Sunday, May 24, 2020
Words and Phrases of Love in French
If French is the language of love, what better language is there with which to express your love? Here are some key French words and phrases related to love, friendship, and special occasions. Click on the link to hear the word or phrase pronounced. Love amour Love at first sight le coup de foudre friendship amiti I love you Je taime I love you too Moi aussi, je taime I adore you Je tadore Will you marry me? Veux-tu mpouser? to kiss embrasser to french kiss galocher (learn more) to date sortir avec to fall in love (with) tomber amoureux (de) (not tomber en amour) to get engaged se fiancer (or avec) to get married se marier avec engagement les fianailles marriage le mariage wedding les noces, le mariage wedding anniversary lanniversaire de mariage honeymoon la lune de miel St. Valentines Day (card) (une carte de) la Saint-Valentin present un cadeau flowers des fleurs candy des bonbons clothes des vtements perfume du parfum jewelry des bijoux engagement ring une bague de fianailles wedding ring une alliance husband un mari, un poux wife une femme, une pouse fiance un fianc, une fiance* lover un amant, une amante boyfriend un copain girlfriend une copine friend un ami, une amie* dear, sweetheart chri, chrie* * Same pronunciation for masculine and feminine version. French Terms of Endearment (Termes dAffection) French has all kinds of interesting terms of endearment, including a rather odd assortment of barnyard animals. Check out this list of French terms of endearment to use with your loved ones (both romantic and familial). For the most part, these all mean something along the lines of sweetie, darling, or poppet, so weve provided the literal translations as well as a few notes (in parentheses). My love mon amour My angel mon ange My baby mon bb My beautiful (informal) ma belle My dear mon cher, ma chre My dearie mon chri, ma chrie My cutie mon mignon My Half ma moiti My little guy / girl mon petit / ma petite My doll ma poupe My heart mon cur My little girl (informal, old-fashioned) ma fifille My big guy / girl mon grand / ma grande My Jesus (when talking to a child) mon jsus My treasure mon trsor My (fruit) core (when talking to a child) mon trognon Ma mie literally my female friend, but used to mean my dear/love. This is a somewhat old-fashioned term contracted from mon amie mamie ma mie. Note that mie also refers to the soft part of bread  the opposite of the crust. Affectionate French Terms Related to Animals Learn some playful French word for your loved ones. My doe ma biche My little doe ma bichette My quail (informal) ma caille My duck mon canard My kitten mon chaton My cat (familiar) ma chatte My pig mon cochon My egg mon coco My hen (informal) ma cocotte My rabbit mon lapin My otter ma loutre My wolf mon loup My pussycat (informal) mon mimi My pussycat mon minet / ma minette My kitty mon minou My hen ma poule My chicken mon poulet My pullet (informal) ma poulette My chick (informal) mon poussin My flea (informal) ma puce Love Words Related to Food My cabbage, my pastry (informal) mon chou My favorite, blue-eyed boy/girl, pet* (informal) mon chouchou My dropping (also refers to a small, round goat cheese) ma crotte My barley sugar mon sucre dorge *as in teachers pet  Notes About Modifiers The word petit (little) can be added in front of most of these: mon petit chou, ma petite chatte, etc.The phrase en sucre (made of sugar) can be added to the end of some: mon trà ©sor en sucre, mon cÅ“ur en sucre, etc. Note that the possessive adjectives mon and ma (my) have to agree with the gender of the term of endearmentâ€â€not your own gender nor necessarily that of the person youre talking to/about. Generally speaking, masculine terms of endearment can be used for men and women, while feminine terms of endearment can only be used for women. Perfect Your Pronunciation: How to Say I Love You in French They say that French is the language of love, so youd better know how to say I love you! These step-by-step instructions will teach you how to say I love you in French. Heres How Find the person you love.Say his or her name.Say je taime:j in je is pronounced [zh] like the g in miragee is pronounced like the oo in goodtaime is pronounced [tem] to rhyme with them.Optional: Follow with my darling:To a woman  ma chà ©rie, pronounced [ma shay ree].To a man  mon chà ©ri, pronounced [mo(n) shay ree]. The (n) is nasal.You can also choose a different French term of endearmentOptional: To respond to someone who says I love you, say Moi aussi, je taime (I love you too).moi is pronounced mwa.aussi is pronounced oh see.You can listen to sound files of these terms on my page of French love language What You Need A few minutes of practiceA romantic locationYour beloved(optional) candles, flowers, bonbons, soft music, an engagement ring... English Expressions Using Love The English word love is found in many different expressions. Heres how to translate these phrases into French. love affair (literal) une liaison love affair (figurative) une passion love at first sight le coup de foudre love child un enfant damourun enfant illgitimeun enfant naturel love feast une agapeun banquet love game (tennis) un jeu blanc love handles poignes damour love-hate relationship un rapport amour-haine love-in-a-mist (plant) la nigelle de Damas love-knot les lacs damour love letter une lettre damourun billet-doux love-lies-bleeding (plant) amarante queue-de-renard love life la vie amoureuseses amours love match un mariage damour love nest un nid damourun nid damoureux love of ones life le grand amour love potion un philtre damour love scene une scne damour love seat une causeuse love story une histoire damour love (in tennis) zro, rien love token un gage damour love triangle un triangle amoureux loved ones tres chers lovestruck perdument amoureux brotherly love amour fraternel casual love affair un amour de rencontre courtly love amour courtois declaration of love une dclaration damour first love son premier amour free love amour libre in love (with) amoureux (de) labor of love une tche accomplie pour le plaisir madly in love fou damour my love (term of endearment) mon amour physical love amour physique platonic love amour platonique puppy love amour juvnile true love le grand amour for the love of God pour lamour de Dieu He loves me, he loves me not Il maime un peu, beaucoup, passionnment, la folie, pas du tout Hows your love life? Comment vont tes amours ? Id love to! Avec plaisir !Volontiers ! It cant be had for love nor money. Cest introuvable.On ne peut se le procurer aucun prix. Lucky at cards, unlucky in love Heureux au jeu, malheureux en amour not for love nor moneyI wouldnt do it for love nor money. pour rien au mondeJe ne le ferais pour rien au monde. Someone up there loves me. Cest mon jour de veine. Theres no love lost between them. Entre eux, ce nest pas le grand amour.Ils ne peuvent pas se sentir. to do something for the love of it faire qqchose pour lamour de lart to do something out of love for faire qqchose par lamour pour to do something with loving care faire qqchose avec amour to fall in love (with) tomber amoureux (de) to live on love alone vivre / se nourrir damour et deau frache to love aimer to make love faire lamour
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