Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Lord of the Flies – Piggy, Ralph, and Jack
Lord of the Flies: Piggy, Ralph, and Simon During English class, the eighth graders read Lord of the Flies. It is an adventurous novel about a group of school boys trying to survive on a lonely island. Each of the boys has their own personality and goals. While struggling to survive on the island, the boys' personalities show. My favorite character is Piggy. Piggy is a fat boy and wears glasses. He was raised by his aunt who owns a candy shop. Piggy represents the scientific, reasonable side of society.Although he is quite smart, the other boys like to make fun of him. All of the boys, that is, except Ralph. Ralph is another boy who is stranded on the island. Ralph is the athletic, charming character in the group. He is the first person Piggy runs into when they get to the island, and one of the few boys who do not make fun of him. Because of his kindness, he is elected leader of the group of boys. Ralph represents human beings’ civilizing instinct. Another one of my favorite characters is Simon. Simon is the shy, sensitive boy in Lord of the Flies.He behaves kindly toward the other kids. He is the only character whose sense of morality seems to stay the same. Simon represents a kind of natural goodness, as opposed to the evil of Jack and the imposed morality of Piggy. As all three of the boys are trying to survive, each of them have their own ideas, proven by their different roles. Each of them have their own thoughts, proven by the many arguments between each other. As every boy has his own personality, Piggy, Ralph, and Jack are my favorites.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Lai Bahadur Shastri Essay
Childhood is the most innocent phase in human life. It is that stage of life when the human foundations are laid for a successful adult life. Many children, instead of spending it in a carefree and fun-loving manner while learning and playing, are scarred and tormented. They hate their childhood and would do anything to get out of the dungeons of being children and controlled and tortured by others. They would love to break-free from this world, but continue to be where they are, not out of choice, but force. This is the true story of child labor. Innocent children are employed by industries and individuals who put them to work under grueling circumstances. They are made to work for long hours in dangerous factory units and sometimes made to carry load even heavier than their own body weight. Then there are individual households that hire children as domestic help and beat and physically torture them when they make a mistake. The children are at times made to starve and are given wor n out clothes to wear. Such is the story of millions of children in India painful and yet true. The two primary reasons for the ever-growing social malice of child labor are poverty and lack of education. Poor parents give birth to children thinking them as money-making machines. They carry infants to earn more on the streets from begging. Then as they grow they make them beggars, and eventually sell them to employers. This malady is rampant across the length and breadth of India. The status of the girl child is the key to achieving women’s equality and dignity which is, in many ways, a litmus test of the maturity of a society. Girls are to be the future mothers besides future policy makers and leaders. The importance of women hardly needs emphasis. Woman is the mother of race and is the liaison between the generations. Our culture attaches much importance to women, therefore, India has been symbolized as ‘MOTHER INDIA’. Jawaharlal Nehru once said, â€Å"To awaken the people it is the women who must bye awakened. Once she is on the move the family moves, the village moves, the nation moves.†But we see girls facing discrimination everywhere, in each corner of the world. Now-a-days corruption can be seen everywhere. It is like cancer in public life, which has not become so rampant and perpetuated overnight, but in course of time. A country where leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel, Lai Bahadur Shastri and Kamraj have taken birth and led a value-based is now facing the problem of corruption. When we talk of corruption in public life, it covers corruption in politics, state governments, central governments, â€Å"business, industry and so on. Public dealing counters in most all government offices are the places where corruption most evident. If anybody does not pay for the work it is sure work won’t be done. People have grown insatiable appetite for money in them and they can go to any extent to get money. Undoubtedly they talk of morality and the importance of value-based life but that is for outer show. Their inner voice is something else. It is always crying for money. It has been seen the officers who are deputed to look into the matters of corruption turn out to be corrupt. Our leaders too are not less corrupt. Thus the network of corruption goes on as usual and remains undeterred. Corruption is seen even in the recruitment department where appointments are ensured through reliable middle agencies. Nexus between politicians and bureaucrats works in a very sophisticated manner. Nexus does also exist between criminals and police. A total war against these and a few other evils like drinking and smoking is of utmost necessity. There is legislation against these evils but they can be effectively checked only if the people decide to check them.
Consumersim, How It Controls Our Society Essay
With the rise of consumerism, our global society has become increasingly focused on consuming goods and services, as a means to feel good about ourselves and to drive the economies of the world. Without consumerism, our economy would collapse dramatically. Advertisers drive our society through manipulation and persuasion to drive their consumers to buy their products which are not relevant to their needs. Through exploration of the psychology of advertising the five stages of life, advertising theories and techniques and the work of composers like Bruce Dawe and Macklemore provide an understanding of advertising by writing about how consumerism is being influenced in our daily lives. Consumerism is a phenomenon that was always immanent in the relatively developed societies, where people purchased goods and consumed resources excessive to their needs. However, there was a major change after the Industrial Revolution. In the 1700’s, people were defined by the type of job they ha d for employment. The role of status in terms of class was formed together around in ways in which work was organised, and their fortune of wealth. This changed because of the industrial revolution as it was a period of great change. New industries like factories were being developed rapidly as a result of a number of inventions such as; the steam engine and spinning jenny, this machinery brought the industrial revolution to become the juggernaut that it was. Focus turned to the newer inventions to make life easier for working individuals and families with children. Now men and women of this modern society are not confined by their choice of employment but their ownership of trendy brands. Advertisements influence our daily lives by introducing new and improved ad campaigns manipulating the consumer into purchasing their product. Advertisements persuade consumers largely by appealing to their emotions, often using sensory information to get consumers to feel as though there is a sense of urgency about the offer, such as saying buy now, or limited time offer. There are many strategies that advertisers use when creating their ads and almost all of these strategies use the consumer’s emotions to make the consumer, desire the product. One of the strategies is Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs which is a five level pyramid that people go through to have a fulfilling life. Advertisers use this strategy by appealing to the consumer of a specific level, if a consumer is on the Stage Three-Love and Belonging Needs, this level on the hierarchy is the acceptance and desire to fit in with other people, this can mean friends, family, significant others, or all of above. The men and women in this category will usually purchase the following item for the following reasons; magazines and anything else that will keep them updated with the latest trends, name branded item, perfumes and colognes, make-up, and sexy clothes to attract people of the opposite sex and gain love, lastly self-improvement books to avoid criticism and to be accepted by society. An example of this strategy is celebrity endorsements; this strategy is used in beauty products such as the Katy Perry Proactive Skin Care advertisement. In this advertisement, Katy Perry is indicating when she used the proactive treatment; her acne automatically disappeared within a short amount of time. Due to this product she started to feel confident in herself with perfect, clear skin manipulating the consumers to feel the same way. These products are not needed for the people living the life in stage five because they are self-actualisation. In this stage, the person feels that they have become everyt hing they possibly can as they have reached the level of extreme peace, knowledge and self-fulfilment they do not need anything else to make them happy. Advertisers tailor their advertisements towards target audiences by broadcasting their advertisements over the internet, television commercials and radio stations using basic methods of persuasion forcing their consumers to purchase their product. The advertisers achieve their goals by using the most common strategy for targeting their audiences which is AIDA. AIDA stands for (Attention, Interest, Desire and Action), this method is very helpful for the advertisers when designing powerful advertisements. An example of this is capturing the attention of the target audience. People see hundreds of advertisements daily, but they only read a small portion of the advertisement. Which is why capturing the consumer’s attention is the important part of designing the advertisement. The advertisers use large exciting headlines to make t heir advertisement interesting such as; Announcing, Breakthrough, Shocking, How to _, these words always breakthrough capturing the consumer’s attention. This kind of strategy works on consumers because the advertisers are making their advertisement seem exciting and new. Starting off with such powerful words make the consumers want to stop, watch, and listen. Another strategy is the Quadrant Theory. The Quadrant Theory relies on the natural path and western culture. In western cultures, people read from left to right and start from the top left corners, travelling right across the page and travelling down. Our eyes are trained to move this way so advertisers will put the most important info at the top of the page and lesser or secondary info at the bottom. The images are designed to attract attention at the top of the page where our eyes would naturally go anyway. An example of this strategy is the Whisker’s advertisement. In this advertisement our eyes automatically go straight towards the bulky grey elephant on the left side of the image, commencing right across the image to see a small kitten attacking the elephant with its claws, ending the advertisement with a message â€Å"Feeding your cat’s instincts†. This kind of strategy works on consumers because Whiskas is indicating to their target audience that the produ ct is meeting their cats’ instinct of desires by capturing their prey, and their prey of desire is captured as the elephant in their food product for cats. Techniques of persuasion are used by advertisers to manipulate the consumer and persuade them that they require to have it, right then and there. There are large numbers of techniques used in advertisements; most of the advertisers use the subtle use of humour and sex appeal. In the Aami Insurance advertisement, Rhonda is referring to her Bali trip as exotic and her interpretation of Ketut’s â€Å"You look so hot today, Rhonda†and †Like a sunrise†lines as flirting, when he is obviously referring to her badly sunburnt skin, is quite humorous and real. As Rhonda is replying with â€Å"Kiss me Ketut†, this is an enormous move away from typical car insurance ads where people have been in a car accident. It is only in the latest instalment when Rhonda returns home from Bali and is relaying her interpretation of her meeting with Ketut to her friend, which a minor car accident occurs. Luckily enough Rhonda was insured with Aami, they were quick to assist her. These aspects of the Aami advertisement appeal to the target audiences because they are wanting the consumer’s to think of the advertis ement when picking a choice of insurance, as Aami will always be there to assist you fast no matter where you are or how small the incident was. Another example of an advertisement that uses persuasive techniques is the â€Å"Despicable Me 2, Happy Meal†McDonalds advertisement which has the characters from the Despicable Me 2 being the main focus. However this ad is most appealing to children as the presence of minions are making it humorous and exhilarating using a mix of illusion and reality together as one. These techniques are pressuring the children to want their product with limited time offers. Even though these techniques are manipulating we are not completely blind to the effects of consumerism because some advertisements end up failing to attract the consumer’s attention and interest which makes the advertisement fail. Some people dynamically point out the negative aspects of consumerism composing poems or soundtracks in the way of which consumerism has taken over and is operating our minds. People like Bruce Dawe who has in sighted us the negative effects of consumerism through his poems. Bruce Daweà ¢â‚¬â„¢s poetry focuses on the concept of consumerism surrounding the modern era. Dawe’s poem â€Å"Televistas†follows a story-line of two characters watching television. He composes this romance converting it over to a parody (making fun of something by pretending it is serious and doing it in the same style) of two people meeting and falling-in-love. Dawe pinpoints this parody by saying that instead of the couple sharing a kiss, they â€Å"shared a samboy†(packet of chips), instead of gazing into another’s eyes, they were â€Å"Crunching in the afterglow†He is highlighting a serious message that perhaps like meeting a person, spending time with them, falling-in-love and sharing a first kiss are being replaced by consumer products such as watching television and eating brand named food. Bruce Dawe wants his reader to contemplate about our relationships and how they are being affected by the concept of consumerism. Dawe’s poem â€Å"Amer icanized†negotiates the negative effects of consumerism. This serves as an extended metaphor for how consumerism examines and dominates our society. His negative tone is made clear through lines such as (She loves him†¦but will not allow him outside. â€Å"The streets are full of nasty cars and men†) she whispers , this quote demonstrates the mother’s fear of her child being exposed to consumerism and how it dominates our society, protecting the child from being manipulated into desiring products he does not need. Dawe also highlights how consumerism compels us to consider buying products excessively is healthy for us through the quote ‘she loves him’ ‘she’ is the mother for who consumerism is in this metaphor. This is meant to say how consumerism makes us consider it to be valuable to us. Dawe’s achievement is to have his audience realise that consumerism is suffocating by shoving new products into our faces, when in reality we do not need them at all. The song â€Å"WINGS†by Rap composer Macklemore and producer Ryan Lewis is about the pursuit of identity through the means of consumerism. The attempt is to dissect our infatuation and attachment to logos, labels, brands an d the fleeting happiness that is intrinsically linked to the almighty power of the purchase. Macklemore talks about how people do not question or even think about consumerist ways but just follow them. He quotes ‘Movement told me to be a consumer and I consumed it’ this is a good example of the trend ‘Nike’. ‘Nike’ is such a popular designer label for sports gear, the society do not care for what the product is or how much it costs, but the value it can have for them. Societies are able to keep up with these latest developments and movements without even blinking. Macklemore also talks about people judging others by the clothes they uniform in the quote’ More than just a pair a pair of shoes’ this is implying the shoes aren’t just ordinary shoes. These shoes are representing this person for who they are. Through ‘Wings’ Macklemore communicates that consumerism has manipulated the society to believe that they ne ed to wear specific brands to fit in and be accepted. Through the exploration of consumerism it has become clear we the societies are restricted by this way of life so much we don’t even realise it. The effect of living in this society is so great it has even been cultured from birth to adulthood contributing to buying popular brands, which the people do not necessarily need for survival and we are always exposed with advertisements everywhere we go. Having the true understanding of the Psychology of Advertising it becomes apparent we will realise how consumerism is dominating our world. This brings awareness of how consumerism and advertisement has taken domination of our lives and addresses out to the public. An analysis of the Psychology and techniques of advertisements has defined today’s society on how it has been dominated and manipulated with use of the poetry of Bruce Dawe’s ‘Americanized’ and ‘Televistas’, with also Macklemore soundtrack ‘WINGS’. With the rise of consu merism, our global society has become increasingly focused on consuming goods and services, as a means to feel good about ourselves and to increase the economies of the world. Without consumerism, our economy would collapse dramatically. The advertisers motivate society through manipulating and persuasion to force their consumers to purchase their products which are not relevant to their daily needs. However, to make consumers stay interested in the product of desire, the advertisers enhance the awareness of their product sub-consciously to make sure their advertisement stays in their minds for the consumer to buy. In today’s societies, consumerism is the tale of life, even though it has dominated and manipulated us into thinking we have to follow the procedures of buying products we do not need.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Discuss the sources of irish law and show how they relate to each Essay
Discuss the sources of irish law and show how they relate to each other - Essay Example These shall be discussed. Bunreacht na hEireann 1937 The Irish Constitution is the supreme source of law of Ireland although it is, arguably, not the main source in terms of quantity. The Constitution is the backbone of the Irish legal system consisting of the source of power exercised by the legislative, judicial and executive branches of government. The Irish Supreme Court and High Court are empowered to review all legislation and may strike down laws if they are inconsistent with the Irish constitution (McCutcheon et al 2008, p. 649) All laws passed by the legislature must comply with the provisions of the Constitution. Specifically, the Constitution provides that the Oireachtas must not enact any law which is repugnant to the Constitution or any provisions thereof (Article15.4.1-2) 4.1 The Oireachtas shall not enact any law which is in any respect repugnant to this Constitution or any provision thereof. 4.2 Every law enacted by the Oireachtas which is in any respect repugnant to this Constitution or to any provision thereof, shall, but to the extent only of such repugnancy, be invalid This means legislation ranks lower than the Constitution. The Constitution provides that the institution which can interpret both the Constitution itself and all the other sources of law are the Courts of law. (Articles 34-37) As the primary source of law as well as having a higher status within the jurisdiction, all other laws must be in conformity with it. Any law that does not comply with the Constitution is invalid. The Constitution regulates the relationship between the organs of government and the citizens and those living in Ireland. (Article 6) The Constitution also guarantees certain fundamental rights and freedoms such as equality before the law, personal liberty, property rights, and freedom of religion and the importance of the family. (Articles 40-44) The Constitution is in both official languages but in the case of incompatibility it is the Irish version which wi ll prevail as it is the first official language. (Articles 8 and 25) Legislation This is law produced through the Oireachtas. This is, arguably, the most important source of law in the modern day Ireland. Firstly, in terms of quantity, the Oireachtas produces far more legal rules than any other source. Secondly, under Article 15 of the Constitution, the Oireachtas has‘sole and exclusive’ law making power. The Irish Constitution assigns to the Oireachtas the sole law making power within the State. (Article 15.2) Every year a large number of pieces of legislation known as statutes are brought into operation as Acts of the Oireachtas. The procedure for the creation of Acts is provided for in the Constitution. Acts of the Oireachtas are known as primary legislation and must follow a particular procedure to be legitimate including going through both houses of the Oireachtas, the Dail and the Seanad. Each piece of legislation must be compatible with the Irish Constitution and the Supreme Court of Ireland may strike down legislation if it is not compliant with the Constitution. Statutes are divided into sections and parts, depending on their length. Article 25 of the Irish Constitution states that all acts must be in both official languages, Irish and English and in the case of contradiction it is the Irish version which will prevail. Each act or statute must be compatible with the Constitution, and may be referred to the Supreme Court by the President to decide
Sunday, July 28, 2019
The Women's Liberation Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Women's Liberation Movement - Essay Example This topic of ours is actually the essence of the speech delivered by Ms.Kathy Amatniek to the main assembly of the Jeanette Rankin Brigade on the 15th of January 1968 in Washington DC. Though this discussion covers a part of this historic event, we shall try covering the major aspects of this issue. In this speech that she delivered, she rightly pointed the need for women to understand that they should unite, not just to let men know their power, but let them understand what women are capable of. The protest shown by them was unique, which showed a dummy that represented the helpless aged traditional womanhood in America. Their idea to bury it in Arlington was to let people know their giving up of the traditional womanhood and adopting modern values. This idea though has not seen light immediately, did not fail completely to bring about a change in women in America. There were number of causes for women to put up this protest and show their emotions, one being their strong oppositio n to the Vietnam War. Even before staging this protest, they were aware that this would not have a great impact because they were all powerless women trying to change the phase of the Nation. They no longer wanted to play the role of traditional women losing their values to the useless womanhood that held them in the fist of traditional values and never letting them explore a better world. To strongly show their protest to the traditional womanhood, they chose a â€Å"dramatic action that would be least offensive and most effective†(woman power). They organized a funeral procession with a dummy that reflected the traditional women. Every characteristic the dummy had reflected the traditional womanhood emotions and qualities. The dummy had a blank face reflecting the helplessness of the women in the cover of the traditional womanhood and their inability to express their views or actually talk before men. The blonde curls and hairspray represent the glam doll look that the tra ditional women had put on to make men happy. This was made clear through the lines in the pamphlets that read â€Å"Traditional Women were Beautiful...but really powerless†(woman power). This had a greater significance as they depicted the traditional womanhood with all the qualities that men just wanted. Their idea to bury the dummy in Arlington cemetery which signified the burial of the traditional womanhood showed people what they were up to. â€Å"This publicity led to a great change in the involvement of women in America, and especially in the American politics of the time; women finally found their voice†(Women and War 1941-1975). Though their best efforts were not completely fruitful, they learnt lessons about spontaneity when there was a group separation. But ultimately in some form the women who alleged this procession showed their protest and opposition to the Vietnam War through the lines â€Å"You have resisted your roles of supportive girl friends and t earful widows, receivers of regretful telegrams and worthless medals of honor†(woman power). Ms.Kathy Amatniek who strongly opposed the traditional womanhood, ridiculed the traditional womanhood through a sad procession. She personified the traditional womanhood to a an old lady who survived many challenges but had finally passed away after witnessing many affronting acts.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Class Discussion cis 242 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Class Discussion cis 242 - Essay Example Operators and values are used to define a condition. The operators can be Relational and Logical operators that are used to compare two values; however, Logical operators are also used to combine two or more conditions. An example is given below for illustration of decision making structure using conditions, operators and values: /* â€Å"&&†a logical operator used to compare two conditions, the first condition is either â€Å"a†is greater than â€Å"10†and the second condition is either â€Å"a†is less than 20. If both the conditions get true, the â€Å"statements (A)†will be executed and if anyone of the conditions gets false, the â€Å"statements (B)†will be executed. As â€Å"&&†(and) logical operator has been used, therefore, both the conditions need to be true to execute â€Å"statements (A)†. Boolean operators have significance importance in C++, as these can be used in the conditions to determine either the condition is true or false. In programming, you need decision making structures that are based on conditions, whereas in the conditions we use Boolean operators. The above example explains the conditions along with Boolean Operators in detail. Loops are used to add excitement to roller coaster in amusements parks such as Six Flags. :D Just kidding of course, but in C++, they do the same kind of thing: Start at one point, execute some code, then end up back at where you started. They are useful for when you need to execute a piece of code multiple times. The different loop commands have the same basic function, but execute slightly differently. The while command is the simplest of the loops.Just like we say when we talk while (this) is true, do (this). For example: While the TV is on, I will watch it. Once the TV goes off, I will stop watching it. A good use of while is when asking for an entry, check to see that one of the expected entries is the one that the user used. The while loop checks to see if the condition is true before it
Friday, July 26, 2019
Social Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4
Social Change - Essay Example There certainly have been various debates regarding the best form of governance that will maintain the Social Order or the Social Coherence of the people in general. The idea of society was born out of the fact that there needed to be a social coherence and security. As we can see in Scott Sernau’s essay, regarding the development of governance, right from the tribal days to the present kind of welfare-state; the present-day types of governance didn’t just sprout from the ground. It has taken a natural course until the time of the development of socialism by various philosophers. Post the era of socialism, there has been the interference of imperialistic rule, attacks against socialism-in the form of pseudo-capitalism etc. Let us look at five varied kinds of governance and compare the cases in depth. To begin from the beginning, governance was essentially Autocratic, which lent major amounts of power to one single ruler, who was determined to bring the people together and control their behavior. This formed the beginning of any kind of governance maintaining the premise that Humans essentially need to be governed. Usually the person who governed such states was known as a ‘dictator’ or an ‘autocrat’. (Perlman 1). The state was given birth to, by this kind of a rule, which marked the beginning of governance and governments. The rule is thereby continued by way of Nepotism, since; usually the throne of the ruler is taken over by the son or any other close descendant of the ruler. Autocracy or Chiefdom, slowly led to the formation of the nation-state. The formation of the nation-state is one of the more modern phenomenon since the times of the ‘despots’. This is the kind of governance that eventually led to the two World Wars. It is important to know the implications of the Nation-State since it led to the formation of ruling and opposition parties which is practiced even until today. There came to be collective consciousness among the
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Civil Litigation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Civil Litigation - Essay Example It saves the aggrieved party of waiting for a long trial before gaining any compensation and also saves the defendant from inflated costs in case the ruling is to their disadvantage. In this case, the material facts are: 1. The motorcyclist suffered personal injuries by sustaining whiplash, a broken leg and a broken nose. 2. You do not have valid insurance to drive the car involved in the accident. 3. You have already been charged in a court of law for careless driving. It is also important to recognize that having been found guilty of careless driving, the court must have upheld one or more of the following elements of the provisions of Road Traffic Act 1988 Section 3: 1. If a person drives a mechanically propelled vehicle on a road or other public place without due care and attention, or without reasonable consideration for other persons using the road or place, he is guilty of an offence. 2. A person is to be regarded as driving without due care and attention specifically if he fa ils o exhibit competence and care. 3. In order to determine the purposes of what shall constitute subsection (2) above of what would be expected of a careful and competent driver in a particular case, regard shall be had not only to the circumstances of which he could be expected to be aware but also to any circumstances shown to have been within the knowledge of the accused. 4. Other persons must be inconvenienced by the driving of a person for that person is to be regarded as driving without reasonable consideration for other persons. Procedure for Pre-action Protocol for Personal Injury Claims. 1. Early Notification The guidelines allow for a early notification of intent to file a claim to the defendant as soon as the legal representative feel that a personal injury claim is to be pursued. In your case, the letter from Mr Donnels’ Solicitors (A& T) amounts to early notification according to the guidelines. The early notification does not necessary have to be detailed as th e costs of the claim may not be crystal clear at this stage. However, you are not under any obligation to respond to this notification as it does not start the timetable for responding. At this stage, it would be wise to explore the likelihood of having to pay any legal claims that may arise relating to the personal injuries suffered by Mr. Donells. The possibilities at this stage is that the solicitors representing Mr. Donells are in all likelihood going to pursue personal injury claims against you and therefore early preparation is essential. 2. Letter of Claim If the solicitors for Mr Daniells choose to pursue personal injury claims, the next course of action will be sending you a letter of claim. The letter of claim is usually sent to the client’s insure for cases involving road accidents. However, the facts point out that you did not to enable you drive as at the occurrence of the accident. This means that the claim will be solely directly at you and you will be responsi ble for any financial interests arising from the claims. The letter of claim provides sufficient information for the defendant to assess the liability. Usually, it will include the full details of the hospital where the claimant was treated. This information is important in its entirety to help you estimate the size of the claim. The letter of claim that may be issued should have a clear summary of facts of the accident indicating the nature of injuries
The Innate Immune Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Innate Immune Response - Essay Example The defense mechanism is categorized in three types; i. External barriers, comprising of skin, nostril hairs etc. which tries to prevent the pathogens from entering the body. In fact the external barriers include physical, mechanical and chemical barriers. For example, skin and nostril hairs are termed as physical barriers; tears and extraction from genitourinary tract are the form of mechanical barriers. Similarly secretion of skin, eyes, oral cavities and respiratory tracts in the form of sweat, tears, saliva, and mucus containing anti-microbial peptides are the form of chemical barriers. As the term 'innate' suggests, the innate immune system is the inherent immune system we are born with. In fact some antigens are also present in our body, but the defense mechanism learns to live with it and together with these types of proteins, the immune system gains strength over time. The innate immune system is entrusted with; The type of innate immunity system, available in the form of protein chemical is known as 'innate humoral immunity'. Body's complement system, interferon and interleukin are some of the examples of such a system. The complement proteins together with interferon and antibodies form the all important white blood cells in the body. The complement system is a defense mechanism involving a group of more than 30 interacting soluble plasma proteins. These cell proteins provide the early warnings by way of triggering inflammation and synthesis of enzymes, so that reproduction and multiplication of viruses can be blocked. Allergies and inflammation are the forms of innate immune response. Redness, swelling, heat and pain are some of the initial responses of the immune system against the infection. The innate immunity system tries to highlight the ferocity of the pathogens by such actions. The inflammation occurs when tissues are injured by bacteria, trauma, heat or toxins. The damaged tissues release some chemicals like histamine, serotonin or bradykinin. These chemical substances in turn cause the blood vessels to leak fluid into the tissues, which causes swelling. This helps in taking appropriate response e.g. medication and precaution. The innate immune response is generated by the white blood cells, natural killer cells (NK cells) and T
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Indicate the divergence about social of UK in EU Essay
Indicate the divergence about social of UK in EU - Essay Example However, it was observed that the European Union failed to create effective constitutional machinery which affected the proper administration of its member countries. The making of the Lisbon Treaty in December 2009 created a change in the above situation. Further expansion programs helped in the creation of a faction known as the European Communities which came into effect from 1967. It was observed that the European Community was formed by the joint collaboration of three communities which rendered its focus mainly on strengthening the economic and cultural base. The other three countries which joined the European Commission in 1973 were observed to be Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom. The administrative power of the European Union was given a further impetus with the enactment of the Maastricht Treaty which came into effect in 1991. People residing within the member countries of the European Union were conferred the European citizenship which helped them commute within the member states. However, United Kingdom showed a steady divergence to the social policy measures of the European Union which highlighted on labor and other social issues. United Kingdom was found to ‘opt-out’ from the Social Chapter of the Maastricht Treaty. (Profile: The European Union, 2010). The United Kingdom holds a prominent position amongst the European countries constituting the European Union. United Kingdom has held its permanent representation to the body of the European Union as UKRep. It is observed that the making of the UKRep helped in further enhancing the ties of United Kingdom to the European Union. The UKRep constituted helps United Kingdom to potentially represent itself in the body of European Union through the acts of its various representatives. The representatives of United Kingdom through UKRep help in the focusing of issues pertaining to the country by attracting
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
High skilled or educated workers may face more difficulties in getting Essay
High skilled or educated workers may face more difficulties in getting employed compared to low skilled or educated workers - Essay Example On the other hand, there is a need to scrutinise the new role of low-skilled workers in the current job and industry requirements. In order to get a succinct understanding of the market competitiveness for skilled workers as compared to their low-skilled counterparts, this paper begins by looking at the theoretical perspective of the issue. This is then followed by a critical analysis of the many factors that influence market competitiveness for both skilled and low-skilled workers. Lastly, these factors are analyzed by using the case study of the labour market in the United States where skilled workers are becoming obsolescent to the advantage of the low-skilled and low-educated workers. One of the theory that explain the circumstance of the labour market where less skilled worker get hired than the skilled work force is the invisible hand theory. Adam Smith coined the term invisible hand denoting that the market should be free of interference from the government (Holcombe, 1999). However, the theory of invisible hand explains that market ought to be guided by the forces of demand and supply. Through this scarce resources are bound to be shared efficiently. This is also the circumstance in the labour sector. The forces of demand and supply supersede the skills more so where the market does not need specialised services (Holcombe, 1999). Therefore, the invisible hand theory explains the competiveness of non-skill workforce to that of skilled labourer (Holcombe, 1999). The high investment in higher education and skills necessary for a particular type of job is no longer fool proof of a better job. This is because the current market for skills is largely driven by laws of supply and demand. For many years, there has been a contemporary belief that high-skilled workers are often granted high priority in the job market. However, low-skilled workers
Monday, July 22, 2019
Types of Ownerships Essay Example for Free
Types of Ownerships Essay I am going to investigate and describe two contrasting organisations. I will clearly identify their main purpose and type of ownership. My two chosen organisations are Oxfam and McDonalds. These are two organisations are good examples because they are different in their purpose, type of ownership, size and scale. Description of Oxfam organisation Oxfam was founded in 1942 in Britain as the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief. Oxfam is an international confederation of 15 organizations working together in 98 countries with partners and allies around the world to find lasting solutions to poverty and injustice. There are 15 member organisations of the Oxfam International confederation, based in Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Ireland, India, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Quebec, Spain and the United States. Oxfam operates in tertiary sector. Oxfam’s Purpose The purpose of this organisation is to help poor people around the world. Oxfam concentrates on five interlinked areas of work which are: emergency response, development work, campaigning for change, advocacy and policy research. Oxfam works with thousands of local partner organisations and with people living in poverty striving to exercise their human rights and assert their dignity as full citizens and take control of their lives. Oxfam and type of ownership Oxfam is a not for profit charity. Charity is commonly used to describe an organisation that facilitates charity benefiting people in need. It also often refers to the act of giving money, time or resources to others without expecting reciprocation. The term not for profit means that a not for profit organisation is a type of organisation that does not earn profits for its owners. All of the money earned by or donated to a not for profit organisation is used in pursuing the organisations objectives.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Effect of The Human Rights Act 1998
Effect of The Human Rights Act 1998 Section 3(1) of the Human Rights Act 1998 provides that: â€Å"So far as it is possible to do so, primary legislation and subordinate legislation must be read and given effect in a way which is compatible with the Convention rights.†Whilst this does not â€Å"affect the validity, continuing operation or enforcement of any incompatible primary legislation,†or â€Å"affect the validity, continuing operation or enforcement of any incompatible subordinate legislation,†national legislation must be completely incapable of being compatible with the European Convention on Human Rights for the Courts in the UK to deliver a ‘declaration of incompatibility, rather than to construe the legislation in favour of the party relying upon a Convention right. Regarding the interpretation of the Convention rights, section 2(1) of the Human Rights Act 1998 states: â€Å"A court or tribunal determining a question which has arisen in connection with a Convention right must take into account any (a) judgment, decision, declaration or advisory opinion of the European Court of Human Rights, (b) opinion of the Commission given in a report adopted under Article 31 of the Convention, (c) decision of the Commission in connection with Article 26 or 27(2) of the Convention, or (d) decision of the Committee of Ministers taken under Article 46 of the Convention, whenever made or given, so far as, in the opinion of the court or tribunal, it is relevant to the proceedings in which that question has arisen.†The Court has held that, when scrutinizing executive decisions and determining their complience with the Human Rights Act, section 2 of this Act compels them to take into account the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights. However, it has been made clear that â€Å"The [courts] are not bound by the decisions of the European Court.†This was confirmed in the case of Boyd v The Army Prosecuting Authority. However, in the case of R v Secretary of the State for the Home Department, a case concerning an alledged breach of Article 8 of the ECHR; it was held, in reliance on the cases of Campbell v United Kingdom and R. v Secretary of the State for the Home Department (Ex p. Leech), that when assessing the validity of an executive action, the court must rule on the proportionality of the executive decision in question. Article 8(2) of the ECHR states: â€Å"There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.†The Queens Bench held that where an executive decision sought to infringe Article 8(1) of the ECHR, that an investigation into the proportionality of that decision is required by virtue of Article 8(2) of that Convention. From these recent case decisions it is immediately clear that the Human Rights Act 1998 has had a major impact on the pre-existing public law framework of the United Kingdom. The Courts are bound to interpret national legislation in accordance with the rights contained in the ECHR, even where this means that national legislation has to be interpreted beyond its literal or purposive scope, and the Courts have show increasing willingness to be influenced by European jurisprudence when interpreting the Convention. On top of this, it seems that the case of R v Secretary of the State for the Home Department has introduced ‘proportionality as a new grounds for commencing a judicial review of an exectuive decision. To this extent, the Human Rights Act 1998 must be considered a tenet of the constitution of the United Kingdom, at least to the extent that it impacts upon the scope of the legitimate powers of the executive. However, that being said, section 3(2) of the Human Rights Act and the interpretation of this section by the House of Lords in the case of R v A (No.2) does suggest that where the legislative enact legislation which purports to expressly limit the scope of a Convention right, the Courts are not entitled to rules in favour of a claimant, by reinterpreting that provision. Let us now ask ourselves an important question: For an Act to be constitutional surely it must be the case that the legislature cannot bypass its provisions, while it remains in force, simply by indicating its intent to do so, or acknowledging that it does so? Let us therefore turn to examine how the Courts deal with cases where legislation is completely incompatible with the rights conferred under the ECHR, or where the government have acknowledged that a new Bill is incompatible with the ECHR: In regards to incompatible legislation, section 4(2) of the Human Rights Act 1998 states: â€Å"If the court is satisfied that [a] provision is incompatible with a Convention right, it may make a declaration of that incompatibility.†Section 4(4) of the Act goes on to provide that: â€Å"If the court is satisfied- (a) that the provision is incompatible with a Convention right, and (b) that (disregarding any possibility of revocation) the primary legislation concerned prevents removal of the incompatibility, it may make a declaration of that incompatibility.†The effect of such a declaration, however, is neither to render that legislation invalid and ineffective, nor to provide the parties in the case with a form of redress, but rather to alert the executive that the legislation in question is incompatibe. Despite the fact that the Courts have made it clear that a declaration of incompatibility is a â€Å"last resort†, in order to argue that the Human Rights Act 1998 is a constitutional enactment, it must be shown that where the legislative have introduced legislation which is incompatible with its provisions, that they have acted beyond their constitutional powers. In regards to ‘statements of compatibility, it is clear that the legislature are legally entitled to enact a Bill without such a statement, as per s19(1)(b) of the 1998 Act. An example of such an Act is the Sexual Offences Act 2005. This must be deemed to undermine the UKs commitment to abiding by the rights enshrined in the ECHR. Earlier in this essay we have asked the question: For an Act to be constitutional surely it must be the case that the legislature cannot bypass its provisions, while it remains in force, simply by indicating its intent to do so, or acknowledging that it does so? In light of the fact that the Act does not impose any duty of action on the executive to amend incompatible legislation, nor to make sure legislation is compatible before it is enacted, it cannot be said to undermine the constitutional nature of this Act because the legislature are not acting outside of the scope of their powers in the legislation. If this argument is correct, then we must ask ourselves what characteristics of the Human Rights Act 1998 suggests that it ‘has found a place at the heart of the constitution of the United Kingdom? In the case of Thoburn v Sunderland City Council, Lord Justice Laws defined a ‘constitutional statute in the following terms: â€Å"In my opinion a constitutional statute is one which (a) conditions the legal relationship between citizen and State in some general, overarching manner, or (b) enlarges or diminishes the scope of what we would now regard as fundamental constitutional rights. (a) and (b) are of necessity closely related: it is difficult to think of an instance of (a) that is not also an instance of (b).†We have already seen how the Courts have used the Act to give significant force to the ECHR, interpreting legislation widely to give effect to the Convention rights, allowing decisions by public bodies to be challenged for being a disproportionate breach of Convention rights and only issuing declarations of incompatibility as a ‘last resort. These features of the Human Rights Act 1998 and the way it has been applied by the Courts certainly satisfies Lord Justice Laws definition. This supports the contention that the Human Rights Act 1998 is part of the constitution of the UK, but does not confirm whether it has truly found a place at the heart of the constitution. Let us now look at recent political developments that serve to undermine this assertion: In England there is currently much talk about the possibility of repealing the Human Rights Act. For example, in 2006 David Cameron made a public statement that the Conservatives would scrap, reform or replace the Human Rights Act unless the government [could] reach a memorandum of understanding to enable foreign criminals to be deported to their countries of origin†. [Guardian, May 12 2006]. Likewise, a recent Review of the Implementation of the Human Rights Act, stated: â€Å"it is worth considering briefly an option which has been subject to recent comment. This would be the option of repealing the Human Rights Act and enacting a separate set of fundamental rights which would not, in law, be connected to the European Convention on Human Rights. The suggestion is that these rights could be given some sort of entrenched or superior status in our constitution.†[DCA, 2006, p5]. These sources strongly imply that the Human Rights Act 1998 has not found a place in the heart of our constitution, despite there being little doubt about its constitutional nature. In the final section of this paper, let us turn our attention to the place of the Human Rights Act 1998 in the constitution of Scotland, and its prospects for the future in this devolved jurisdiction: In Scotland, the purposes of the Human Rights Act 1998 were given greater force by the introduction of the Scotland Act 1998. Section 29 of this Act states: â€Å"(1) An Act of the Scottish Parliament is not law so far as any provision of the Act is outside the legislative competence of the Parliament. (2) A provision is outside that competence so far as any of the following paragraphs apply (d) it is incompatible with any of the Convention rights or with Community law.†This goes much further than the Human Rights Act 1998 which allows UK Parliament to enact incompatible provisions as long as an assessment has been made in accordence with s19(1)(b) of the Act. Coupled with the recent enactment of the Scottish Commission for Human Rights Act 2006, which established the Scottish Commission for Human Rights, it seems clear that the ECHR has found a central place in the constitution of the devolved jurisdiction of Scotland. However, in response to the statement at the top of this paper, we can hardly say that these developments put the Human Rights Act at the heart of the constitution of the United Kingdom; after all, these developments do not pertain to the Human Rights Act 1998, except in so far as this Act is used to define the Convention rights which are to be adhered to by the Scottish executive. Conclusion In conclusion, whilst the Human Risghts Act 1998 can certainly be described as a constitution enactment, recent political developments in the UK which suggest that this Act might soon be repealed undermine the contention that the 1998 is ‘at the heart of the constitution of the United Kingdom. In Scotland, the Human Rights Act 1998 can only be said to be at the heart of the constitution to the extent that this Act is referred to by the Scotland Act 1998, an Act which goes much further in granting legal protection to scotish citizens for breaches of Convention rights than the 1998 Act.
Milton S Epic Poem A Paradise Lost Theology Religion Essay
Milton S Epic Poem A Paradise Lost Theology Religion Essay Paradise Lost could possibly be regarded as one of the most controversial and dangerously convincing piece of literary works of all time. Although, ironically English Scholars and English teachings tend to ignore Miltons masterpiece as an exquisitely elegant form of written work, along with the dismissal of the English Commonwealth from 1649 to 1660. The English Commonwealth was a significantly major part of the British Monarch effecting both religious and political ways of life. There are many early modern literature works that were created during this catastrophic event who attempted to influence the British Public through their subtle underlying Propaganda, yet still sticking to strict authorities. Milton was among these writers that were appointed to specifically use his ability to base transcripts, poems and books on maybe the reflection of how leaders of Britain wanted its citizens to think and live. Milton was an influential part of the literary movement of the time that encom passed a move away from free expression and instead became a voice for the governments agenda of the period. Milton had many creative works but one particular text over the years has stirred up debates across the minds of many critics. Even by todays standards Paradise Lost has caused controversy, leading into accusations of denying Christianity to the sympathising of the devil. After researching critics that have based their works on studying Miltons epic poem, along with looking closely at his involvement with powerful figures of 17th century government, will assist in determining if Paradise Lost was specifically used for political propaganda or if it was purely written from Miltons own beliefs and experiences. On the surface Miltons Paradise Lost, one could say, is a biblical reconstruction of the globally famous story that basis its context for the doctrine of the original sin. There are many critics that have revolved their analysis of Miltons epic poem solely on the theme of religion, which are the major factors that lead to the disproval of Miltons work. Religion during Seventeenth Century Britain was compulsory; it was indeed part of the law to attend to church. Milton himself was a devote Christian which oppose the views of the likes of Blake and C.S Lewis as they accused him of sympathising with the devil. Both insisted Milton was part of the the devil party. Both observations from these key early critics are a contradiction upon Miltons actual religious beliefs and practices he took part in. They accuse Milton of creating him as a sort of sub hero and provide him with humanised characteristics thus making him to be a dangerously likeable character [quote from a critic that support s this]. Realistically, the content of Paradise Lost does in fact have particular parts that reflect upon these early critical responses to the poem. Specifically in books [ ] the devil seems to become the most humanised character of them all, the speeches he presents to the reader are so simply rhetorically persuasive and some of the most beautiful words come from the mouth of Satan, thus the reader being human can relate more so than that of God[quote]. The reader relates through jealously, seduction and the tempting mind, these being only a few of the attributes humans possess that make up who they are. Therefore these human abilities such as failure, temptations and desire are being regarded to be atrocious because they are being presented through the most famously sinful figure in religion, Satan. Consequently leading to the conclusion that Milton could quite possibly be criticising Christianity suggesting the religion denies a humans downfalls, these downfalls being what make a human, human. However, in retrospect to this argument and the question I ask myself, if Milton was a devote Christian himself why would he deny the religion? There were many figures in the literary world that were against the idea that Milton was portraying Christianity as a corrupt religion and believed Paradise Last was actually strongly supporting his own belief [read keel]. Paradise Lost was written after the Restoration of the monarchy of Charles II in sixteen sixty, when he returned the Church of England back to how it was when his father ruled the country. This brought back the restoration of the Catholic Church and the Puritan faith had failed to subdue and the religion was made illegal. It is a very subjective text and the answers are not all in black and white it is extremely hard to pin point what Miltons exact beliefs were but readers must be aware that he was a very religious man. We can see through many parts of the collection of poems some of his beliefs and can interoperate to an e xtent what he was actually trying to say through his words. Therefore from my own research and opinions I have come to accept it is not plausible to claim that Milton is directly attacking the Christian faith. Milton often changed his views of the corrupt religion and government of the time of Britain in the sixteen hundreds, but he wasnt afraid to express his belief as a Puritan. Puritanism was associated on the Parliamentary side during the English Civil War against the Laudianism Church on the Monarchist side. The puritan faith focused on the importance of preaching from the Bible and the idea that God is the only leader of the Church and Milton evidently believed in God, being noticeable through the portrayal of God being the creator and the King of the heavens [Quote from PL]. Paradise Lost is a reconstruction of a well known biblical story of the original sin; therefore this is defiant evidence that Milton pin pointed the importance of unambiguous preaching. Of course many of Miltons masterpieces were a form of preaching; Lares (2001, pg.1) states in Milton and the preaching arts: Miltons poetic programme in terms of genres in which he may choose to write and on this sense of vocation to serve as a poet-priest. The angels in Paradise Lost can be seen as figures of preachers, a subtle way for Milton to put his message across to his readers. As seen through the angel Raphael Milton applies his preaching words through the mouth of the angel, one specific example that shows a message being advocated across is where Raphael is sent forth to Adam to warn him not to eat from the forbidden tree: in the day thou eatst, thou diest; Death is the penalty imposed; beware And govern well thy appetite; lest Sin Surprise thee, and her black attendant Death. (VII 544-547) Raphael here is warning Adam the extent of his punishment if he is to eat the forbidden fruit having an aim to encourage the obedience of Adam towards God. However as Lares (2001, pg.152), again, quotes that in fact Milton favours correction, and in fact has his angel warn against sin rather than encourage virtue Due to background reading it is known that Milton was in favour of the Independents (see further on for more information about Independents) therefore this particular part of his epic poem communicates Miltons own religious views that everyone is entitled to choose what they believe in and not what institutions tell them to believe in. There is also evidence that Milton agreed with this idea that religion should be accessible to the ordinary person, he took part in writing poems for productions in theatres to allow anybody from all walks of life to be educated about God. Milton, like any other Puritan believed in joyfully practicing the faith and some focused on the value of nature and arts and the natural world. Here the Romantic Writers of the sixteenth century can be linked in to Miltons epic poem where throughout beautiful descriptions of the paradise plays an important part of imagery to the readers. WRITE ABOUT Romantics Another factor that contributes to this idea that Milton believed in an equal soceity is the humanising of Satan. Milton believed in an Independent Church, The independents wanted each specific congregation to be able to decide for itself its beliefs and practices. (Christs College at Cambridge University). Here I think, personally, that he believed very passionately in God but he did not believe in the institutions that claimed to be doing Gods will. In other words he warned people against believing everything you hear in church and believed instead in following your own personal beliefs so you have a relationship with God instead of with the church. This is conveyed by allowing both Adam and Eve and the devil to be accessible to their freewill. Thus portraying the devil just as human as anyone else; this could also relate to freewill and the Devils own choices to revolt against God. These ideas surrounding free will are explored in chapter one. However some say that Milton re tracts the reader away from the dehumanising of the devil by indeed making him relatable to us in order for us to feel guilty that we feel sympathetic towards him after realising he is in fact evil, by the use of reverse psychology. Milton emphasises how dangerously tempting Satan is therefore attending church and believing in what you believe in will protect from the evil hands of the devil. [Critics quote] Although on the surface Paradise Lost is indeed a biblical piece of literary work, however under the surface there are many hidden messages through Miltons work that can be determined as Political Propaganda of its time. During the Civil war and the Commonwealth Milton was involved heavily with the Government and especially worked closely with Oliver Cromwell. He was appointed the Secretary of Foreign Tongues under the Cromwellian Government and played an important role of being the voice for the English Revolution to the rest of the country. Unlike many he believed in the Republic and was in favour of freedom the Commonwealth have provided for the Puritan faith. Miltons first piece of major Political Propaganda was The Readie and Easie Way to Establish a Free Commonwealth where he emphasised the importance and benefits of a British Republic. Paradise Lost is possibly a less obvious form of political regime than the less subtle works he created, however it is achievable to regard certain characters and events as parallel to that of what is happening in the real world. Starting with the Devil: He is constantly fighting for his own dignity and freedom which causes the sympathy most people fight for a democracy especially in 17th century Britain Devil is a symbolic of the failure of the discourse of politics and the corrupt religion should be free and not illegal. The devil could actually be a portrayal of Cromwell or maybe even Milton himself constant battle with lord and rules god/king However when PL was written it was known that Milton actually changed his views on Cromwell and saw flaws in him son couldnt follow him, false leader ship is the devil, wrong.. God can be seen obviously as Godomniscient/ powerful/ leader highly regarded in paradise lost, so should he be in society and not the king the devil could also be see Many Throughout Miltons work there is a fine line between his political and religious beliefs
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Censors, by Luisa Valenzuela Essay -- Satire, Symbols, Analysis
â€Å"The Censors†by Luisa Valenzuela The short story â€Å"The Censors†by Luisa Valenzuela is set in Argentina during the dictatorship of Jorge Videla who reigned from 1976 to 1983. Juan, the protagonist of the text, starts the story by writing a letter to his old friend, Mariana, at her new residence in Paris. He had received Mariana’s new address from a confidential source and was too excited to think of his actions before writing and sending the letter. Later, Juan’s â€Å"mind [was] off his job during the day and [he couldn’t] sleep at night,†thinking of the letter (Valenzuela 966). He believes the contents to be innocent and irreproachable, but the censors of the Argentine government â€Å"examine, sniff, feel, and read between the lines of each and every letter†(Valenzuela 966) for the signs of uprising among the people. He then thinks of the censorship offices and the extremely few letters that are actually sent. He ponders the months or years that a single letter cou ld take to be delivered and all that time â€Å"the freedom, maybe even life, of both the sender and receiver [are] in jeopardy†(Valenzuela 966). Juan is troubled for Mariana’s well being. He knows that the â€Å"Censor’s Secret Command operates all over the world [and] there’s nothing to stop them from going [to the] obscure Paris neighborhood [and] kidnapping Mariana†(Valenzuela 966). Soon he decides his course of action is to join the Post Office’s Censorship Division and retrieve his letter to save Mariana. Juan was hired immediately as there was a great demand for censors and no one â€Å"bothered to check on his references†(Valenzuela 966). He was content to be working; all he could do to retrieve his letter was being done. Even when he was sent to Section K where envelopes were ... ...ack to destroy Juan. Since he didn’t find the letter to be important, he acted carelessly and discarded it and was â€Å"one more victim of his devotion to his work†(Valenzuela 968). Although many people would not go as far as to essentially commit suicide through the government, Valenzuela is making the point that secrets are dangerous. At the same time, Valenzuela is showing the average person can always be corrupted and caught up in their government if said government is corrupt. The most innocent person will always be tainted and destroyed by an iniquitous government. Through Juan’s letter and actions, Valenzuela depicts the satirical theme of how anyone can be corrupted by a perverted government. Works Cited Valenzuela, Luisa. â€Å"The Censors.†Elements of Literature: World Literature. Trans. David Unger. Austin, Texas: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2006. Print.
Friday, July 19, 2019
The Tragedy of Macbeth :: Classics, Shakespeare
â€Å"Macbeth,†written by William Shakespeare initially described the main character, Macbeth, as an honorable, brave, loyal hero. He was a Scottish General and thane of Glamis. Macbeth fought for his country and supported the king. Macbeth was looked up to and admired for being so courageous and brave. He understood the difference between right and wrong. Macbeth was a man who seemed to have everything, including a loving wife! So what happened to this great man? How did he change from a hero to a villain in a very short time? Macbeth had a very bad character flaw. He was a powerful man, but he was not virtuous; thus, he allowed many outside influences to invade his thoughts and he acted on them! He was immoral. The first outside influence that allowed Macbeth to begin showing his true colors was the three witches. The witches addressed Macbeth as Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor and King of Scotland (1.3.49-51). Initially Macbeth is stunned by the way they addressed him and he had many questions. He was confused and, yet a bit excited. His best friend, Banquo, was with him and both of them began asking questions. Banquo was told that he would father a line of kings (1.3.68). While Macbeth and Banquo were still talking with the witches and asking them questions, they disappeared. Two of the king’s men arrived and told Macbeth that King Duncan had sent them to thank him for defending the country and that King Duncan wanted to see Macbeth to give him good news. They told Macbeth that King Duncan told them to call him thane of Cawdor (1.3.107). When the witches’ first prediction came true, Macbeth began to think that he might become King of Scotland. In doing so, he imm ediately began to think about murdering King Duncan (1.3.135-141). This is the first sign of the evil that lies within Macbeth! Macbeth sent a letter to Lady Macbeth to tell her of the witches’ predictions and how the first prediction came true. While reading the letter, Lady Macbeth, thinking about her husband’s nature as she knew it for many years, felt that he had ambition but that he did not have a mean streak that would allow him to kill King Duncan (1.5.15-19).
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Black Consciousness in the Twentieth Century Essay
Ralph Ellison began his 1952 novel with the sentence; â€Å"I am an invisible man.†(Ellison 3) These five words summed up the way in which the majority of Black Americans felt about their place in society at the time. The Civil Rights Movement was still years away, and the caste of American society had placed the Black American near the bottom. The book is in the first person narrative, narrated by a man who considers himself by society’s view point to be invisible because of his race.            The self-awareness of the Black American was limited to only what the white establishment would allow – and in the majority of the country, that was very little. However, the essence for the change that would occur had already been born. The awakening, in the late 1950s, of the Black American would take place in religion, politics, self-awareness and literature. This would become exemplified by the manner in which women in the black communities were treated. The rise of domestic violence was an issue, even in 1950s America – and in both the homes of blacks and whites.            There would be, though, differences in which this awakening would manifest itself. For some, like those who would march with Martin Luther King, non-violence and pacifism would be the dominate tool to their awakening. For others, the awakening would come in the form of a religious rebirth, and strong assertion of their place in society. There was a responsibility being neglected in the role of the black male to uphold his place of caregiver to his wife and family – as well as to the community as a whole. This was an important issue to realize, as the teachings of Islam would tell. â€Å"The white man wants black men to stay immoral, unclean, an ignorant†. (223). During the course of the novel the protagonists lists ways in which he has become invisible and the reaction he stirs within society because of his ‘blackness’, and as Ellis illustrates in the prologue of the book, â€Å"I live rent-free in a building rented strictly to whites, in a section of the basement that was shut off and forgotten during the nineteenth century.†(Ellis prologue). The narrator goes on to state that light is a necessity for him since light to him is equivalent to truth (much as it was in Plato’s cave – so here the reader gains a sense of philosophy and of intelligence from the narrator). Throughout the course of the events that aid in defining the narrator the major first event occurs on his college’s campus. The epiphany that the invisible man has during this time is that a black man whom he had once aspired to be like (i.e. to leave a legacy for his college) is not at all worthy of his aspiration but instead is merely a black man who has disguised himself enough to be able to ‘survive’ in the white dominated society. Thus, the invisible man has his first exposure to mis-identities and the almost innate need that black men feel they have to become someone else in order to be a part of white society. In another act of deception in the book, the narrator (after a boiler room ‘accident’) is hospitalized; during a state of consciousness he discovers that he has been experimented upon with shock treatment without his knowledge. This is a severe breach of his constitutional rights as well as his humanity. Thus, the narrator finds out that he is not considered to be human, or even subhuman but rather a thing, an object, a less than real entity whose presence is a constant element of scorn and fear to the white race (at least through each of the experiences the invisible man has had with white people). Thus, not only is he destroyed through the perception of white people but through his own culture and race as Dr. Bledsoe has given the invisible man letters of recommendation whose intent was merely to waylay the invisible man from coming back to college and to not (as the invisible man had thought was their intention) to get him a job. Therefore the invisible man is hoodwinked by a person whom he thought he could trust and this leads him to further epiphanies of himself and his race and either’s misconception. The novel is truly about self-awareness through objective perception. Although the narrator finds brief solace with the Brotherhood and brother Jack (a black organization seeking to unite the black community in New York), this soon turns into another form of hate through jealousy. The narrator’s position is replaced and he travels outside of Harlem only to return and find his friend dead. Despite efforts to try and unite the Brotherhood again, the narrator is soon forced to recognized his grandfather’s maxim, â€Å"over come ’em with yeses, undermine ’em with grins, agree ’em to death and destruction. . .†(Ellis). The novel is about a man whose invisibility is plagues by mis-identity, and whose overall undertones of outside prejudices define his life as well as his identity up to a point. The ‘yes man’ that his grandfather advised him to do was a type of camouflage technique in which a man can exist wholly without being noticed by being, in essence, no one at all – by becoming invisible in order to survive. The sacrifice that the invisible man does is to waylay his hopes and dreams in order to be nothing so that he may survive, not be gunned down by either Brother Jack or by the police. In essence Ellis’ book contributed greatly to the recognition of the black consciousness and the state of the Civil Rights movement in order for blacks to not be invisible in order to exist. WORKS CITED Ellison, Ralph. The Invisible Man. Random House Inc. New York.          1952. Gates, Henry Louis. The Signifying Monkey: A Theory of African-American Literary Criticism.          New York: Oxford UP, 1988. Klein, Marcus. After Alienation: American Novels in Mid-Century. New York: World, 1964. McSweeney, Kerry. Invisible Man: Race and Identity. Boston: Twayne, 1988.
Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines
Over-the-counter ( over-the-counter(a)) medicines atomic identification number 18 drugs you gutter debauch without a prescription drug comp argond to prescription drugs, which whitethorn yet be sold to consumers with a prescription. well-nigh nonprescription(a) medicines relieve aches, persistence and itches. Some prevent or recruit diseases, like tooth decay and athletes foot. Others help recognize recurring problems, like migraines. When it comes to shrouding such(prenominal) greenness ailments as spit outs and colds, fever, heartburn, and aches and pains, people ar using to a greater extent types of non-prescription, over-the-counter medicines than ever before.Once consisting of a relatively sm exclusively public figure of medications, over-the-counter(a) medicines now account for the majority of all medications utilize, including many that were once for sale only by prescription. on that point are more(prenominal) than 100,000 nonprescription(a) products on the securities industry today, and the market is worth 500one thousand thousand-plus a year and is outgrowth every year. Some of the most reciprocal examples of OTC drugs are pain relievers, antihistamines, cough medicines. Pain relievers are medicines used to get over pain caused by any number of conditions. They stand be used to address headaches, joint pain, muscle cramps or little injuries.Some examples of OTC painkillers are Anacin Tylenol and Excedrin. generic versions of these brand-name medications arsehole also be found. Some generic examples let in aspirin, ibuprofen, and ketoprofen. Antihistamines are medications used to dole out or prevent the symptoms of allergies. OTC antihistamines can be divided into cardinal types first and second generation. Some examples of first-generation antihistamines are Dimetapp, Benadryl. Second-generation examples embroil Claritin and Zyrtec. While both types can be used to treat allergies, first-generation antihistamines can a lso be used to treat colds. Both types can be merge with other medications, such as painkillers, to treat several symptoms at once.OTC cough medicines are split into two separate categories antitussives and expectorants. Antitussives blend in as cough suppressants. They relieve cough out fits by blocking the reflex to cough. Expectorants clear the mucus that causes coughing, making it easier to break up and lessening the duration of the cough. Examples of OTC antitussives include Triaminic Cold and Cough and Robitussin Cough. Examples of OTC expectorants include Mucinex and Robitussin Chest Congestion. The benefits of OTC drugs are the be to the patients and the NHS.People seeking relief from symptoms of unwashed ailments and well-nigh diseases can avoid the costof a doctors visit by purchasing OTC drugs and can still go for self-assurance that the medicine meets necessary criteria. Also, OTC drugs are frequently less expensive than prescription medicines this both benefit ting the NHS and the patient. Some problems with OTC drugs hold arisen with patients abusing ovOTCr the counter drugs. They are readily available to the general public. According to the National bailiwick on Drug Use and Health, the number of people abusing prescription and OTC drugs jumped from 4.7 million to 6.9 million between 2005 and 2007.OTC drugs are deemed rubber eraser if used as directed. However, it seems clear that non everyone is following the directions. A big land OTC drug shout is familiar is because these drugs are accessible and relatively cheap. umpteen people already have OTC drugs in their medicine cabinets or cupboards. There is no need to hide the drugs for apprehension of raising suspicions or getting arrested. ineligible drugs, which can produce the same progeny as OTC drugs, are more dangerous to obtain and typically more costly. As well as contumely of OTC drugs on that points dependence Alone, codeine phosphate is only available on prescripti on. But it has been available OTC in low doses and in combination with aspirin, paracetamol, or ibuprofen for many years.The most common addiction is to the OTC drug Solpadeine a combination of paracetamol and codeine. There are 4,000 cognise people registered that are currently have this problem. In conclusion OTC drugs can have there pluses and negatives on the general public. It saves a lot of NHS money by having over the counter drugs by economy a lot of doctors time for minor ailments. However there have been a lot of problems with abuse and addictions that have arose from this questioning where some are safe for patients to be getting such access to.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Management and Illustrations Pearson Education Essay
This workbook testament gestate you in achieving in both in in in all aspects of your Apprenticeship modeling. This dent get appear suffice you prep argon for the ? rst call back by your respector, and forms give wayition of the induction to your Apprenticeship. In this section you convey ? nd an activity to cooperate you prep atomic number 18 and assemble severalise for your judgement link up to this topic 1. Preparing for a propose aim 3 Apprenticeship or so of the evidence you depart be regarded to countenance leave behind be measure outed both with documents and assesss that you sacrifice complete in your work and by transmit observation.You might be come subsequentlyd by your assessor when you be working. Your supervisor or a nonher(prenominal) colleagues peck warningisedwise observe you at work and complete a witness statement to give to your assessor. These observations should be of real work activities and non sour tasks. If yo u argon immortalizeed while you atomic number 18 working, you whitethorn rich person to get consent from some(prenominal) colleagues present during the recording. The tasks in this runbook volition provide nurture evidence for all aspects of your framework. You pull up s arrests besides take part in transactional discussions with your assessor during the hear.Your assessor may want to discuss your draw close with your work supervisor, so your supervisor allow need to know the architectural programned figure of the visit. master key school school text and illustrations Pearson Education Limited, 2011 1 1 BTEC Apprenticeship discernment Workbook take aim 3 cable & electric pig 1 1. PREPARING FOR A LEVEL 3 APPRENTICESHIP As a Business & memorial tablet level 3 apprentice, you go out play an classical digest mapping at work. You exit be handling solar day-to-day activities in an of? ce positionting within a seam organisation.You could, for example , be working in a commonplace sector organisation, a charity, a newspaper or in an of?ce in a retail developting. The train nature of your ponder will be upon your employer. However, it is analogously that you will be luck the blood run smoothly by doing tasks much(prenominal) as typing up meeting documents, handling spreadsheets, and dealing with influent and outgoing post for the organisation.Ef? cient admininstration helps a business run smoothly. The tasks in this section of the Workbook will help you to demonstrate your friendship and savvy of your Apprenticeship. You will explore the components of the Apprenticeship, the strategies for assessment and the enormousness of the Apprenticeship agreement.This will help you to develop an undivided t to each oneing intention (ILP), which will be reviewed on each assessor visit in a meeting you provoke with your tutor and your supervisor. 2 first text and illustrations Pearson Education Limited, 2011 BTEC Apprentices hip sagaciousness Workbook Level 3 Business & governing body KNOWLEDGE AND soul The tasks that follow will require you to get a occupation the Business arrangement Level 3 Apprenticeship framework. You will go through at the components of the framework and explain why they are important and how they will be assessed.You will also explore the decision and multipurposeness of the Apprenticeship agreement. WorkSkills unit of measurement 1 1. 1, 1. 2 1 projection 1a Each Apprenticeship has its own framework. The Business authorities Level 3 Apprenticeship is made up of tetrad parts. These are craft rights and responsibilities competence- ground element knowledge-based element Key or practicable Skills. Complete the table on scallywag 4 to extract the quali? cations that work up up each element of your Apprenticeship. State the typewrites of evidence you will need to gather. Entries for the ? rst element of the framework defy been provided as an example.Once you gestate done this, develop strategies you could physical exertion to gather evidence for each element and signal slipway you could tack together for any tests in Functional Skills or Key Skills, and in the BTEC certi? cate. schoolmaster text and illustrations Pearson Education Limited, 2011 3 BTEC Apprenticeship estimation Workbook Level 3 Business & Administration 1 Element trade rights and responsibilities Quali? cation Why it is important WorkSkills for It helps me to coiffuretle into my melodic phrase Apprenticeships and the Apprenticeship and to understand important aspects of being active.It helps me to assess my time focus, nurture and personal skills to hold that I success richly complete my framework. It will help me to think creatively, enquire separately and solve problems. I will intuitive faceing at manipulation rights and responsibilities, current utilisation legislation and conditions of service. Ill examine the employment of the trades unions. I will also analyse con? ict situations and learn the steps to take where there is evidence of bullying or discrimination, and ? nd out intimately sources of keep up and advice both in and outside work.I will learn the skills needed to lead a group and the usages and responsibilities of a team loss leader. Types of evidence Completion of tasks and exercises in my Workbook. doing evidence, such as observation record and witness testimonies from my supervisor and other colleagues. Work documents, such as pose, job description, yieldslip, and cultivation about projects that I deem worked on. maestro discussions with my assessor. Competencebased element NVQ It will enable me to provide a service train to informal and external nodes whilst taking into call foration caller-up expectations/standards and the accompany code of conduct.Witness statements from my line manager an other colleagues, Planning tools such as flow charts and work plans, daybook pages, Action plans an d checklists, e-mails memos and letters. Knowledgebased element BTEC It will help me to understand how Completion of tasks in my to place tasks and produce a workbook and Professional skilled standard of work. Enable discussions with my assessor. me to understand the requirements of intrinsic and external customers whilst importanttaining budgetary requirements. Key or Functional Skills.Functional Skills are to get wind that you collect a good take aim of job supporting skills in position maths and ICT. discernment through examination. 4 Original text and illustrations Pearson Education Limited, 2011 BTEC Apprenticeship Assessment Workbook Level 3 Business & Administration WorkSkills Unit 1 1. 3 problem 1b The Apprenticeship agreement is a contract entered into between an employer and an apprentice and the Apprenticeship knowledge provider. When you started your Apprenticeship you would rich person subscribe an Apprenticeship agreement.The main points that must be re gale in this agreement pass been set out in legislation. Describe the purpose of the Apprenticeship agreement. Ensure that you cover all the main aspects of the agreement. 1 Agreeing the program Business Administration Level 3. Setting out the aims of the programme to direct a nationally acknowledge qualification in a coordinate programme of work based training. define the Training Process Initial assessment, person acquirement log, Assessment carried out by qualified training and assessment co-ordinators and standards confirm by internal and external verifiers/moderators. supervise draw near, At any time quest plus a formal review, near file continually kept up to date. Terms and conditions. Types of training including mentors. Agreed employment training tune. Employment contract and ground and conditions in like with the company policies and employment legislation. Health & Safety Company or college? Disciplinary principles and procedures Company or college? As sessment appeals procedure.Preston College will provide me with a competent trainer who is able to offer me the learning, tenet support the relevant work based training, assessment, monitoring and reviews postulate to enable me to befool the level 3 qualification also offer me an iodine(a) work plan and programme which will be clear by the awarding body. I will comply with the terms and conditions set by both my employer and Preston College including attending work and set training sessions with my teacher, whilst working through all the units set in my own time, I will present my portfolio and work assignments for arrest as requested.This agreement is to protect all parties involved, the signing of the learning agreement is to direct that all parties understand what is required of them throughout the duration of the NVQ training surgical process. WorkSkills Unit 1 2. 1, 2. 2, 2. 3 Unit 7 1. 1, 1. 2, 1. 4, 1. 6 PLTS SM 1, 2, 3 Task 1c You will be required to develop an sin gular learning plan (ILP) as part of the induction visit. To be watchful for this, you will need to understand promotion routes that are available to you and be able to set goals for expiration of your framework.It is important to negotiate real targets to be included in your ILP. upright targets are ones that meet the vivid test. SMART targets are Speci? c they say simply what you intend to do Measurable you tail prove you have reached them Achievable they are non beyond your reach practical you will have access to all the resources you will need to deliver the goods them Time-related you have set a deadline for completion. Original text and illustrations Pearson Education Limited, 2011 5.BTEC Apprenticeship Assessment Workbook Level 3 Business & Administration 1 defecate notes on the brilliance of meeting deadlines at work and in learning the importance of being coordinate. Being coordinate is get wind to meeting targets and deadlines, if you are not o rganised things can easily be at sea resulting in deadlines being missed, when carrying out duties that have a deadline if a person is build upd and well organised the actual task will run a corporation smoother resulting in the deadline being more(prenominal) likely to be made if not achieved before the deadline arrives.Organisation within the workplace is key for a healthy raceway business if a workload is organised it is a lot clearer what the objectives of the task are and how far they have been accurate. It is important to have deadlines for tasks to keep businesss running, if no one had a deadline people are more likely to have a more relaxed attitude to completing tasks and workloads thence slowing down the productivity of the business. thusly review your development needs and prepare some notes setting out your skills and learning requirements your learning goals.I have been employed by various companies over a 12 year period in general in administrative rolls bu t each business has had a variety of various administration needs, there have been customer based, reception based, retail based, admin for a single part and admin for several departments within the business, whilst I do find it beneficial to have a extensive knowledge of administration skills most of my abilities are either a basic knowledge or abilities I have developed myself, I would like this course to improve the skills I have already acquired and improve my ability and standard of what I am currently suitable of as well as learning new skills to develop my current profession to a very high standard.My goals are to complete the level 3 to a high standard, consume further knowledge of administration & business skills to broaden my capabilities and to be able to give a weaken work based performance on a day to day basis. 6 Original text and illustrations Pearson Education Limited, 2011 BTEC Apprenticeship Assessment Workbook Level 3 Business & Administration Finally, prod uce targets that you can discuss with your assessor when you meet to ? nalise your individual learning plan.These should be SMART targets, with each having clear deadlines for when they should be achieved. They should relate to learning to be undertaken for the completion of the Apprenticeship framework managing commitments at work and in personal life while on the Apprenticeship contingency planning for learning not being completed on time. 1I plan to complete the NVQ with a 17 month period cock-a-hoop myself a month per section, so I can take my time to fully absorb all reading required to complete my NVQ to a high standard, to achieve this I plan to spend four hours a week of my personal time, 2 hours on research and planning and 2 hours on practical, written and presentation work, I plan to use any other free time I have in my own time to hold sure I am progressing advancing at a timely manor which fits in with my out of work commitments, I also plan to use any spare tim e I may have during working hours to achieve this.As the course must be completed in 24 months I hold that my plan for completion within 17 months gives enough time for any difficulties or unforeseen circumstances I may come across.When you have agreed your plan with your assessor, you should use your targets to check your progress. Remember to ask your assessor on each visit to sign off any targets that you have achieved and completed on time in your individual learning plan (ILP).Do this on every visit. WorkSkills Unit 1 3. 1, 3. 2 Unit 2 3. 1, 3. 2, 3. 3 Task 1d When deciding on feeler routes, you can look at piteous vertically by going up your biography path step by step or you can regard laterally by looking to see what other flights are open to you at the same level. Administrators develop transferable skills and can ? nd jobs in many distinguishable organisations and sectors. You could also go on to further learning in full-time education.Original text and illustra tions Pearson Education Limited, 2011 7 BTEC Apprenticeship Assessment Workbook Level 3 Business & Administration 1 To complete the ? nal section of your individual learning plan, you will need to look at possible progression routes interest successful completion of your Apprenticeship. In conjure of your assessors visit, ? rst research useful sources of development on progression routes.These should cover selective information on further training and education as well as jobs and careers. List the most useful sources of information here. EducationCollege, adult learning Various college websites unaffixed University www. open. Full time Education through college or university Various college and university websites TrainingIn home plate company training Line animal trainer /HR Department Outsourced training such as day / week courses with companies such as Hemsley Fraser or GBS Corporate Training www. hemsleyfraser. co. uk/ & www. gbscorporate. com/.CareerIn put up job shadowing Line Manager /HR Department Applying for in house promotion Applying for a similar role with better progression opportunities www. gov. uk/jobsearch Use these sources to draw the occupational opportunities in administration and related sectors that incidently appeal to you. Compare the progression routes that you could take to access these opportunities.Administration can relate to many sectors of a business, personally I like that my current role involves admin for most of our departments as it offers a day to day variation, it also gives a broad knowledge of skills required for each department as the duties are not all the same, the variation offers the opportunity to undergo many different day / week courses to profit more knowledge of a particular department which could lead to a favored area of the business, you could therefore concentrate on gaining knowledge for that department by job shadowing and taking more extreme courses such as adult learning an d further education to develop the skills to progress to a high level in your chosen area of business.8 Original text and illustrations Pearson Education Limited, 2011 BTEC Apprenticeship Assessment Workbook Level 3 Business & Administration Finally, make a note of your preferred career pathway. You should be prepared to discuss your pickaxe when you meet with your assessor. To help you prepare for this meeting, use the space below to set out the steps required to achieve your career ambitions. 1.I personally would like to touch with my career as I feel full time education is not right for me, I would like to exsert in my current role for the succeeding(prenominal) approximately 2 years to acquire all the skills I feel I would need to progress, I would then like to look at team leader / junior management positions within the power / administration environment looking after a small team as I feel this would be a natural progression route, once specify in a junior management ro le I would like to take a further education course such as NVQ level 4 and also job shadowing to gain the skill required for a higher management position. BTEC Unit 9 1. 1, 1. 2, 1. 3, 1. 4, 1. 5, 1. 6, 2. 1, 2. 2 WorkSkills Unit 4 1. 1, 1. 2, 1. 3, 1. 4, 2. 1, 2. 2, 2. 3, 2. 4, 3. 1, 3. 2, 3. 3, 3. 4.PROFESSIONAL preaching Your assessor will conduct a master copy discussion with you that will assume evidence necessary to prove your level of knowledge and understanding of relevant topics. Some topic areas you will need to consider when preparing for the professional discussion include employment rights the responsibilities of the employer and the employees agreed ways of working in your organisation health, precaution and security system in the business environment.Your assessor will plan the content of your professional discussion and will offer advice to help you to prepare beforehand. The professional discussion may cover more than the topics considered in this section o f your Workbook. Original text and illustrations .Pearson Education Limited, 2011 9 BTEC Apprenticeship Assessment Workbook Level 3 Business & Administration 1 Discussion process The questioning process will offer you the opportunity to show your knowledge and understanding of employment rights and responsibilities and to assess your own performance at work. To prepare for this discussion, you should think about how you could answer the type of questions that might be asked. What is the purpose of a contract of employment? What terms and conditions are included on your own contract? What are the main areas of legislation that affect employees and employers? What are the main employer and employee responsibilities in similarity to equality, diversity and discrimination? Why is it important to ensure that equality and diversity procedures are followed? What are your employers responsibilities for ensuring health, natural rubber and security where you work? What are your health and safety responsibilities? Why must you comply with health, safety and security procedures? Where would you ? nd out about employment rights and responsibilities?What are the main sources of information at work, and what are the useful sources of information outside your organisation? What are the purpose, amour and responsibilities of representative bodies that support employees? What procedures would you follow in the event of a grievance? What personal information must you keep up to date with your employer? What are your agreed ways of working? What information is contained in your pay statement? What are the main areas of general concern relevant to the sector in which your organisation operates? How have these concerns altered public views about the sector? 10 Original text and illustrations Pearson Education Limited, 2011.
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