Thursday, December 26, 2019
Improving The Quality Of Academic Writing - 997 Words
This semester of English 150 has redefined the quality of academic writing and has taught me that writing is more than just a task with a checklist, it’s a constant work in process that allows expression of belief and ideas. The purpose of this course is to better prepare students to compose essays for an array of academic purposes throughout college and into their career. Throughout the semester, students taking this course have learned to conduct research, identify acceptable sources, analyze sources, synthesize a variety of sources, properly document sources, as well as improve upon previous knowledge of the proper use of Edited American English linguistics. With these goals accomplished, students acquire the skills to meet the writing proficiency that is expected at the university level, as well as improve upon personal expression. In English 150, I have discovered how to strongly support claims through the synthesis of multiple sources, however I am still in the process o f improving my methods for careful editing and proofreading, and also working to improve on citing sources properly. Through previous years of schooling I have gained experience in analyzing different types of documents to create academic essays, however in this past semester I have improved upon these skills and have also learned how to synthesize multiple sources. In my first essay this semester, â€Å"My Discovery of Knowledge and Power†, Dr. Florczyk comments that my essay contains â€Å"strong analyticalShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Accurate And Professional Academic Writing Skills1014 Words  | 5 PagesEssay Title: Discuss why it is important for nurses to develop academic writing skills Word Count: 1080 The following document details the importance of accurate and professional academic writing skills for the nursing profession. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson Essay example - 459 Words
Thomas Paine was one of the great supporters of the American Revolution. He was a journalist and used his pen and paper to urge the public to break free from Great Brittan. He wrote anonymously, yet addressed the public as he spoke out about his beliefs. The first pamphlet he published, influencing independence from Brittan, was called Common Sense Paine believed that America needed to break free of the British clutches. He spoke out against slavery and joined the army to help fight the war. He did not agree with hereditary monarchy and wrote another paper to argue this point (Franklin 321). Paine was very aware of his criticizers, and worked very hard to persuade them toward his way of thinking. In his pamphlet Common Sense he†¦show more content†¦Moving to the new world was like escaping to an asylum for those who sought religious freedom (Paine 324). Paine also believed that we would be allies with the rest of Europe if we broke out ties with England. American trade suffered every time Europe had a war that involved England (Paine 325). Although Thomas Paine had great thoughts and ideas, it wasnt until Thomas Jefferson helped write the Declaration of Independence, that America came to his side of thinking. Even with the powerful names involved in the Declaration of Independence, there were still several items stricken from the final document that were in the original. For example: South Carolina and Georgia were not ready to abolish slavery; and this was an item that Paine felt very strongly about and Jefferson had in the original report (Jefferson 337). While several thoughts were stricken from the Declaration of Independence, it was still a great start to the separation from Brittan. Jefferson also thought that the monarchy in England had gone bad. He describes the king in vivid detail: He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people (Jefferson 339). These comments come just after some people call England the Mother (Paine 324). The contrasting illustration is amazing. Jefferson discusses wanting to be an individual countryShow MoreRelatedThomas Paine And Thomas Jefferson Essay2079 Words  | 9 PagesStates. Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson would play large roles in these changes. Thomas Paine was about to publish one of the best pamphlets, and Thomas Jefferson would soon write the Declaration of Independence, both having religious ties. Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson came to an agreement on the formation of the unknown despite their beliefs and differences, fostering independence that still exists 240 years later. According to The American Pageant, Thomas Paine was from Britain. Paine was aRead MoreHow America Should Be Governed By Thomas Paine, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, And Thomas Jefferson Essay1140 Words  | 5 PagesAmerica would be governed. Many people had different ideas for America and yet some were similar. Thomas Paine, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and Thomas Jefferson all wrote their ideas on how America should set up their government. Some of these ideas were not used while some are still used today. Thomas Paine states his ideas for the government in his Common Sense written in 1776. Paine states that America should not have a king. The first king might be great but then ruling byRead MoreThomas Paine And The Bill Of Rights880 Words  | 4 PagesThomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson and the Bill of Rights are three things that have some sort of connection. Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson both have documents. Their documents were both a result for the rule that Great Britain had over us. The Bill of Rights is also a piece where its writing had to do with a freedom type document written to let others feel free. Thomas Paine was one of the great supporters of the American Revolution. He was a journalist and used his utensils to get the public toRead MoreCommon Sense By Thomas Paine992 Words  | 4 Pageswhat it is today. Common Sense by Thomas Paine was inspiring to many American colonists as it was persuasive in showing how the colonists should have their own independence. Paine appealed the average citizen’s rationale, hence the title Common Sense. Paine’s pamphlet illustrates the importance of independence, and argues that colonial life under British rule was detrimental to America’s potential to become prosperous. In a fairly lengthy, but readable style, Paine discusses the differences betweenRead MoreThomas Paine s Political Pamphlet925 Words  | 4 PagesThomas Paine’s Political Pamphlet Thomas Paine’s political pamphlet entitled Common Sense was a very inspirational piece of writing. Common Sense stirred the American colonists who were pursuing independence. It was also a persuasive piece of writing for the American colonists who were unsure if they wanted to split their ways with Great Britain, or not. Throughout the political pamphlet Paine argues that the colonist were not dependent on Great Britain. He makes powerful points regarding how theRead MoreCommon Sense By Thomas Paine957 Words  | 4 Pagespamphlet known as Common Sense was written by Thomas Paine in 1776. This pamphlet contributed in promoting the independence of America. In the pamphlet Thomas Paine challenged the American colonists to separate from England and create a democratic and independent society. Along with challenging the American colonists, he hinted at his own opinions about a democratic government that America should plan towards if they seek to separate from England. Thomas P aine also bluntly proposed that the monarchy wasRead MoreClassical Liberalism And The Enlightenment1244 Words  | 5 Pagesdid this was by going back and rereading Roman and Greek texts and retranslating these texts. This new way of thinking also caused the Protestant Reformation to occur. Some of the most influential Enlightenment writers were John Locke, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, and the people of France’s National Constituent Assembly. John Locke was one of the most influential writers during the Enlightenment period, and was the first â€Å"Enlightenment Thinker†. Locke is the author of the â€Å"Two Treatises†andRead MoreCommon Sense Vs. Declaration Of Independence957 Words  | 4 Pages Common Sense written by Thomas Paine in January of 1776, enlightened its readers and ignited the colonists towards the American Revolution. Common Sense was the first document that established a suggestion towards a constitutional form of government. The foundation of the main points in Common Sense were the upbringing of the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson in July of 1776 approximately 7 months after Thomas Paine’s work of Common SenseRead More The Life and Accomplishments of Thomas Paine Essay891 Words  | 4 Pagesand Accomplishments of Thomas Paine Thomas Paine came as a English man who didnt have much of anything, not many friends, not much money, but with the help of others wishing to keep him alive and give him a chance at a new life. Thomas Paine grew from a sick, unshaven, almost penniless, dirty man to a clean shaven man who helped band thousands of Englishmen together to fight for Independence. Thomas Paine was born in England on January 29, 1737. Paine travelled to AmericanRead MorePatrick Henrys Speech Rhetorical Analysis952 Words  | 4 Pagesjust apply to physically fighting soldiers, but, for the people fighting mentally. The authors of the important documents, that helped lay a foundation for America, had a ton of courage to speak their mind. The authors: Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine, and Thomas Jefferson, used rhetorical devices not only to prove to Britain that their colony was worth fighting for, but also to influence colonists to join the fight. First, Patrick Henry, author of â€Å"Speech in the Virginia Convention†, uses allusions and
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Air force history Essay Example For Students
Air force history Essay 1- The position of Chief Master Sergeants of the Air Force occupies the top enlisted grade, and has great responsibility and prestige in the Air Force. The objective of this background paper is to inform on the career progression, awards, and decorations of the former Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Thomas N. Barnes. In the first main point, I will trace the former CMSAFmilitary career from Non-Commissioned Officer to Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Tier. Secondly, I will discuss the major awards and decorations of former CMSAF Thomas N. Barnes. CMSAF Thomas N. Barnes has been a significant figure in the development of Air Force History.2- In April 1949 Chief Barnes entered the U.S. Air Force, and received his basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. After completing basic training, he attended Aircraft and Engine School and Hydraulic Specialist School at Chanute Technical Training Center, Illinois. During this time period the Soviet had controlled East Germany came i nto existence as the German Democratic Republic. In October 1950, he was assigned to the fourth Troop Carrier Squadron of the 62nd Troop Carrier Group at McChord Air Force Base, Washington. This was in the period when the Air Force had spent much of the 1950s training and equipping itself for a nuclear conflict. In September 1951, he transferred to Tachikawa, Japan, and continued flight engineer duties. Chief Barnes transferred in June 1952 to the 30th Air Transport Squadron, Westover Air Force Base, Mass., where he attended C-118 school and continued his flight engineer duties in that aircraft. In September 1965, he went to Fairchild Air Force Base, Wash., and continued duties as senior controller. In October 1966 he entered the F-4 Field Training Detachment at George Air Force Base, Calif., and in December 1966 went to Southeast Asia. In addition, during this time there was an extended debate resulted in the defeat of a major civil rights bill forbidding discrimination in housing and of a bill permitting states to enact right-to-work laws. The Senate also voted, in effect, to annul a provision of the 1964 Civil Rights Act that required desegregation of hospitals. In December 1967, he returned from Southeast Asia to Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas, where his duties were T-38 section line chief. During the same year, the United States had over 475,000 troops in South Vietnam. Chief Barnes was promoted to the grade of chief master sergeant on December 1, 1969, and was transferred to Headquarters Air Training Command in October 1971 to assume duties as command senior enlisted adviser. On Oct. 1, 1973, he was appointed chief master sergeant of the Air Force. At the expiration of the initial two-year tenure, he was extended for an additional year by the chief of staff. In addition, during this period, the United States withdrew its combat troops in 1973; the air force began to experiment with its first â€Å"precision†bombs. In February 1976, he was selecte d by the chief of staff to serve an unprecedented second year extension, shortly after he retired Jul. 31, 1977. Chief Barnes has made tremendous strides throughout his Air Force Career, which is highlighted and associated with his awards and honors received. Next, I will discuss some of Chief Barnes’ major awards and decorations. 3- Chief Barnes’ awards and decorations were awarded for his exhibition of extraordinary standard and conduct while in the Air Force. I will begin discussing some of his major awards and decorations in order of precedence. First, I will discuss the Legion of Merit; it was originally ranked directly below the Distinguished Service Medal in the Navys pyramid of honor. The Legion of Merit is worth seven points on Weighted Airman Promoted System. Next, I will discuss the Meritorious Service Medal. This decoration was established by Executive Order 11448 on Jan. 16, 1969 and may be awarded to any member of the Armed Forces of the United States who distinguishes himself or herself by either outstanding achievement or meritorious service to the United States. This decoration is worth five points on the Weighted Airman Promoted System. Next, I will discuss the Air Medal award. This decoration was established by Executive Order 9158; and is awarded to U.S. personnel for single acts of heroism or meritorious achievements while participating in aerial flight and foreign military personnel in actual combat in support of operations. This decoration is worth three points on the Weighted Airman Promoted System. Next, I will discuss the Outstanding Airmen of the Year award. This ribbon is awarded to airman nominated by the MAJCOMs to Head Quarters for competition in the 12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year program. Finally, I will discuss the Air Force Commendation Medal. The Secretary of the Air Force authorized this medal on March 28, 1958, for award to members of the Armed Forces of the United States who has distinguished themselves by meritorious achievement and service. 4- In closing, the mere mention of the title chief brings to mind visions of wisdom, strength, bravery, commitment and honor. Moreover, the mere mention of Chief Barnes’ Air Force career is both exemplary and outstanding by anyone’s measure and is thought of very highly. Chief Barnes has played an integral part in Enlisted History and has made significant contributions to Air Force History. 1-Black Americans in defense of our nation / United States. Department of Defense. Wahsington, DC: U.S* Government Printing Office, 1985 revised 19902-A History of Black America / Howard O. Linsey. Secaucus, NJ: Chartwell Books, Inc., 19943-US Air Force Museum Internet4-The United States Air Force Museum InternetBibliography: .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8 , .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8 .postImageUrl , .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8 , .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8:hover , .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8:visited , .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8:active { border:0!important; } .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8:active , .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8 .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1d4898b8bd0822ceb6bcf3779c4c02b8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: SKARA Leading the blockchain revolution in gaming! Essay
Monday, December 2, 2019
Swamp Gravy Essays - Miller County, Georgia, Swamp Gravy
Swamp Gravy Georgians from different backgrounds, sharing various experiences in life, all have a story to tell. Swamp Gravy portrays these real life stories with a unique staging technique, allowing the audience to be involved and participate during the performance. The play illustrates folk life in the past and celebrates the way things use to be when life was simple. The stories told in Swamp Gravy are derived from local tales and histories of the community that reveal themes about death, family, and relationships. The theme of death was evident in the first act of the play. The main character, Harvey, was only a young child when his mother died a month after giving birth to a baby girl. After his mother's death, Harvey and his five other siblings were separated and labeled as orphans. Harvey had no mother and his father was not a positive figure in Harvey's life. He felt a sense of abandonment, loneliness, and a voidance of love. As the play progressed, a young girl who lost her big brother in a car accident told another story about death. The younger sister admired and looked up to her older brother. She was saddened by the death of her brother, but she held on to the memory of him, as did Harvey remember his mother. Swamp Gravy exemplified the importance of family throughout the play. A large family was common and displayed a sense of unity and love. Harvey's youngest sister was adopted when she was a baby. She always felt emptiness in her heart and often dreamed of someday meeting her biological family. Harvey, also determined to find his baby sister, never gave up hope. During one scene of the play, a family convened in the swamp for a family reunion. Even though the family's cousins were escaped convicts, the family still wanted to include them in the reunion because the were family. The scene featuring the triplets, Bessie, Ressie, and Essie also emphasized the theme of family. The three women shared close relationships with one another throughout their youthful lives and were continuing to grow older together. Relationships of brothers and sisters, fathers and sons, and man with God were developed in the play. Most of these relationships were considered to be special in their own way. However, Harvey and his father were not close and frequently argued, causing both of them to become dependent on alcohol. As Harvey grew older, he became more depressed. It was not until he attained a close relationship with God and sought a relationship with his younger sister that Harvey became truly happy. The various scenes and stories in the play reflect the folk life of South Georgia in the past. The play's themes of death, family, and relationships support the real life situations that compose this drama. Swamp Gravy allows one to observe folk life and folkways and appreciate, as well as cherish, the past of South Georgia.
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