Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Negative Feedback Is Often Seen Criticism †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Negative Feedback Is Often Seen Criticism? Answer: Introducation Feedback is of two kinds such as negative and positive. Positive feedbacks indicate that work is being appreciated whereas on the other hand, negative feedbacks indicate that work is being criticised. Criticism may be right or wrong that depends mainly on those who criticise and their level of understanding. However, it is not necessary that criticism is always true as already mentioned it depends on the critique and his or her understanding of the matter. Negative feedbacks hamper might hamper the work to some extent. It might also encourage people to act more precisely (Thurlings et al. 2013). It has become a topic of discussion for a fact that it encourages few whereas on the other hand, it discourages more others. The main purpose of this assignment is present an argumentative discussion on the essay topic with the help of few established resources such as peer reviewed journals. According to Sheldon, Dunning and Ames (2014), negative feedbacks on job related performance in specific could prove to be highly harmful. They have viewed negative feedbacks as a severe thing, which has potentials in it to hamper the motivational level of employees. Employees according to the authors take negative feedbacks on their personal capabilities as an employee. Some start doubting on their personal capabilities whereas some ignore this and become more careless towards their responsibilities as employees. This is indeed very unhealthy for both the employees and the management. Employees under such situation grow with a feeling that they would not get success in anywhere else in this world. Employers on the other hand experience the loss of manpower and finance. Recruitment attracts a healthy investment on its various phases such as the training program. A loss of few employees means that company has invested a good amount of sum for no productivity. However, various other authors have proved that negative feedbacks sometimes yield positive results. In such context, Wiliam (2012) opined that negative feedbacks sometimes yield positive results. Wiliam has supported this view because according to him, negative feedbacks can also encourage for an additional spirited works. The author has also mentioned that some employees have their tendency to ignore negative feedbacks. However, in significant cases, there are employees who put extra efforts on their works to prove the feedbacks wrong with their productivity. The author has also accepted that negative feedbacks sometimes discourage the employees as well as they tend to lose their firmness after that and think of discontinuing with the existing job. They start realising that the job is not made for them. However, the author has emphasised on the benefits of negative feedbacks by saying that it helps to enhance the efficiency level in employees. Some authors have even crossed the next level by saying that negative feedbacks are an essential part of learning program. In the opinion of Hall, Hanna and Quinn (2012), feedbacks are an essential and crucial part of a learning program. According to the authors, it helps in developing various new learnings, which is very important for a student at some institutional place or for an employee at some workplace. According to the authors, negative feedbacks are a good resource to understand the progress of the work, which is indeed very necessary to understand the remaining stuffs required for the completion of a project. They have actually supported the existence of negative feedbacks, which is up against the beliefs of essay topic. Moreover, the essay topic suggests that negative feedbacks are often understood as a criticism, which finds less favouring from limited numbers of people. On contrary, the authors have supported the negative feedbacks and viewed this as a necessary element, which keeps on informing the required stuffs to be done. In the views of Wells and McLoughlin (2014), feedback in specific, the negative feedbacks are a good resource to progress and development in academic learning. According to the authors, negative feedbacks are perhaps the essential requirements, which ensure a successful completion of a learning program in academics. They have further argued the chosen research topic by stating that negative feedbacks actually develop a learning paradigm, which immensely help the learners. Moreover, feedbacks help the learners to improve on their mistakes, which is very necessary for generating a store of knowledge. Feedback would also help the learners eliminate their few bad points, which might hamper their tenure with some reputed companies such as cultural awareness. The authors have moved one step further to support the trend of negative feedbacks by saying that tutors at the study place should take out some time for feedback sessions. This according to the authors is immensely effective in devel oping the learners in graduate professionals. Pfeffer, Zorbach and Carley (2014) on the other hand have supported the fact that negative feedbacks are often considered as criticism, which people try to ignore only. The authors have supported their views by showing the impact of social media platforms, which it does in hampering the brand image of any company. According to the authors, social media platforms have become a common place where many such people who do not even have adequate knowledge in business or any other thing; they tend to pass comments in the review section. Negative comments are often believed as criticism if it is from an educate customer group or from a market expert. Interestingly, many people are there who does not take criticism seriously. According to them, they have all the rights to do everything their way and on the other hand, critics have all the rights to say anything, which may or may not be relevant. It is widely understood from some of the authorial context that negative criticism has become a topic of discussion, which is growing in its popularity in the contemporary world. Critics believe that they have every right to judge anything based on their judgmental parameters. On the other hand, people have every right to do what they want to do. Moreover, negative feedbacks are viewed as beneficial in some cases while in some cases it is understood as a loss or meaningless. References Hall, M., Hanna, L.A. and Quinn, S., 2012. Pharmacy students views of faculty feedback on academic performance.American journal of pharmaceutical education,76(1), p.5. Pfeffer, J., Zorbach, T. and Carley, K.M., 2014. Understanding online firestorms: Negative word-of-mouth dynamics in social media networks.Journal of Marketing Communications,20(1-2), pp.117-128. Sheldon, O.J., Dunning, D. and Ames, D.R., 2014. Emotionally unskilled, unaware, and uninterested in learning more: Reactions to feedback about deficits in emotional intelligence. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99(1), p.125. Thurlings, M., Vermeulen, M., Bastiaens, T. and Stijnen, S., 2013. Understanding feedback: A learning theory perspective.Educational Research Review,9, pp.1-15. Wells, L. and McLoughlin, M., 2014. Fitness to practice and feedback to students: A literature review.Nurse education in practice,14(2), pp.137-141. Wiliam, D., 2012. Feedback: Part of a system.Educational Leadership,70(1), pp.30-34.
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