Sunday, May 24, 2020
Words and Phrases of Love in French
If French is the language of love, what better language is there with which to express your love? Here are some key French words and phrases related to love, friendship, and special occasions. Click on the link to hear the word or phrase pronounced. Love amour Love at first sight le coup de foudre friendship amiti I love you Je taime I love you too Moi aussi, je taime I adore you Je tadore Will you marry me? Veux-tu mpouser? to kiss embrasser to french kiss galocher (learn more) to date sortir avec to fall in love (with) tomber amoureux (de) (not tomber en amour) to get engaged se fiancer (or avec) to get married se marier avec engagement les fianailles marriage le mariage wedding les noces, le mariage wedding anniversary lanniversaire de mariage honeymoon la lune de miel St. Valentines Day (card) (une carte de) la Saint-Valentin present un cadeau flowers des fleurs candy des bonbons clothes des vtements perfume du parfum jewelry des bijoux engagement ring une bague de fianailles wedding ring une alliance husband un mari, un poux wife une femme, une pouse fiance un fianc, une fiance* lover un amant, une amante boyfriend un copain girlfriend une copine friend un ami, une amie* dear, sweetheart chri, chrie* * Same pronunciation for masculine and feminine version. French Terms of Endearment (Termes dAffection) French has all kinds of interesting terms of endearment, including a rather odd assortment of barnyard animals. Check out this list of French terms of endearment to use with your loved ones (both romantic and familial). For the most part, these all mean something along the lines of sweetie, darling, or poppet, so weve provided the literal translations as well as a few notes (in parentheses). My love mon amour My angel mon ange My baby mon bb My beautiful (informal) ma belle My dear mon cher, ma chre My dearie mon chri, ma chrie My cutie mon mignon My Half ma moiti My little guy / girl mon petit / ma petite My doll ma poupe My heart mon cur My little girl (informal, old-fashioned) ma fifille My big guy / girl mon grand / ma grande My Jesus (when talking to a child) mon jsus My treasure mon trsor My (fruit) core (when talking to a child) mon trognon Ma mie literally my female friend, but used to mean my dear/love. This is a somewhat old-fashioned term contracted from mon amie mamie ma mie. Note that mie also refers to the soft part of bread  the opposite of the crust. Affectionate French Terms Related to Animals Learn some playful French word for your loved ones. My doe ma biche My little doe ma bichette My quail (informal) ma caille My duck mon canard My kitten mon chaton My cat (familiar) ma chatte My pig mon cochon My egg mon coco My hen (informal) ma cocotte My rabbit mon lapin My otter ma loutre My wolf mon loup My pussycat (informal) mon mimi My pussycat mon minet / ma minette My kitty mon minou My hen ma poule My chicken mon poulet My pullet (informal) ma poulette My chick (informal) mon poussin My flea (informal) ma puce Love Words Related to Food My cabbage, my pastry (informal) mon chou My favorite, blue-eyed boy/girl, pet* (informal) mon chouchou My dropping (also refers to a small, round goat cheese) ma crotte My barley sugar mon sucre dorge *as in teachers pet  Notes About Modifiers The word petit (little) can be added in front of most of these: mon petit chou, ma petite chatte, etc.The phrase en sucre (made of sugar) can be added to the end of some: mon trà ©sor en sucre, mon cÅ“ur en sucre, etc. Note that the possessive adjectives mon and ma (my) have to agree with the gender of the term of endearmentâ€â€not your own gender nor necessarily that of the person youre talking to/about. Generally speaking, masculine terms of endearment can be used for men and women, while feminine terms of endearment can only be used for women. Perfect Your Pronunciation: How to Say I Love You in French They say that French is the language of love, so youd better know how to say I love you! These step-by-step instructions will teach you how to say I love you in French. Heres How Find the person you love.Say his or her name.Say je taime:j in je is pronounced [zh] like the g in miragee is pronounced like the oo in goodtaime is pronounced [tem] to rhyme with them.Optional: Follow with my darling:To a woman  ma chà ©rie, pronounced [ma shay ree].To a man  mon chà ©ri, pronounced [mo(n) shay ree]. The (n) is nasal.You can also choose a different French term of endearmentOptional: To respond to someone who says I love you, say Moi aussi, je taime (I love you too).moi is pronounced mwa.aussi is pronounced oh see.You can listen to sound files of these terms on my page of French love language What You Need A few minutes of practiceA romantic locationYour beloved(optional) candles, flowers, bonbons, soft music, an engagement ring... English Expressions Using Love The English word love is found in many different expressions. Heres how to translate these phrases into French. love affair (literal) une liaison love affair (figurative) une passion love at first sight le coup de foudre love child un enfant damourun enfant illgitimeun enfant naturel love feast une agapeun banquet love game (tennis) un jeu blanc love handles poignes damour love-hate relationship un rapport amour-haine love-in-a-mist (plant) la nigelle de Damas love-knot les lacs damour love letter une lettre damourun billet-doux love-lies-bleeding (plant) amarante queue-de-renard love life la vie amoureuseses amours love match un mariage damour love nest un nid damourun nid damoureux love of ones life le grand amour love potion un philtre damour love scene une scne damour love seat une causeuse love story une histoire damour love (in tennis) zro, rien love token un gage damour love triangle un triangle amoureux loved ones tres chers lovestruck perdument amoureux brotherly love amour fraternel casual love affair un amour de rencontre courtly love amour courtois declaration of love une dclaration damour first love son premier amour free love amour libre in love (with) amoureux (de) labor of love une tche accomplie pour le plaisir madly in love fou damour my love (term of endearment) mon amour physical love amour physique platonic love amour platonique puppy love amour juvnile true love le grand amour for the love of God pour lamour de Dieu He loves me, he loves me not Il maime un peu, beaucoup, passionnment, la folie, pas du tout Hows your love life? Comment vont tes amours ? Id love to! Avec plaisir !Volontiers ! It cant be had for love nor money. Cest introuvable.On ne peut se le procurer aucun prix. Lucky at cards, unlucky in love Heureux au jeu, malheureux en amour not for love nor moneyI wouldnt do it for love nor money. pour rien au mondeJe ne le ferais pour rien au monde. Someone up there loves me. Cest mon jour de veine. Theres no love lost between them. Entre eux, ce nest pas le grand amour.Ils ne peuvent pas se sentir. to do something for the love of it faire qqchose pour lamour de lart to do something out of love for faire qqchose par lamour pour to do something with loving care faire qqchose avec amour to fall in love (with) tomber amoureux (de) to live on love alone vivre / se nourrir damour et deau frache to love aimer to make love faire lamour
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Questions for a College Representative
Are you wondering how you could start a conversation with a college representative? Here are some tips thatll help you have a productive conversation. This is the perfect opportunity to get answers to your important questions about college. College Fair Topics and Questions Ideas First, its a good idea to write out a list of things that are important to you before you go. You shouldnt feel like you have strange priorities or weird questions. Maybe something off-beat is interesting to you. College representatives hear the same questions all the time, so theyll be glad to hear something new. If you wonder about LGBTQIA life on campus, the potential for racial tension, or if youre worried about spiders in the dorms, go ahead and ask about it. Start with Hello, how are you? or Hi, my name is ... for a relaxed beginning to your conversation.Try not to ask a vague question like Tell me about your college, since the representative will have no idea where to start. That can be frustrating for the college representative and the student because the conversation will have no direction.Be specific with questions by saying things like Tell me about class spirit or Can you give me examples of some campus traditions? instead. Questions phrased in such a way will give you a sense of the atmosphere and give the representative something specific to talk about.Ask for a list of majors that you could take with you. You could look over it later.Ask about the enrollment deadline and the recommendations for taking the SAT. Some colleges will need your scores earlier for admission considerations.Ask if subject scores (like SAT II Math or History) are required or recommended.Feel free to ask if the representative can waive your application fee , but know that this usually works best at private colleges.Ask if there are any scholarship secrets. There are many little-known tricks that differ from college to college, but the conversation doesnt always get around to this in a rushed environment like a college fair.You will want to know the admission requirements, of course. You may also want to ask whether admissions officers make decisions on numbers, or if they consider activities. Some colleges go by scores and grades and follow a formula. Other colleges give greater weight to activities, experience, and interests.Ask if a student leader can contact you to give you a students perspective. If its possible, provide the representative an email address for this.Go ahead and ask about the food. Sometimes there are many choices, and other times there arent. Remember, youll have to live with it for four years.Ask how the food plan works.Find out the safety history of the campus and the surrounding town. Sometimes the campus re sts in an area where theres a high crime rate just outside the area considered the campus. A representative may not mention this. This is also something you should research on your own before you get too attached to the dream. Be safe!Ask how many of the students drop out, transfer away, or how many stay and graduate. College representatives may cringe at this one because student retention is a touchy issue at many colleges. A low retention rate may be a warning sign, though.Ask: Whats the biggest complaint from current students?Is tutoring available?If class size is important, ask about it. Keep in mind, however, that class sizes are less important when good individual tutoring is available.Find out if tutoring is free.Ask for a direct phone number for an admission counselor and a financial aid counselor to avoid getting caught up in an automated phone quagmire at some point. Smaller colleges will be happy to provide this, but larger colleges may not. Its always worth a try though. Find out if the administration listens to student concerns. This is one of the things you might want to ask a student leader.Ask if youll have to pay for parking or if youll have to walk a million miles from a parking lot to your classes.If you are very conservative or very liberal in your thinking, ask about the political and social climate. This is one of the things that could cause a feeling of discomfort or alienation down the road, so its not a silly question.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Penalty And Enforcement Of Capital Punishment - 1850 Words
Con Essay Final Draft #2 Resolutionâ€â€Execution should not be allowed in the United States, especially given the risk of executing innocent people. The moral and ethical debate on the sentencing and enforcement of capital punishment has long baffled the citizens and governing powers of the United States. Throughout time, the interpretation of the U.S. Constitution, and the vast majority beliefs of Americans, have been in a constant state of perplexity. Before the 1960s, the Fifth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution were interpreted as permitting the death penalty. However, in the early 1960s, it was suggested that the death penalty was a cruel and unusual punishment and therefore unconstitutional under the Eighth Amendment. Many argue that capital punishment is an absolute necessity, in order to deter crime, and to ‘make things right’ following a heinous crime of murder. Despite the belief that capital punishment may seem to be the only tangible, permanent solution to ending future capital offenses, the United States should remove this cruel and unnecessary form of punishment from ou r current judicial systems. Those who believe that deterrence justifies the execution of certain offenders bear the burden of proving that the death penalty is a deterrent. The overwhelming conclusion from years of deterrence studies is that the death penalty is, at best, no more of a deterrent than a sentence of life in prison. The Ehrlich studies – which tookShow MoreRelatedCapital Punishment Should Be Illegal1536 Words  | 7 PagesCapital punishment is the planned taking of a legally convicted persons life. Convicted persons are put to death under certain guidelines; such as age, and the crime that was committed. Certain laws such as the â€Å"Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996†(Supreme Court Rulings), â€Å"New Terrorism Crimes and Penalties†(Death Penalty Statutes), and Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act (Death Penalty Laws) ensure that only those who are convicted of either acts of terror, homicides, and other lifeRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Abolished?1226 W ords  | 5 PagesHistorically, the death penalty was created to punish a crime, to prevent it from repeating, and to deter further crimes. The United States’ use of the death penalty can be traced back as early as 1608, when early European settlers executed Captain George Kendall for being a spy from Spain (â€Å"Part I: History of the Death Penalty†, n.d.). As time progressed the amount of money to sustain such a punishment slowly became a burden to States. As 32 States currently have the death penalty, taxpayers and politiciansRead MoreCapital Punishment Should Be Abolished1115 Words  | 5 Pagesresult in jail time, house arrest, and/or having to pay fines. Crimes that are severe can lead to greater punishment, like spending life in prison. The most severe crimes can lead one to an equally severe punishment known as capital punishment. Capital punishment is the authorization to kill someone for the crime he or she has committed. Capital punishment, commonly r eferred to as the death penalty, should be abolished in all states because it can put innocent lives at risk, it costs millions of dollarsRead MoreAll Proven Rapists, Pedophiles and Murderers Should Receive Capital Punishment1036 Words  | 5 PagesWorking Title: â€Å"Capital punishment for all proven rapists, pedophiles, and murderers should be made the order of the day.†In the eighteenth century, death penalty was used as the severe Punishment if a Person disobeyed the laws. Death penalty also known as Capital Punishment is the judicially ordered execution of a prisoner for a serious crime. The court, who administers the law enacted by parliament, will, after conviction of a criminal who has done serious offence, sentence him to be killedRead MoreToughts on the Capital Punishment1646 Words  | 7 PagesCapital Punishment On June 1, 1985 Kathy Wilhoit was murdered. Greg Wilhot was left a single father to care for his four months old and fourteen months old. Nearly a year after Kathy was murdered Greg was accused, arrested and charged with the murder. The evidence to convict Greg of murder was a bite mark on Kathy’s body, that two dental â€Å"experts†matched with Gregs bite. This man was behind bars with two young daughters at home, so his parents decided to hire one of Oklahoma’s â€Å"best†defenseRead More Life Without Parole Essay1228 Words  | 5 Pages Capital Punishment in America nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Capital punishment should be viewed as the stripping away of humanity from a person. The death penalty itself should be quot;executedquot; because of racial inequities, the concept of murder, the possibility of error, lack of deterrence, the cost, and an overwhelmed legal system. quot;The goal of capital punishment is revengequot; (Introduction 1). Capital punishment is simply an outlet for the bloodlust of the American people (IntroductionRead MorePunishing Criminals by Death Will Deter Future Crimes...or Not?1216 Words  | 5 Pagesdeterred by the imposition of death penalty as a tool used by the system of justice. The essay states some of the research that has been conducted with the intention of proving that capital punishment can deter crimes. This paper points out the effects and imposition of capital punishments on criminal activities. The paper finally makes a conclusion on the issue of capital punishment as deterrence. Introduction Many people assume that punishment by death will prevent crime, but if thatRead MoreThe Case Against Death Penalty: Article Analysis1694 Words  | 7 PagesOpposing the Death Penalty: The death penalty is basically enforced following unfair trials and for non-lethal offenses like economic crimes, drug-related crimes, and sexual relations between consenting adults. While there have been ongoing calls to abolish this sentence, capital punishment is still used in some cases on the basis that international law does not prohibit the death penalty. However, its now apparent that many nations across the globe are abolishing capital punishment as evident in theRead MoreCriminal Justice Trends Evaluation1530 Words  | 7 Pageslaw enforcement officers to enforce the laws. Therefore, many people believed it necessary to take the law into his or her own hands. An example of vigilante justice in the 1800s was the lynching of Henry Smith. This is a sad example of how people were treated; in 1893 Henry Smith was tortured and burned alive in front of a crowd of 10,000 people. People were executed for crimes not committed and trials were not an option (Keene, 2012). In the 18th century B.C.E. the first know death penalty wasRead MoreAmerica Needs a Tougher Death Penalty Essay1049 Words  | 5 PagesAmerica Needs a Tougher Death Penalty  Pain. Anger. Frustration. Hatred. These feeble words do not describe the anguish felt by the families of murder victims. Ted Bundy was responsible for the deaths of more than 50 young women across the United States.(Lamar 34) Bundy was finally sentenced to death by the state of Florida in 1978 for the kidnapping and brutal murder of a 12 year old girl and the deaths of 2 Florida State sorority sisters.(Lamar 34) As if the loss of a loved one is not enough
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Negative Feedback Is Often Seen Criticism †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Negative Feedback Is Often Seen Criticism? Answer: Introducation Feedback is of two kinds such as negative and positive. Positive feedbacks indicate that work is being appreciated whereas on the other hand, negative feedbacks indicate that work is being criticised. Criticism may be right or wrong that depends mainly on those who criticise and their level of understanding. However, it is not necessary that criticism is always true as already mentioned it depends on the critique and his or her understanding of the matter. Negative feedbacks hamper might hamper the work to some extent. It might also encourage people to act more precisely (Thurlings et al. 2013). It has become a topic of discussion for a fact that it encourages few whereas on the other hand, it discourages more others. The main purpose of this assignment is present an argumentative discussion on the essay topic with the help of few established resources such as peer reviewed journals. According to Sheldon, Dunning and Ames (2014), negative feedbacks on job related performance in specific could prove to be highly harmful. They have viewed negative feedbacks as a severe thing, which has potentials in it to hamper the motivational level of employees. Employees according to the authors take negative feedbacks on their personal capabilities as an employee. Some start doubting on their personal capabilities whereas some ignore this and become more careless towards their responsibilities as employees. This is indeed very unhealthy for both the employees and the management. Employees under such situation grow with a feeling that they would not get success in anywhere else in this world. Employers on the other hand experience the loss of manpower and finance. Recruitment attracts a healthy investment on its various phases such as the training program. A loss of few employees means that company has invested a good amount of sum for no productivity. However, various other authors have proved that negative feedbacks sometimes yield positive results. In such context, Wiliam (2012) opined that negative feedbacks sometimes yield positive results. Wiliam has supported this view because according to him, negative feedbacks can also encourage for an additional spirited works. The author has also mentioned that some employees have their tendency to ignore negative feedbacks. However, in significant cases, there are employees who put extra efforts on their works to prove the feedbacks wrong with their productivity. The author has also accepted that negative feedbacks sometimes discourage the employees as well as they tend to lose their firmness after that and think of discontinuing with the existing job. They start realising that the job is not made for them. However, the author has emphasised on the benefits of negative feedbacks by saying that it helps to enhance the efficiency level in employees. Some authors have even crossed the next level by saying that negative feedbacks are an essential part of learning program. In the opinion of Hall, Hanna and Quinn (2012), feedbacks are an essential and crucial part of a learning program. According to the authors, it helps in developing various new learnings, which is very important for a student at some institutional place or for an employee at some workplace. According to the authors, negative feedbacks are a good resource to understand the progress of the work, which is indeed very necessary to understand the remaining stuffs required for the completion of a project. They have actually supported the existence of negative feedbacks, which is up against the beliefs of essay topic. Moreover, the essay topic suggests that negative feedbacks are often understood as a criticism, which finds less favouring from limited numbers of people. On contrary, the authors have supported the negative feedbacks and viewed this as a necessary element, which keeps on informing the required stuffs to be done. In the views of Wells and McLoughlin (2014), feedback in specific, the negative feedbacks are a good resource to progress and development in academic learning. According to the authors, negative feedbacks are perhaps the essential requirements, which ensure a successful completion of a learning program in academics. They have further argued the chosen research topic by stating that negative feedbacks actually develop a learning paradigm, which immensely help the learners. Moreover, feedbacks help the learners to improve on their mistakes, which is very necessary for generating a store of knowledge. Feedback would also help the learners eliminate their few bad points, which might hamper their tenure with some reputed companies such as cultural awareness. The authors have moved one step further to support the trend of negative feedbacks by saying that tutors at the study place should take out some time for feedback sessions. This according to the authors is immensely effective in devel oping the learners in graduate professionals. Pfeffer, Zorbach and Carley (2014) on the other hand have supported the fact that negative feedbacks are often considered as criticism, which people try to ignore only. The authors have supported their views by showing the impact of social media platforms, which it does in hampering the brand image of any company. According to the authors, social media platforms have become a common place where many such people who do not even have adequate knowledge in business or any other thing; they tend to pass comments in the review section. Negative comments are often believed as criticism if it is from an educate customer group or from a market expert. Interestingly, many people are there who does not take criticism seriously. According to them, they have all the rights to do everything their way and on the other hand, critics have all the rights to say anything, which may or may not be relevant. It is widely understood from some of the authorial context that negative criticism has become a topic of discussion, which is growing in its popularity in the contemporary world. Critics believe that they have every right to judge anything based on their judgmental parameters. On the other hand, people have every right to do what they want to do. Moreover, negative feedbacks are viewed as beneficial in some cases while in some cases it is understood as a loss or meaningless. References Hall, M., Hanna, L.A. and Quinn, S., 2012. Pharmacy students views of faculty feedback on academic performance.American journal of pharmaceutical education,76(1), p.5. Pfeffer, J., Zorbach, T. and Carley, K.M., 2014. Understanding online firestorms: Negative word-of-mouth dynamics in social media networks.Journal of Marketing Communications,20(1-2), pp.117-128. Sheldon, O.J., Dunning, D. and Ames, D.R., 2014. Emotionally unskilled, unaware, and uninterested in learning more: Reactions to feedback about deficits in emotional intelligence. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99(1), p.125. Thurlings, M., Vermeulen, M., Bastiaens, T. and Stijnen, S., 2013. Understanding feedback: A learning theory perspective.Educational Research Review,9, pp.1-15. Wells, L. and McLoughlin, M., 2014. Fitness to practice and feedback to students: A literature review.Nurse education in practice,14(2), pp.137-141. Wiliam, D., 2012. Feedback: Part of a system.Educational Leadership,70(1), pp.30-34.
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