, it is best to actually list them out, using words like â€Å"first, secondly, furthermore, also, lastly. †You could also make use of transition words such as â€Å"However, in contrast, whereas, etc. †for related but contrasting ideas. Transitions -I noticed that you did not try to ease the transitions between your paragraphs. Your essay should flow freely and not jump from one idea to another. Because you deal with three different ideas for each of your essays, one thing you can do is start each paragraph by stating the disadvantage the paragraph is talking about. For example: 2nd paragraph, â€Å"Because computers can be very helpful when applied to education, an imbalance is created between those who can afford to use computers in their studies and those who cannot†; 3rd paragraph, â€Å"Next, because computers offer so much in the realm of entertainment beside school help, they could become great distractions instead of being great helps†; 4th paragraph, â€Å"Lastly, with the rise of computer use and online courses, traditional schools may disappear someday. †These are just suggestions, but each sentence introduces the new topic as a continuation of the previous discussion. Sentence Structure -The sentence structures in your paper need some work. Though you do have some grammar issues, the main problem is that your sentences are too awkward. Most of the problem lies in the word choices, such as the use of â€Å"facilities of computers†and â€Å"access of computers†instead of â€Å"computer facilities†and â€Å"computer access,†respectively. You should try to read your sentences aloud and listen to yourself; if some sentences sound halting and awkward, change them. It would be better, however, to consult a writing clinic or have someone to listen to you read your paper. Summary of next steps (E-structor: let student know what he/she should consider when revising this essay. ) The main problems with the essay are the grammar and the sentence construction. However, those are just syntax issues that you can work on as you proofread, whereas the ideas are solid. You need to work on the flow of your ideas. The paragraphs should make sense as your reader moves from one paragraph to another. Within the paragraph, you should work at letting your ideas flow better with each other. They should all make sense together, instead of being just different sentences with related ideas. One thing you can do to make your essay more personal, and to fill in the gaps between different ideas is to add personal insights and experience in the paper. From the prompt, I understand that your experiences as well as your class work and lessons are valid sources. You should draw on these ideas to make your professor know you participate in class. Also, because your introduction is rather awkward, instead of just saying â€Å"Computers, wonderful invention, are creating problems now. †You could begin by saying â€Å"Computers have changed many things in our everyday lives. Many of those changes have been advantageous. For example,†¦ †You can begin with some of the advantages of computer use that you learned in class. Then you can say â€Å"Despite all these advantages of computers, however, the increasing role that computers play in people’s lives also have disadvantages. †Remember, your good ideas will not reach the reader if he is bombarded with too many of them like a list; improve the flow of your essay. Completion Time:
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Sociology project summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Sociology project summary - Essay Example It underscores the distinction between progress without environmental degradation and modernization with damaging pollutants (315795_Cities+Week+3.ppt). The Rocks stirs the imagination of the locals as well as the tourist. It takes back one to the rugged and craggy landscape of ancient Australia, to the more somber period of the settlers consisting mostly of convicts, and finally to the marvels of the modern city (Australian Explorer). In order to find out more about The Rocks, its past and current affairs, my team and I thought it fit to make a questionnaire and move around the place meeting people and talking to them with the help of the questionnaire. We decided to move in different direction of the city in twos. There was some apprehension as we had not undertaken this type of work earlier, but we were excited about it. However, when we launched on this project, it was a rewarding exercise. We not only received substantial information, but we also made many friends. The Rocks stretches from the harbor in the north to Kent Street in the west and Grosvenor Street in the south.The hustle and bustle of the city has not eroded the pristine glory of the place that has seen an evolution that would not have been possible elsewhere. On the contrary, the city administrators have gone the extra mile to preserve the historical significance of the place by preserving the old district and building a museum. The Sydney Harbor Bridge is a wonderful link between the old and the new in Sydney. The bridge lies adjacent to The Rocks and it is not difficult to imagine what the place would have been like without the city (Some Background). Tourist attraction for Sydney began in a big way in the 1970s. The city metamorphosed from being a culprits den in the beginning to more sedate business center in the 19th century. It more or less remained this way for most of the first half of the 20th century when the world was ravaged by two world wars. The city became modernized in the second half of the 20th century. Beneath the benign and charm of The Rocks lies the saga of one of history's more malevolent periods in the place when murders, hangings and mysterious deaths were routine. The Rocks was the haunts of convicts and prostitutes initially after Captain Phillip discovered the region. It continued in this manner for about three to five decades. Gradually, it turned into a business center and warehouses were constructed for the maritime industry. These warehouses were later destroyed due to the plague. Some that remained were turned into cafs and restaurants. The city planners have been careful to preserve the old city with its narrow, cobbled streets leaving the old buildings to serve as pubs, restaurants and other places of public interest (Australian Explorer). The Role of Independence The independence of Australia on 11 December 1931 has obviously played a vital role in the construction of Sydney and The Rocks. Not that the nation needed independence. It was thrust on them by the British. That is, the Australians always considered themselves independent from the time
Monday, October 7, 2019
The Importance of the 1967 War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Importance of the 1967 War - Essay Example Nasser had ways of knowing what really was going on in the armed forces and knew that they were inferior in quality Nasser was very fanatic towards USA as compared to Reynolds below is the example he quoted after 1967 defeat "If I started considering how strong America is and how strong I am, even before I started my calculations I should come to the conclusion that America has air, land, and sea superiority over us." Nasser did not lose his hope after the defeat from the Israelis in 1967. He was known to how to manipulate the emotions of the people in this regards he spoke to the public in his speech below: "Our enemies have succeeded in winning a military victory, but our country has not fallen, has not accepted defeat, but has decided to stand fast. They have applied economic pressure to us and, despite this pressure, we have not surrendered but have marched on. We have imposed restrictions on ourselves and have accepted these restrictions. Our enemies have failed to destroy us economically. Hence, there remains one thing for them to do-to strike at the domestic front and to break up the alliance of the people's working forces because if the domestic front collapses the hostile , imperialist forces and Israel will achieve the aims they have so far been unable to achieve .... Brothers, there is no alternative to victory for our nation. The nation is capable of achieving victory provided it mobilises its forces and benefits properly from its energy and conditions, and also if we can build up and safeguard our domestic front according to the needs of the battle mestic front is the pillar of the fighting front. We must expose, defeat and crush all enemy attempts to influence the domestic front." Reynolds believes that in june 1967 constituted... "Our enemies have succeeded in winning a military victory, but our country has not fallen, has not accepted defeat, but has decided to stand fast. They have applied economic pressure to us and, despite this pressure, we have not surrendered but have marched on. We have imposed restrictions on ourselves and have accepted these restrictions. Our enemies have failed to destroy us economically. Hence, there remains one thing for them to do-to strike at the domestic front and to break up the alliance of the people's working forces because if the domestic front collapses the hostile , imperialist forces and Israel will achieve the aims they have so far been properly from its energy and conditions, and also if we can build up and safeguard our domestic front according to the needs of the battle mestic front is the pillar of the fighting front. We must expose, defeat and crush all enemy attempts to influence the domestic front." Reynolds believes that in june 1967 constituted a crisis of faith for many "muslims
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Performance Appraisals and Reviews Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Performance Appraisals and Reviews - Term Paper Example The workers are aware of what is expected of them and hence work towards fulfilling their expectations. Since annual appraisal are involving and time consuming for managers, they arrange to carry out surveys or reviews on a regular basis in order to simplify the annual appraisal process (Arthur, 2008).All members of the organization are subject to appraisal if the organization has to achieve its vision and mission and improved performance. Communication is vital in carrying out performance appraisal. The management discusses with the employees regarding their performance and areas that require assistance and also involve them in designing appraisal forms. Conducting annual salary reviews which coincide with performance appraisals have been criticized by many scholars but Chapman (2011) argues that using annual performance appraisal as the basis for salary review enables the firm to plan its finances for the next budget year. When carrying out performance appraisal, the managers shoul d ensure that the mode of appraisal is in line with the employment laws which prohibit all kinds of employment discrimination. For the employees to trust and accept the results the method used should be consistent; ‘same employee classifications should be evaluated based on the same criteria’ (Arthur, 2008). ... Procedure for Carrying out Performance Appraisal Proper planning and execution of staff appraisal ensures effectiveness, reliability and validity of the results. It also ensures acceptability by the appraisees hence commitment to achieve the set objectives. Involving staff in every step of the process is vital to ensure a feeling of ownership and commitment. The appraiser and appraisee prepare all the materials required for the appraisal such as past appraisal documents and achievement records. The appraisal form is designed by HR department or through collaboration with those being appraised and with the approval by management. Understanding the appraisal form by the appraiser and appraisee is vital in simplifying the process (Bohlander & Snell, 2010). The items to be discussed are sequenced and encompass all aspects of staff development. Self-assessment forms are given in advance for staff to appraise themselves by filling the forms. The next step is to clarify the purpose of the a ppraisal and the method to be used. The appraisee is informed on the date of appraisal and the venue and given ample time to prepare his/her own records. The venue should be carefully chosen in a private and quiet atmosphere for discussion. The layout of the room and sitting arrangement affects the behavior of the person being appraised. It is thus advisable to set the room in a relaxed atmosphere to reduce tension. Bacal (2003) argues that the managers should choose appropriate sitting position such as at a round table for more informal discussion and relaxed atmosphere. The introduction stage is vital in determining failure or success of the process. If the appraiser begins by criticizing the appraisee, he/she may feel uncomfortable and may lose interest
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Contract law as practiced in Europe Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Contract law as practiced in Europe - Case Study Example The aim of this letter is to examine whether your wife has a chance of getting a favourable settlement in court if she decides to take legal action against you after all. The issue here is whether Penny's case will succeed if brought to court. In other words, will the case find you, Max Power, liable of paying Penny the money that you owe her for support for the past six months This is given the fact that the two of you are still legally married under the Irish Family Law Act 1995 and you having promised to support your wife who is unable to work because of the work place accident that she had five years ago. These are the questions I, as your legal adviser, will be trying to answer in this letter. As to whether Penny's case will succeed if it comes before any Irish family court, I strongly believe that your wife stands a higher chance of convincing the judge to force you to clear the outstanding balance and to continue paying her the monthly allowances. This is if she accuses you on other grounds apart from the current grounds of ostensibly breaking a contract. However, since she has opted to sue you for breaking a contract, I believe that her case does not stand a chance in a court of law in England. This is because there is no legal document that exists showing that the two of you entered in any form of contract. ... 3 In June 2008, you left for Dubai and left your wife alone at home 4 You verbally agreed to pay Penny support allowances of $1500 verbally and you did so for six months 5 In January 2009, you met Stacey Floodgates and soon took her in as your partner 6 Since January 2009, you defaulted on paying Penny her monthly allowances 7 Five years ago, Penny had an accident which left her unable to work, and so she had been relying on her husband's support payments for upkeep 8 The reason why Penny is suing you is because she believes that the contract between the two of you, though verbal, was binding Rule Statement and Rule Synthesis For a contract to be binding under the European code of conduct, there are some requirements that it has to meet. These are generally referred to as "the three c's" (Gordley, 2008). The first is the cause, whereby a reason should have emerged that required for the drafting of the contract (Gordley, 2008). The second is consideration. This is whereby the two parties must have identified the form of contract that is best to enter into to given their circumstances. The third and most important aspect of a contract in our case here is the consent (Gordley, 2008). This is an indication that the parties went through the contract and agreed to abide by the terms provided for there. This consent is indicated in form of a signature that is appended by both parties in the contract. Without a signature, leave alone without the written document, the contract is null and void, and nobody can be accused of breaching it. The only exception whereby an actual signature is not needed on the document is when the contract is done online (Orlando, 2009). But even these form of contracts, under the Irish law that governs electronic contracts,
Friday, October 4, 2019
Business Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 18
Business Ethics - Essay Example Business is a system of moral doctrines applied in the commercial world. Business ethics is a whole new scientific area since it merges politics and law theory as much as historical documents and philosophical. Ethics becomes a term rely on flexible and have several different aspects. It gives rules for acceptable behavior by business in both their day-to-day operations and strategy formulation (Shaw, 2008). An ethical approach is becoming essential both for business success and a positive corporate image, and this is easily enhanced through various Judeo-Christian values and biblical doctrines. Especially nowadays ethics in the organization are obligated since many businessmen are only fascinated in making money despite the harm they would probably cause to people, the ethical costs environmental pollution. Many businesses in contemporary society are making public commitment and pledge to ethical business by designing codes of conduct and operating standards the truth is Judeo-Chris tian values and biblical doctrines should be their main basis. Judeo-Christian values and biblical doctrines incorporate the common ethical guidelines of Christianity and Judaism, such as the Ten Commandments. It has been an essential part of U.S civil religion and is often used to enhance inter-religious cooperation and basis for business ideologies. It covers the common ethical standards of Judaism and Christianity, such as the Ten Commandments. It has been a segment of American civil religion and is used to promote inter-religious cooperation (Shaw, 2008).Judeo-Christian values and biblical doctrines emphatically teach in clarity the great importance of the preservation of human life and respect. This should form the basis of the business ethics and can help foster good relation. If business does not grant this respect and protection for the born and unborn in their operations then
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Monopoly versus perfect markets Essay Example for Free
Monopoly versus perfect markets Essay This paper investigates the two extremes of market structures. A monopoly firm, and a firm which operates in a perfectly competitive market. We will compare features, similarities, differences, advantages and disadvantages. The monopoly firm I have chosen is Thames Water. This company is an accurate example, as it’s the sole supplier of the industry. The firm, is the industry. Thames Water supply water through peoples taps in and around London. Fyffe is my chosen firm in a perfectly competitive market. I think this is a good example. It sells bananas to supermarkets and food suppliers, who resell on to customers. The next two paragraphs explain the features of perfect competition, then a monopoly. â€Å"The theory of perfect competition illustrates an extreme form of capitalism. †(Sloman, 2007:113) There are many suppliers, who all only supply and produce a small fraction of the total output, of the whole industry. None of the firms have any power over the market. (Mankiw, 2001) Barriers to entry do not exist. Therefore firms can enter and leave the market freely. Apart from the money and time it takes to set up the business, there are no other obstacles. Both producers and consumers have perfect knowledge of the market. Therefore they both know prices which should be paid, quality which should be met, availability of the product. Market opportunities for expansion, and entry opportunities in the industry as a whole. The price Fyffe must charge for their bananas will depend upon the demand and supply of the whole market, not just Fyffe personal demand. Hence they have no power over prices. They must follow the market forces. (Sloman, 2007)Established firms in the banana industry have no advantage over firms who have newly entered the market. (Parkin, Powell, Matthews)â€Å"This means they can sell all the products they can produce at the market price, but none at a price which is higher. †(Sloman, 2007:114) If Fyffe raise their selling price above p1, their demand will drop to 0, because if Fyffe raise the price of their bananas, consumers will just buy from another firm selling at the current market price. Illustrated in diagram 2. (Beardshaw, 2001) All firms operating in the banana industry sell a homogenous product, all the firms in the industry sell an identical banana. The theory states there is not a great need for advertising or branding. (McConnell, 2008) I would agree with this statement in the context of bananas. Advertising is not needed as people will not look for a specific brand of banana. They all taste the same. However I think a firm in a market selling shampoos and conditioners would need a certain amount of branding and advertising so people choose their product and gain customer loyalty. In the shampoo industry products are not as homogenous. A pure monopoly owns 100% of the industry. Thames water have a great deal of power, and are price makers, thus they set the price to how much they want to charge. If the consumer cannot, or doesn’t want to pay the price, they have to go without the tap water. In the short run both perfect competition and monopolies can make economic profits, losses and supernormal profits. Only monopolies can manage to sustain super normal profits in the long run. â€Å"Persistant economic profits are called monopoly profits. †(Dobson, 2005:99) Monopolies can sustain supernormal profits and remain safe and unaffected by competition due to barriers to entry. Supply to the industry does not increase with new entrants. (Hunt, 1990). There are many types of barriers to entry. Thames water is known as a natural monopoly, meaning there are barriers to entry due to large economies of scale. (Sloman, 2007) Capital equipment is so expensive and large scale that only one sole supplier could manage to make a profit in the water industry. However Thames Water incurred low marginal costs once they are set up. â€Å"If average cost falls as output increases over the entire range of market demand its a natural monopoly. †(Dobson, 2006:100) â€Å"Each would have a very high average cost at a low output. †(Begg, 2005:134) Correspondingly Thames Water gain barriers to entry through lower costs. This is an artificial barrier. The firm is experienced in their field. Has good knowledge of their market, and will be able to gain the best rates of interest on finance, the best suppliers at the lowest costs, and lean methods of production. Other firms would struggle to compete. If a firm decided to set up and compete with Thames Water, and failed by going out of business there would be huge sunk costs. This occurs when high amounts are spent on capital expenditure, which cannot be used on another business venture. (Sloman, 2007) This is an example of exit costs. It would be a huge loss to the firm, and would discourage firms from entering the market. Thames water also have patents copywrite and licensing. The next two paragraphs explain the effect on demand for perfect competition, then a monopoly. For Fyffe the price charged for the bananas is equal to marginal revenue. Average revenue and demand are also equal to price. If average cost dips below average revenue the firm will earn supernormal profits. If demand is above where marginal costs and marginal revenue meet the firms will be making normal profit. See diagram 2. Normal profits cover opportunity costs of the owners money and time. If Fyffe set output below equilibrium marginal cost would exceed marginal revenue and profit would be lowered. If Fyffe raised output above equilibrium marginal costs would exceed marginal revenue and profits would also be lowered. See graph 1. (Dobson, 2005:99) The demand curve is elastic for the banana industry, but not perfectly elastic. Hence why it slopes downwards in diagram 1. If there is a rise in price for bananas, consumers will spend less on the product, and Fyffe will entail a fall in revenue. In contrast if the price of bananas drop, consumers will buy more of the product, and providing the firm is covering their costs they will receive an increase in revenue, because bananas can be relatively easily substituted by another cheaper fruit. Furthermore bananas will sell for a cheaper price when they are in season, due to a larger supply to the market in this period. Fyffe is perfectly elastic which is why their demand curve is horizontal. See graph 2. The firms prices are not affected by their output and their decisions do not affect the industry. (Ison, 2007) Firms must produce at equilibrium to maximise profits, which is where the market supply, meets the market demand, as illustrated in diagram 1. Short run â€Å"assumes the number of firms in the industry does not increase, as there is not enough time. †(Sloman 2007:114) When a firm produces quantity and price, where marginal costs, and average costs meet they are breaking even. See diagram 2. (Begg, 2005) Consumers are charged a price which is equal to what it costs the firm to produce the extra unit. See diagram 2. If the demand curve for bananas increases short term, the demand curve will shift to the right. See diagram 3. This results in a higher equilibrium and a higher selling price. As selling price has increased farmers will raise their output by increasing their variable costs such as labour and materials. This will result in a larger profit and profits are maximised. As illustrated in diagram 4. In contrast if the demand for bananas was to decrease, this would cause a shift to the left in the demand curve. See diagram 5. This results in a lower equilibrium for the industry, and a fall in the selling price. Consequently all firms in the industry including Fyffe would reduce output, by decreasing variable factors and the firm would suffer economic losses. As illustrated in diagram 6. (Dobson, 2005) If Fyffe or Thames Water are not covering their average total costs in the short run, they should carry on trading, but if they are not covering their short run average variable costs, it would be cheaper to temporarily close down. The theory is known as the short run supply decision. (Ison, 2007) In the long run any firm should close down if it is not covering its total average costs as it is loss making. Called the long run supply decision. (Begg, 2003) When demand increases and selling prices rise in the long term, existing firms are making supernormal profits. Several new firms will enter the market. The supply curve will shift to the right, and supply will increase, which will lower market price. As more new industries join firms reduce their output until they are making a normal profit again. Output of the whole industry will be larger now that more firms are in the market, and there is no incentive for firms to enter, or leave the market as breakeven profits are being made. Referred to as the entry or exit price. When there is a decrease in demand, prices will fall, and firms will reduce output to minimise losses. Eventually due to losses some firms will leave the market which lessens supply and the supply curve will shift to the left. This raises prices due to restricted output, and farmers will start to make normal profits again. So there are less firms and less output in the industry. (Dobson, 2005) In the long run there are no fixed costs in any industry, as firms can change their plant size or machinery. Resulting in a long run supply curve which is flatter than the short run. (Begg, 2003) If all firms operating in the industry restricted supply together increasing demand and prices, new firms would enter the market which would increase supply and lower prices. (Begg, 2005) Thames water are price inelastic, and have a low income elasticity of demand, because there are no close substitutes for their product, and water is a essential item. However they are not perfectly inelastic, as a rise in price will still amount to a small drop in quantity demanded. This means Thames water’s revenue will increase with a rise in price, and decrease with a fall in price. A profit maximising level of output is where marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost but rising up to the demand curve to obtain price. See diagram 9 (Sloman, 2007) The demand curve in diagram 9 represents the value of Thames water to customers, and the marginal curve shows the costs Thames water must pay. The marginal revenue curve must lie below the downward sloping demand curve as marginal revenue is less than price. The further the distance between the demand curve on the right hand side and the marginal revenue on the left the more inelastic the demand, see diagram 9. (Dobson, 2005) ) A firm cannot produce to the right of marginal revenue as this part of the diagram is inelastic. In order for the monopolist to sell a larger amount, the price must be lowered on all previous units, so to prevent this the monopolist may restrict output to keep a larger revenue. Creating scarcity and raising the equilibrium price. (Begg, 2005) â€Å"The excess of price over marginal costs shows the monopolies power†(Dobson, 2005:102) The power to raise prices by selling a smaller amount of output. Diagrams 8, 9, and 10 show long run economic profits, normal profits and losses. Thames water will then check weather the profit maximising level of output covers their total costs in the long run and variable costs in the short run. (Begg, 2003) Thames water is not a contestable market due to the fact it’s a natural monopoly, and has very high barriers to entry. This means they can charge high prices and make supernormal profits, without the threat of competition and new entrants. (Sloman, 2007) Thames water may want to behave ethically when setting prices. If they choose too high a price which people cannot afford this could lead to poverty, but if they charge too low a price this could lead to a wastage of water. Monopolies often use price discrimination when setting prices. Although Thames water do not. Perfect competition cannot use this method. Particular consumers are charged a higher price for an identical service so the monopoly can earn higher profits. (Ison, 2007) Revenue is not lost from previously sold units when price is reduced. More output can be sold ands firms can catch some of their consumer surpluses. See diagram 12. â€Å"Surpluses are the difference between actual price paid and what consumers will have been willing to pay. †â€Å"So the business is treating the demand curve as the marginal revenue curve†(Ison, 2007:138) Only works when consumers cannot buy the product for a cheaper price and sell on to others. (Begg, 2005) A firm operating in perfect competition will achieve allocative efficiency. This exists when price is equal to marginal costs. â€Å" Society is better off when resources are allocated to maximise the total surplus in the market. †(Dobson, 2005:91) Productive efficiency will also be achieved, meaning Fyffe will produce and sell their output for the lowest price they can in the long run giving consumers the best possible value for money. â€Å"Price equals minimum average total cost. †(Dobson, 2005:92) This is good for consumers and society as consumers get the best possible value for money. (Sloman, 2007) Perfectly competitive markets are critised for having a lack of variety, unable to fully satisfy consumers wants and needs. Furthermore the long term entry and exit of firms can be a waste of certain resources such as empty buildings. This is called competitive forces in action. (Dobson, 2005) Monopoly’s are in a position to give us a lower price if they decide to, due to economies of scale. The marginal cost curve is lower than the supply curve in their graph which means the firm can supply more output at a lower production cost. Supernormal profits can fund research and development which will improve the quality of the product. Therefore the monopoly can innovate and introduce new products. (Ison, 2007) However some firms may not do this as they do not need to fight to stay in the industry, with no competition around. (Mankiw, 2001) Joseph Schumpeter said in theory monopolies have more ability and incentive to innovate which can make them better for society. If you imagine a whole industry was taken over by a monopolist, they could eliminate competition and charge very high prices, by reducing output level to which raises price. Supernormal profits represent a redistribution of income from consumer to producer which can be critised on equity grounds†(Ison, 2007:137) Monopoly firms have been known to â€Å"engage in dirty tricks to protect themselves from competition. †They do not produce an output which minimises average costs. Making them productively efficient. â€Å"Perfect competition is rare due to larger companies expanding, gaining economies of scale and market power. Resulting in other firms being forced of the business. So if economies of scale did not exist any industry could have perfect competition. †(Dobson, 2006:94) Monopolies are also rare, and both are extremes of market structures. Most firms lie somewhere between the two. I think the two firms I picked are a fair comparism. They are both from a mixed economy. Thames water will have regulating agencies monitoring them. There are only 3 legal monopolies in Britain Thames Water included. In the past there was a significant amount of monopolies which were government owned. When Margaret Thatcher came into power she privitised these firms as she believed competition would lead to greater efficiency and lower prices which would benefit society as a whole. I agree with her decision and I think after researching, perfect competition appears to be the better option for consumers. Monopolys benefit society in certain situations such as retained profits ploughed back into research and development for medical reasons, and natural monopolies who could not survive in a perfectly competitive industry. Monoplies and perfect competition are becoming more rare as time goes on and who knows what will happen in the future.
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